Zhang Qiang, hearing that the shop assistant had run over to say that there was a hoodlum causing trouble, rushed over in a hurry, but he was still a step too late. At this time, both sides had already arrived at the situation where the crossbows were being pulled.

Zhang Qiang could only grumble inwardly. As a citizen of Lanzhou, he had travelled thousands of miles to leave his hometown and come to this place in Hangzhou.

However, as outsiders, the one who usually had the most trouble was these local bullies. They relied on their numbers, often came to look for trouble, and were quite unreasonable. It was useless calling the police. Once the police left, they could come back. Therefore, for some outsiders, if they wanted to open a shop anywhere, they would have to first "worship the mountain" and spend some money to buy peace.

Zhang Qiang was no exception. Ever since he opened this shop, he did not forget to give money to the manager of this street, so after a few years, he was safe and sound.

"You're the owner of this shop?" The young man did not even look straight at Zhang Qiang, and said arrogantly, "I don't think he has much ability!"

Zhang Qiang saw that his nephew, Dong Ning's, expression was wrong, and was holding onto his abdomen with one hand. He was obviously injured, the anger in his heart rose, but he could only swallow it back down, and forced a smile, "I am the boss here, Zhang Qiang.

The Brother Dong that Zhang Qiang spoke of was the boss of the street's most powerful force. Half of the money Zhang Qiang earned in the past few years was lost to him, if not, how could Zhang Qiang live the past few years in peace?

"Brother? "Pfft!" The young man said disdainfully, "Who is the brother of you Lanzhou people?!" The young man continued, "You said Gaodong? Haha, how could laozi belong to that dead man? This daddy here has Serpent Gang! "

Serpent Gang? Zhang Qiang's expression suddenly changed. He had obviously heard of this gang before, but immediately became suspicious. Serpent Gang was a region that contained a great amount of power. However, this street was not the territory of Serpent Gang!

"From today onwards, this place will belong to my Serpent Gang!" The young man seemed to know of Zhang Qiang's doubt, and spoke haughtily, as though he was the monarch of the world, unparalleled!

Zhang Qiang was a shrewd person, how could he not understand the meaning of a young man's words?

Obviously, Brother Zhu had already been killed, and this street had already been occupied by the Serpent Gang!

Zhang Qiang's heart quivered. This Serpent Gang, just like his name, was extremely unscrupulous and cruel to begin with, so, even if they were not from the underground, Zhang Qiang had still heard of them. At the same time, he was crying in his heart, I'm afraid that today's matter is not going to end well!

"Hehe." Zhang Qiang was someone who had experienced a great deal of hardships, so he forced out a laugh, "I wonder why Brother Serpent Gang has come to this store today?"

The young man sneered, "Nonsense, of course we're here to eat noodles!" Could it be he was still going to whoring? "Haha!"

Not only the young man, but the four men beside him started laughing maniacally as well. This was because when the young man said that, his eyes were fixated on the woman who had just came out of the shop. She was Zhang Qiang's wife.

At this time, Zhang Qiang's face had also flushed red, and his breathing had become hurried. It was obvious that he was trying hard to suppress the anger in his heart, "Don't go too far!" Seeing that his wife had been provoked, Zhang Qiang could not help but shout out.

"You're going too far?"

The young man pretended to be surprised, digging his ears, "Did I hear wrong? He actually said that our Serpent Gang has gone too far? Haha … "The young man laughed wildly," You really understand our Serpent Gang too well. Our Serpent Gang's purpose is to go too far, what do you say? What can you do to us? "Lanzhou Fool!"

"You …" Zhang Qiang's eyes flashed with a red light. If he did not take into consideration many things, he would have already rushed forward to fight with the young man!

"Uncle, they came here on purpose to cause trouble, why are you telling them so much? If you want to fight, fight. We are not cowards in Lanzhou! "

At this time, Dong Ning suddenly roared, and spat at the young man: "You dare to use such force, come on, I, Dong Ning am not afraid of you!" Dong Ning had this kind of stubborn temper. At this moment, he was already going all out and did not care about the consequences.

"Xiao Ning", Zhang Qiang did not have the time to persuade him, when he heard a burst of "hu hu hu" sound coming from beside his ears. The young man saw that Dong Ning actually dared to shout at him, and immediately grabbed the iron pipe in his hand and threw it towards Dong Ning without hesitation.


Although Dong Ning was reckless, he was smart enough to expect that the young man would take action after hearing his provocation. Therefore, before the iron pipe fell, Dong Ning first pushed away Sun Long and Sun Hu, while simultaneously turning his body to the side to avoid the fatal strike.

However, the young man didn't hold back and loudly shouted, "Everyone, forward!" Then, he continued to swing the iron pipe towards Dong Ning. It was extremely fierce, without any mercy!

At this moment, the situation had turned even worse! The four or five men who came together also attacked at the same time. Two of them were even carrying an iron pipe with them. They pulled it out and threw it at the Lanzhou Society's men!

Ah!" The scene was a mess. At this time, the owner of the shop, Zhang Qiang's wife, shouted out, as though he was shocked, and his eyes were filled with tears. No matter what happened today, they could not stay here anymore.

At this time, Dong Ning was more clear about the situation. Although the number of enemies were similar to his, the enemies had three iron pipes! Dong Ning very awkwardly dodged the young man's attack, but this shop was not very wide, so when everyone fought in a crowded place, there was not much space for him to dodge!

"Damn it!" Your father will cripple you today! " The young man's gaze became even more vicious, he rushed towards Dong Ning, smashing the steel pipe in his hand ruthlessly. However, Dong Ning had no way out!

He hurriedly bowed for the night, and at that critical moment, he suddenly picked up a chair with both hands and raised it high above his head. "Bang!"

The iron pipe came into close contact with the chair! After all, he was still a seventeen year old youngster. In terms of strength and fighting techniques, how could he compare to these hooligans who only fought once every three to three days?

"Uncle!" Be careful! " Just as Dong Ning blocked the young man's attack, he suddenly realised that his uncle Zhang Qiang was in danger. A hoodlum was holding an iron pipe in his hand, and he ruthlessly smashed it towards Zhang Qiang's back! At this moment, Zhang Qiang did not have the slightest ability to retaliate!

Dong Ning did not care that much, he used all of his strength to throw the chair in his hand towards the delinquent, his eyes already releasing a red light, "Go and die!" The chair that was filled with Dong Ning's anger flew like an arrow towards the lackey who was swinging the iron water pipe.

"Bang!" "Bam!"

Dong Ning's chair had indeed smashed accurately into that hoodlum, saving his uncle. However, don't forget, there was a young man following closely behind him!

Seeing Dong Ning smash the chair to the side, the young man's face flashed with a ruthless look. Without hesitation, he smashed the chair towards Dong Ning!

bang *

Dong Ning felt a sharp pain from his back, he staggered a few steps forward, and fell into a pile of empty bottles, and smashed quite a few of them.

However, Dong Ning knew that he could not fall at this moment. Once he fell, the young man would join the battle.

There was no coward in Lanzhou!

Dong Ning's eyes turned even redder, he bit his lips hard, stimulated his mind to become muddle-headed, and picked up two empty wine bottles, "Bang!" He smashed it to pieces, "I'll fight it out with you!" Without any hesitation, he rushed forward once again!

Dong Ning's bravery seemed to have infected the rest of the employees, including the boss Zhang Qiang. At this time, he also picked up a noodle stick and started to fight fiercely with the lackeys in front of him. His eyes were filled with rage!

How could he not be angry? The result of his hard work had been completely messed up by these idle hoodlums. Today's incident had spread far and wide, so how many people would still dare to come to his restaurant for noodles?

All the guys from Lanzhou shouted out. Although they had no experience fighting hooligans, there was a saying that they were not afraid of those who could fight and were most afraid of those who could risk their lives!

At this moment, the Lanzhou guys were fighting with their lives on the line. Dong Ning in particular, was like a wild beast, fiercely thrusting the broken bottle of wine towards the young man.

However, he turned a blind eye to the young man's attack. No matter how hard the young man tried to hit him, the young man would definitely be injured by Dong Ning's beer bottle if he tried to defeat him!

The young man didn't want to be injured in front of this kid, so he hastily dodged the attack. "Kid, do you want to die?" The young man said angrily.

But Dong Ning did not reply the young man. Like a fierce little tiger, he almost went crazy! His hand gripped the broken empty bottle tightly as a sinister expression appeared on his face. Without saying a word, he used his sharpest point to stab at the young man without regard for his life!

The young man hurriedly took a few steps back and quickly reached the wall. Seeing that there was no way out, he steeled his heart and revealed a stern expression.

"You asked for it!"

The young man saw that Dong Ning had lost control of his emotions, and a look of fear surfaced in his eyes. To fight, one had to be afraid of encountering someone like Dong Ning.


The young man's iron pipe once again fell onto Dong Ning's left arm, but at the same time, he felt a sharp pain on his shoulder. Dong Ning ignored his own injuries and endured the almost broken wound on his left hand.

Blood gushed out from the young man's shoulder. The young man screamed, and his attack became even more vicious, wishing that he could tear Dong Ning into ten thousand pieces! Raising the iron pipe, the two began to fight again!

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