"There's only one Portrait of Maids like that, how are you guys going to compete?" At this moment, someone asked.

That's right, that was also a problem, Portrait of Maids only had this one set, and needed two people to perfect it, moreover, there was a need to distinguish the high and low, could it be that they needed to be split into two, one for each of them, that was not possible, because by doing it, not only did it not have a perfect effect, it had even made the Portrait of Maids worse.

You want Xu Xin to compose another one? That was also impossible. Even if it was a failure, it was hard to say if it was two identical failures. If it was just one, then the two of them had a different starting point, so it was impossible to compare the paintings they made.

Moreover, this ink painting was unlike any other artistic sketch. It could be wiped away, but once it was written down, it would be fixed!

The man's question caused Tang Bohu and Ye Chao to be stunned, both of them had never thought of this question, but now that someone had brought it up, they thought that it was a mistake. Could it be that all this talk had gone down the drain?

After a while, no one made any objections.

"How about, I give you guys a little suggestion!" At this moment, a voice sounded. Yang Tianyu walked over, Danqing Painting Hall was a rarely seen scene, as a general manager, of course he had to come and see what was going on.

At this point, Yang Tianyu had already walked over to Yang Yuexin's side, holding onto a cup of water. It looked like he had made quite a few calls! Yang Yuexin did not know that she was betrayed by this big brother!

Seeing him take out a cup, a wave of doubt arose in his heart. Could this be a cup given by Miss Yun, to be held in such a manner in public?

In fact, how could Yang Yuexin know that her own brother had been "working hard"? After making dozens of calls, she actually received dozens of calls, all from Third Aunt, Sixth Aunt, Seventh Uncle and Eighth Aunt, to confirm this shocking news.

Yang Tianyu desperately tried to send them off, but he had already said all his saliva, and the water in the office was gone. He could only pour some water for himself, and that was the situation he was in.

"Big brother, what suggestions do you have?" Although Yang Yuexin had sacrificed herself for the competition, she did not want to see the competition to end, so she spoke out.

"Eh, this is actually very simple." Yang Tianyu said, "The two of you split up. After the first one perfects this Portrait of Maids to the best extent possible for himself, let the second one continue. If the second one fails to perfect the Portrait of Maids better, then it would be considered a loss!"

"In that case, wouldn't the second person be at a disadvantage?" Yang Yuexin said, "If the first one can be perfected to the same degree as the first one, then he can't continue to perfect, then, it would be unfair to him."

"No," Xu Wei heard Yang Yuexin's drawing, and said: "This old man thinks that this method is feasible, everyone's drawing style is different, so, writing, drawing and other basic skills will also be different."

"If the second person fails to perfect the painting of the first person, it will definitely not be a painting that is on par with him, but a level lower. Therefore, this method can be used to determine the victor!"

Since the competition had started, everyone was also looking forward to it. Although a majority of the audience was waiting for Tang Bohu to make a fool of himself, Yang Yuexin was still looking forward to it.

"Brother, should I first draw with you?" Ye Chao looked at Portrait of Maids, and then turned and said to Tang Bohu.

Although this method could determine victory or defeat, in the end, it was better to be the first to perfect the work. After all, he had first perfected the Portrait of Maids and first disturbed the opponent's mind, and also, if there was a painting with a similar skill level between the two of them, it would be difficult for him to find the second one after the first one was completed.

Tang Bohu laughed, but this time he was more generous, and said, "The three prizes from earlier were all brought up by me, and have already gained a huge advantage. I am too embarrassed to take the first place in painting, furthermore, it is my honor to be able to experience Brother Weeds's glory in painting!"

At this time, Tang Bohu was flattering Ye Chao like a little person, and the smile on his face became even wider.

"Alright, then I won't be polite!"

Ye Chao took a step forward, and stopped one meter away from the Portrait of Maids. At this moment, his expression was extremely focused, and the smile on his face slowly disappeared, his eyes tightly staring at the Portrait of Maids, his mind constantly thinking about the areas that needed improvement, and the scenes that should appear after perfection.

It had to be said that Ye Chao's serious and serious expression made one thing clear. He indeed had an extremely high talent in painting.

After around ten minutes, Ye Chao was still deep in thought. Everyone present held their breaths, afraid that a light movement would disturb Ye Chao's train of thought and affect his emotions throughout the entire painting.

At this moment, only Tang Bohu twitched his mouth in disdain. His eyes suddenly lit up, and immediately walked to the side, taking two steps forward. He lightly moved the broom in his hand, and with great tacit coordination, he swept a fist-sized ball of paper into it. Why do people nowadays like to throw trash around! "

Tang Bohu shook his head. He actually ignored Ye Chao who was deep in thought, and instead looked around to see if there were any other pieces of trash. It seems like in his heart, Ye Chao was not as important as this trash!

Just then, Ye Chao suddenly moved!

Taking another step forward, he picked up a brush that was as thick as a thumb and was filled with thick ink. Looking at the Portrait of Maids, he rolled up his sleeves in an extremely casual manner, while slowly moving the brush in his right hand towards the Portrait of Maids.

The corner of his mouth curled up slightly. At this time, Ye Chao already had a plan! The brush moved very nimbly, drawing one line after another, appearing before everyone's eyes.

Even Ye Chao did not expect himself to be able to perform so well today, as if his inspiration was never-ending, allowing him to spray the ink to his heart's content. Ye Chao enjoyed his current state very much.

Originally, he did not have much confidence in perfecting the Portrait of Maids. However, under this state, Ye Chao was confident that in the entire Danqing Painting Hall, other than Xu Wei, no one else could perfect the painting in his hands better!

Even Xu Wei could not complete it better than this on the spot!

Victory was in sight, Ye Chao's face once again revealed a smile, with a flick of his wrist, the last stroke was formed. He immediately placed the brush to the side, took two steps back, and looked again at the Portrait of Maids, his eyes revealing a satisfied smile.

"Good!" "Alright!" At this time, the surrounding people gave a warm round of applause. Other than a lot of people who were originally Ye Chao's people, there was also a portion of people who were convinced by his painting skills!

What made Ye Chao even happier was that he saw a trace of surprise in Yang Yuexin's eyes.

Compared to the others, Xu Xin was exceptionally worried. No one knew the flaws of her own painting better than her, but after going through Ye Chao's modifications, she actually discovered that the flaws she thought of earlier had actually been perfected by Ye Chao!

Although her creation skills could not compare to Ye Chao, she still had a good eye for painting. In her opinion, other than some of the more professional seniors, it was extremely difficult for others to perfect this painting on Ye Chao's level.

Xu Xin was extremely worried for Tang Bohu, and she had even made up her mind. She would pay for the thousand yuan Tang Bohu had lost! No matter what was said, this matter was caused by her painting. Xu Xin himself felt very bad.

"The strokes are nimble and the line outline is very comfortable. The shadows and the ink thickness are pretty good at handling them too!"

At this time, Xu Wei walked closer to the Portrait of Maids and looked. He gave a comment at the same time, "Good, it is indeed perfect!" Xu Wei smiled slightly, "Ye Chao, with your age, for you to have such a foundation, your achievements in the future will definitely be extraordinary!"

Ye Chao looked like he was being praised to the heavens, as a proud expression covered his face.

"However, in the charm of a character, I still haven't dealt with it well enough!"

First, I'll give you a piece of candy, then I'll give you a stick, and let you continue to work hard. This is the most traditional method used by the older generation. Xu Wei muttered to himself for a moment, then continued, This Portrait of Maids, reflects the life of the women of the Feudal era, and also reflects the characteristics of the times.

Xu Wei paused for a moment, then immediately continued, "In Xu Xin's original work, the goddess-like charm of a official female had never been grasped properly, and after going through Ye Chao's improvements, although it became a lot better, it was still difficult to feel that kind of floating, unworldly image of an ice fairy. This is the biggest flaw of this painting!"

Xu Wei sighed: "However, this sounds simple, but to reach that level, is really too difficult! Therefore, Ye Chao's work, overall, can still be said to be able to give a very high evaluation. If we were to use 100 points as the standard, it would be more than 85%! "

Xu Wei's words made everyone feel that this was worth it. Not only could they see a one-sided match, they could also hear Old Mr. Xu's comments. Old Mr. Xu was one of the members of the provincial association.

However, Xu Xin's heart, had already sunk to the bottom. From her point of view, Tang Bohu did not have any chance to make a comeback. At this moment, Yang Yuexin also felt an inexplicable sense of panic in her heart. How could this be? Let's deal with this scoundrel. Who told him to provoke this lady?

But why did my heart suddenly feel so flustered? Mm, it must be the mentality of this young lady because she hates eating with Ye Chao! Yang Yuexin helped him find the reason.

"Brother, it's your turn!" Ye Chao looked at Tang Bohu who was stunned at the side, and revealed a smile, and said indifferently.

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