At this time, Tang Bohu had already finished sweeping the trash, and was standing at the side with his head lowered, napping. In Ye Chao's eyes, Tang Bohu was so frightened that he did not move, and so he opened his mouth to remind Tang Bohu.

To be honest, Tang Bohu did not have any interest in comparing with Ye Chao. With his background as a genius, he naturally felt disdain towards Ye Chao's painting. In the eyes of others, it was perfect.

In the Ming Dynasty, Tang Bohu dared to call his calligraphy and painting the best, especially in this modern society where things were rampant. For example, how many people were still painstakingly training their calligraphy and painting, compared to the strong wind of the Ming Dynasty, it could only be called an occasional cool breeze.

So, he had sufficient reasons to despise Ye Chao's painting! However, Tang Bohu was still very kind. There was not a single trace of contempt to be seen on his face. It was still as he had said, his acting skills are truly powerful!

All the gazes that were waiting for Tang Bohu to make a fool of himself were gathered on Tang Bohu. However, Grand Scholar Tang did not feel awkward at all, with a bland smile on his face, he picked up the broom and walked in the direction of the Portrait of Maids.

Of course, he gave up on shoveling the trash. After all, no matter what, he had to give up on the chance to use his pen!

Coincidentally, Grand Scholar Tang also stopped about a meter away from the Portrait of Maids. He looked at the Portrait of Maids closely, and suddenly, his eyes lit up!

Could it be that he can improve it even more? Although Ye Chao said that he did not place Tang Bohu in his eyes, in his heart, he was afraid that such an accident would happen, so when Tang Bohu's eyes lit up, Ye Chao's heart immediately rose to his throat.

"Wahaha!" Tang Bohu started to laugh crazily, but Ye Chao started to become even more nervous. "Haha …" Tang Bohu continued to laugh, and was about to roll around while hugging his stomach.

It's over! It's all over!

Could the cleaner be hiding something? Now, not only Ye Chao, even the surrounding people started to have doubts. The thought that Tang Bohu would definitely lose suddenly appeared in their minds, and seeing how confident he was in his victory, could it be that he was really going to make an earth-shattering reversal?

Everyone wiped their eyes, waiting to see!

Furthermore, other than the people following Ye Chao, everyone else secretly hoped that the cleaner would win the competition. This was because Ye Chao was a proud person, and as arrogant as a peacock who spread his tail, it was very rare to see a person like him! Now that the cleaners were smiling so brilliantly, people's hearts were lifted at this moment.

Yang Yuexin didn't know that her hands were already sweating, as though she was in the middle of a competition. Looking at the smelly rogue who was laughing so crazily that she looked like she needed a beating, Yang Yuexin secretly snorted at him, but in her heart, she actually felt relieved.

But Tang Bohu's next action made everyone feel an urge to strangle him to death!

"Haha" Tang Bohu continued to laugh, "Brother Weeds, why do I have to look up and down? Even though it did add something, I still feel that it's the same as the painting before. It's all so beautiful! "Hehe."

Just as the saying goes an outsider would watch the show while an outsider would watch the flow, Tang Bohu was actually a outsider would look like a living outsider!

"Plop!" Half of the surrounding people had fallen, but Tang Bohu seemed to have turned a blind eye, and continued, "Brother Weeds, it looks like you're asking me to! Ha ha, I just fill in a sun on top, or add a chicken, a few more pictures, can you win? "Haha!" Tang Bohu laughed loudly.

F * * k! Do you think it's more than that? He won with just one more thing! As expected, he was even more unorthodox than an amateur! Ye Chao's expression instantly recovered its unrestrained look, and the smile on his face continued to fade. Just from the words that Tang Bohu said, he was already far from being afraid, and was already completely at ease!

"Tang Feng! Do you even know how to draw? " Yang Yuexin now fully displayed the vicious spirit of a mother as she roared at Tang Bohu while gnashing her teeth. It seemed that she was quite angry! Sin, sin, there was no other way, Tang Bohu really knew how to act!

"Miss, how can you belittle me like this?"

Tang Bohu looked at Yang Yuexin innocently, "Of course I can draw, and I even received honor!"

Speaking till here, the corner of Tang Bohu's mouth raised high, looking extremely pleased with himself. It seemed like this honor had already been deeply engraved in his heart! He couldn't help but feel proud of it.

Yang Yuexin cleverly shut her mouth. She vaguely felt that Tang Bohu was talking nonsense again, and she didn't trust this damn hooligan, but just because she didn't ask him, didn't mean that others wouldn't be curious.

"What honor?" At this time, Yang Tianyu, who was standing beside Yang Yuexin, gulped down a mouthful of saliva, and after she gulped it down, she asked Tang Bohu a question.

"This honor has been in my heart for many years! However, I have never forgotten about him. Furthermore, I have never told anyone about him. "

Tang Bohu's expression was extremely sacred as he said in a serious tone, "Today, since you asked, Boss Yang, I will reveal my honor and share it with everyone. At the same time, I hope that everyone will keep quiet, because you will know in the future that I am actually a very low-key person!"

Tang Bohu laughed bashfully, his face almost blushing red.

"Speak!" Yang Yuexin could not hold back her anger anymore. This damned scoundrel, she had to lie for so long just to say something, she was deliberately asking for a beating!

"Good!" "Then I'll say it!"

Tang Bohu took a deep breath, and his eyes became deep, "I remember, that was twelve years ago. I was just six years old! In a kindergarten painting competition, I passed the five tests, killed six generals, fought with all my might, the process was extremely arduous, and finally, I won the greatest honor of my life by relying on a "The Chicken Eating the Rice" book that I spent all my life working hard to condense and barely surmount the "Frog Painting" written by my powerful opponent at that time! won the ninth kindergarten children's painting competition champion! "

Speaking of the champion, a glimmer appeared in Tang Bohu's eyes, and he continued to immerse himself in the beautiful "memories", "Not only that, I've even received the honorary title of" best child "!"

"I still remember the referee's comment: Little friend, your little chicken was painted like a chicken. His frog was painted like a cat, so you won!"

"At that moment of Wahaha, there's no need to mention how happy I was! And, to this day, the "Chicken Eating Rice Map" still hangs by my bedside, whipping me at all times. I must work hard and get more of these honors, then I will have no regrets in life! "

"If there's a chance, I want to bring my《 Chicken Eating Rice Painting》 over to Painting Hall and hang it in the most conspicuous place, because I want everyone to be like me, watching《 Chicken Eating Rice Painting》, producing an incomparable creative motivation, and producing even more beautiful paintings!"

"< < The Chicken Eating the Rice Painting > > is my masterpiece!" Tang Bohu continued to be intoxicated, and immediately noticed that something was amiss with Yang Tianyu, "Boss Yang, are you alright? Why are you foaming at the mouth? "

There was no need to mention the astonishment in Yang Tianyu's heart, he could not help but slap his own mouth. Why did he mention this to him?

If he really brought the masterpiece, which was at its peak, to Danqing Painting Hall, then would there still be people willing to buy paintings in this company? Oh my god! A work at the age of six was actually subversive!

Moreover, they had won because their drawing looked like a chicken. Everyone shuddered at the same time, and their gazes towards Tang Bohu had changed a little.

"I'm fine!" "I'm fine!" Yang Tianyu immediately waved his hand, "I drank too much water, there's a bit of an adverse reaction!"

"Tang Feng! Are you still going to draw? " Yang Yuexin was still more clear-headed. Maybe because she had suffered too much from Tang Bohu's poison, she had gradually gained immunity to it. At this moment, when everyone was shocked by Tang Bohu's《 Eating Rice Chicken Diagram》, Yang Yuexin shouted.

Tang Bohu glanced at Yang Yuexin. Pear Blossom Beauty's immunity is not bad ah!

Then, she giggled. "Pear Blossom, you wouldn't be in a hurry to go eat with me, right?" Tang Bohu's skin was not as thick as it should be. In front of so many people, teasing Yang Yuexin was as easy as waving her hand around without the slightest hesitation. Just this point alone made many people present admire him!

Yang Yuexin had discovered a principle. Never try to speak to the damn hooligan face to face, or else you will die from anger! Yang Yuexin rolled her eyes and ignored Tang Bohu.

"This Tang Feng right?" At this time, it was still Xu Wei who spoke, "If there is nothing else, please begin!"

Since Mr. Xu had already spoken, Tang Bohu naturally did not play around. After all, respecting the traditional virtue of an elder's love for his child, Tang Bohu still had a problem with that. He immediately calmed himself down and his gaze once again drifted towards the《 Portrait of Maids》.

However, at this time, no one held any hope for Tang Bohu, and all of them curled their lips towards him, wanting to see how this kindergarten champion will improve this Portrait of Maids.

After a long while, Tang Bohu's left hand received the broom given to him by his right hand. He slowly extended his right hand and picked up a brush that was dipped in ink.

What was this damn hooligan doing? At the moment, Yang Yuexin still held onto a glimmer of hope for Tang Bohu. After all, the < Encyclopedia of Women and Coaches > had a huge impact on her!

If Yang Yuexin had seen the scene where Tang Bohu was drawing the « Volkswagen Beauty Diagram », she would have realized this. In that moment, Tang Bohu's expression was similar to when he was drawing the « Volkswagen Beauty Diagram ».

Tang Bohu quietly felt the cold aura that the brush brought him.

This was the weight of a brush, Tang Bohu could feel it immediately. For a painter at his level, even if a gust of wind blew past, it might affect the quality of the work, thus when Tang Bohu focused his mind, a lot of data on the drawing rushed into his brain like floodwaters. This kind of feeling, it was simply too wonderful!

The biggest difference between Tang Bohu and Ye Chao was that Ye Chao was staring at the《 Portrait of Maids》, but Tang Bohu only looked at it before closing his eyes tightly. One was a painting through the eyes, while the other was a painting based on the heart. Just by comparing the two in this aspect, it was sufficient to distinguish the difference between the two!

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