From talking to fighting, to picking up a weapon! The fighting continued to escalate as the situation became more and more desperate!

Originally, there were some bold people who were curious and stopped to watch. However, after seeing the bleeding, they were afraid that they would be the ones to get into trouble, so they quickly slipped away!

However, there were still three people who remained seated in the innermost area. It was Tang Bohu and the other two.

From the start of the battle, they had been seated at the innermost area. There wasn't even enough time to run out.

At this time, Yang Yuexin's face had already become even paler, and her lips were now even drier and colorless.

Since she was young, she had almost never seen such a tragic scene.'s bloodthirsty resistance had even given her a strong baptism! Yang Yuexin was stunned!

Compared to Yang Yuexin, Xu Xin was much calmer. She did not have much expression, but there was a trace of disgust. It was obvious that she felt extremely disgusted with these hoodlums.

As for Tang Bohu?

He was actually enjoying the bowl of noodles in front of him. The noodles in the noodle shop were not made from the blowing of the cake but Tang Bohu's horrifying way of eating it. It was obvious that he was going to swallow his own tongue.

After a few breaths, Tang Bohu finished the last drop of broth and patted his stomach, as though he wasn't full. At the same time, he realized the two girls were already looking at him with a strange gaze.

"What's wrong? You're not eating? This noodles is pretty good, it's quite tasty! " Tang Bohu felt it was strange, why was he looking at him for no reason? Could it be that this scholar's way of eating noodles was unique and had attracted their gazes?

"Feng, how can you still eat?" After a while, Xu Xin finally spoke.

"That's right," Yang Yuexin curled her lips. At this moment, the expression on her face had gradually returned to normal, but the scene in front of her eyes was so bloody that she had no mood to eat noodles.

However, he noticed that Tang Bohu was completely unaffected, he was killing each other with his big gulps, as though the fight in front of him was just a movie, he did not pay any attention to it.

"Why can't I?" Tang Bohu said gloomily, then glanced at the fiery scene, his eyes lit up: "Hey, that kid is not bad!" Tang Bohu was referring to Dong Ning who was fighting with his life on the line, and the ruthlessness caused Tang Bohu to have a whole new level of respect for him, and he could not help but praise him.

"Humph!" Others might be fighting to the death, but you only know how to join in on the fun and have the nerve to judge others. " Yang Yuexin said to Tang Bohu in dissatisfaction, "If you have the ability, go and beat them up!" Yang Yuexin looked at Tang Bohu's skinny body, she did not have much confidence in him.

"Uh," Tang Bohu rolled his eyes and said with interest, "Pear Blossom, how about we make a bet?"

Bet? Yang Yuexin was startled, "What bet, I have nothing good to bet with you!"

"Let's bet that I won't let this bunch of hoodlums get lost!"

Tang Bohu laughed and continued to speak, "If you win, then write off the thing that you owe me! If I win, Hee hee, I will owe you another one.

"Feng, don't mess around!"

Yang Yuexin still did not reply, but Xu Xin continued, "I have heard of Serpent Gang, they are all vicious, you better not provoke them!" Xu Xin had already treated Tang Bohu as her own brother, so she naturally didn't want to see him take the risk.

"That's right. If you don't have the ability, don't try to be brave!" Yang Yuexin looked at the battle circle that was not far from them.

"Eh …" Tang Bohu didn't know what to say, and curled his lips. However, this movement was obviously directed at Yang Yuexin, and towards Xu Xin's concern and concern, he was still quite moved. Slightly sensing her own stomach, Tang Bohu's appetite immediately rose again.

"Boss!" "Get me more ramen noodles!" A thunderous yell suddenly popped out from Tang Bohu's mouth. The loud sound actually caused everyone in the shop to pause in their movements, and their minds went into a short period of blankness.

At this moment, everyone stopped what they were doing, and looked towards the source of the voice. Tang Bohu, Luo Hua City Mistress, and the others, all of them revealed information in their eyes.

Crazy! Idiot! How reckless!

In a battle of life and death, someone was actually shouting to pull him over! He really couldn't say anything out of the ordinary!

Even the pretty girl Tang Bohu's team didn't sleep at all as he looked at Tang Bohu strangely, his mouth wide enough to fit a big egg! At the same time, Yang Yuexin was even more straightforward, immediately acting as if we didn't know him.

"Stinking hooligan, are you the reincarnation of a hungry ghost? Haven't you eaten? "

Yang Yuexin muttered to herself, "Even if you speak carelessly, it's not an occasion!"

Tang Bohu's shout had everyone's attention turned to him, as she could cause trouble at any time! At this moment, Yang Yuexin couldn't help but feel a sense of worry in her heart, but of course, it wasn't revealed.

Taking advantage of the time they were stopping, Dong Ning had shrewdly gathered the Lanzhou University people together. However, at this moment, everyone's bodies were hanging with colors, and they were suffering from varying degrees of injuries.

On the other hand, the five people on the young man's side, due to the iron pipes in their hands and the fact that they had all fought since young, did not suffer any injuries other than breathing heavily.

Of course, other than the young man in the lead, Dong Ning's suicidal attack had injured his left shoulder.

At this moment, the clothes on the young man's left shoulder had already been dyed red.

They had never thought that this small shop would dare to openly oppose them!

In fact, since he had entered this street with unstoppable momentum last night, it was inevitable for him to establish his might! Not only the Lanzhou Lamian restaurant, but also some other shops had experienced varying degrees of commotion! However, the Lanzhou Mask was the only shop in Serpent Gang that was met with resistance!

Seeing that both sides had their heads stuck in place, Tang Bohu couldn't help but laugh, he was extremely satisfied with his' Lion's Roar ', and then opened his mouth and said, "Boss, quickly! Give me a bowl of ramen noodles. Don't worry, I won't find it too expensive! I can afford that! "Hehe."

Tang Bohu's last sentence, was secretly mocking the young man.

The owner of the store, Zhang Qiang, heard this and smiled bitterly at Tang Bohu, "Young lad, you should leave quickly. Look at the small shop, how could I help you cook your noodles?"

However, the situation did not turn out as he had expected!

Suddenly — —

"Humph!" You want to leave? "Since you've already stayed behind to watch the show, then, don't be in such a hurry to leave!"

The sound of footsteps came from outside the door. At some point, a group of about 20 people had gathered outside the Lanzhou Noodle House. The youth in the lead was dressed in fashionable red and green clothes.

With a cigarette still in his mouth, he swaggered into the noodle shop, saying indifferently, "The liveliness of Serpent Gang is not something that ordinary people can watch!" His tone was solemn and it caused one's heart to palpitate.

"Brother Red Hair!" When the young man with a bleeding left shoulder saw the newcomer, he immediately arched his back with a smile and hastily went up to greet him.

"Trash!" You can't even handle such a small matter! " The red hair did not even look at the young man, but instead, he took a step forward and scanned the situation within the store.

When the young man heard the red hair's reprimand, he couldn't help but twitch in his heart, but there wasn't a trace of dissatisfaction on his face.

Because last night, he saw with his own eyes that the red hair had cut up the big boss on this street until he was covered in wounds, yet he himself wasn't harmed in the slightest! He didn't even gasp for breath.

The rumors said that he retired from the special forces and entered the Serpent Gang afterwards. His skills were extremely good, and other than the two main characters in charge of talking about Serpent Gang, in the Serpent Gang, there was no one else who could beat him! Thus, the pride of the red hair was born!

At this time, Zhang Qiang's heart had sunk to the bottom. When he first saw the red hair, he had a bad premonition, but after seeing the young man looking at him with such respect, Zhang Qiang knew, today, the consequences would be dire!

"Xiao Ning, when the conflict breaks out later, you have to retreat as much as possible and escape through the back door!" Zhang Qiang said to Dong Ning in a low voice, "Uncle will help you support them for a while, you have to go far away!"

"Uncle!" Dong Ning's face became anxious, and immediately rejected his, "This is a critical moment, for me to leave, I cannot!" Although Dong Ning was young, this young man was still very friendly!

"Little Ning, you listen to me!" Seeing that Dong Ning was so stubborn, Zhang Qiang became even more anxious, "You stabbed their person, they will definitely not let you off! You should hurry up and leave! "

"Uncle!" Dong Ning's eyes were completely red as he clenched his fists tightly. However, he was unable to feel the power of his own fist because it was simply too weak!

Dong Ning had never had such an intense desire to have a body full of martial power. At the very least, he would have the chance to resist!

"Who left that wound!" The red hair glanced over the scene in the noodle shop and then turned to the young man. At this time, half of the 20 or so people that the red hair brought with him also rushed into the noodle shop.

"It's that kid!" The young man pointed his finger at Dong Ning, his eyes revealing a sinister look. He was truly stifled in his heart, he had actually lost to this yellow haired brat!

Hearing the two's words, Zhang Qiang's face changed even more! Crap! Zhang Qiang's heart tensed up. He tilted his body slightly to the side and leaned a little closer to Dong Ning.

Furthermore, as his elder, he had the responsibility to protect him, so Zhang Qiang was determined to stand in front of Dong Ning and buy him more time to escape.

The red hair glanced at Dong Ning, he did not feel any form of threat, and disdainfully thought in his heart, then turned around, and left behind a sentence.

"All of them crippled one leg! As for the one who dared to hurt my brother Serpent Gang, his four limbs are all crippled! "

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