Deep in the night, the moon was high.

Around the warehouse, every two metres, there was a black cloaked guy lurking in the grass with a gun in her hand. She surrounded the place in a crescent shape and her breathing was light.

Everyone was focused as they watched the situation of the warehouse closely. Their mission was to stop the enemy from escaping at the first possible moment!

Their plan was good, but these black cloaked guy s would never know that behind them, there was a similarly black shadow flashing like a ghost. Every time they arrived, there would be a black cloaked guy that fell to the ground.

"Finished!" As the last black cloaked guy fell to the ground without any resistance, Tang Bohu clapped his hands and laughed lightly. Then, he rushed back to the warehouse.

At this moment, inside the warehouse.

A young man with delicate features and wearing red clothes stood in the middle in an extremely sorry state. He panted heavily, but his eyes were focused with vigilance, not daring to relax.

Because there were three people standing around him, surrounding him in a triangular formation. These three people were from the secret organization of the state!

At this moment, two men and one woman looked at the young man with a relaxed expression. At the same time, they secretly paid attention to their surroundings to prevent any accidents from happening.

"Ma Xiaoming, if you still have a sliver of wisdom, you should be able to differentiate the current situation. "Come back with us. Perhaps, there is still another way to survive." The man called Captain by the woman stepped forward slightly and advised with a tone that was neither slow nor fast.

Ma Xiaoming did not laugh, "Qi Tianya, are you trying to coax a three year old child? Go back with you? Ma Xiaoming's expression changed, and he said coldly, "That's impossible!"

"You think you can escape?" Qi Tianya's eyes turned cold as he arrogantly said, "A mere mid-grade yellow light like you who has yet to fuse crystals? Laughable! "

Qi Tianya was not speaking nonsense. When it came to strength, out of the four people present, even the youngest and weakest, Yun Yang, was stronger than Ma Xiaoming!

"Ma Xiaoming, as long as you surrender and hand over the crystal, it can be considered as a huge contribution to the country! To use merits to fight against it, perhaps the country will give you a way out! " The woman also spoke up.

"Haha!" Ma Xiaoming laughed out wildly, "So you're finally willing to reveal your ultimate goal? For the country? Haha, bullshit! What right do you hypocrites have to ask me to hand over the crystal? "Haha!"

The woman furrowed her brows. "You …"

"Zi Yan, you don't need to say anymore, this person is insane!" Qi Tianya seemed to have lost all patience to continue talking, and turned and said coldly, "Kill him! Isn't it obvious that we can find the crystal? "

Qi Tianya's eyes surged with killing intent, he looked at in disdain, "Ma Xiaoming, you spent so much effort to escape here, you should have some comrades here, why don't you allow them to appear together?"

The reason why Ma Xiaoming had run away tonight was very purposeful, and did not seem as though he was choosing a path in a panic. Although Qi Tianya was a proud person, his brain was not stupid, so of course he could guess Ma Xiaoming's intentions.

However, it was unknown whether it was because the art expert was bold or was truly arrogant, but as if Qi Tianya was playing a joke on him, he did not use his entire strength to stop Ma Xiaoming from the start, and instead followed him the entire way, in order to capture all of his comrades in one fell swoop!

"Qi Tianya, are you confident?" Ma Xiaoming replied back to Qi Tianya with the same disdainful look, a hint of madness flashed past his eyes, "You can't talk too much, if you want to fight, just do it!"

When Ma Xiaoming said that, his eyes suddenly flashed with a gold color, at the same time, his entire body released a blazing Qi, his entire body was ignited in flames like a furnace.

"Captain, let me do it!" The girl named Zi Yan stood up at this moment, took the initiative to submit, and said indifferently, with a trace of fighting spirit flashing in her eyes.

"Alright!" Qi Tianya never planned to do it himself, Ma Xiaoming was not even worthy!

Zi Yan slowly walked forward a few steps, her eyes looking straight at Ma Xiaoming. Suddenly, a gold light flashed in her eyes, even more so than Ma Xiaoming's.

Ma Xiaoming, Fire Special Ability! Zi Yan, water type ability!

Insoluble Water and Fire!

It was also no wonder that Zi Yan took the initiative to volunteer for the duel. When Ma Xiaoming's fire attribute aura was released without restraint, the water in Zi Yan's bones refused to show any sign of weakness, as if they had met their natural enemy.

Of course, this was just a thought that was wrapped around Zi Yan's mind, with Zi Yan's personality, let alone killing, even if it was killing a chicken, she wouldn't be able to bear it!

The moment Zi Yan's aura was released, Qi Tianya's expression also changed slightly as she couldn't help but sigh in admiration in her heart, "As expected of an existence whose compatibility has exceeded ninety percent. Merely the Spiritual Force released by someone of the upper grade of the yellow light is actually comparable to the early stage of the green light!"

A trace of jealousy flashed across Qi Tianya's eyes.

At this moment, the two were already fighting.

Ma Xiaoming's way of using his supernatural ability was extremely rough, with almost no tricks involved, his two palms seemed to be covered in fire, his five fingers were covered in flames, and it struck towards Zi Yan's body!

At the same time, Water Arrow s as thick as a finger would appear from time to time in Zi Yan's hands, shooting towards Ma Xiaoming at crafty angles. He had won numerous times!

Be it in terms of aura or ability, Zi Yan's water was steadily suppressing Ma Xiaoming's fire!

"Ma Xiaoming, as long as you change your mind, you will hand over the crystal and join the government!" Zi Yan's body flashed, even at this point, she still could not bear to kill people, and planned to persuade her again.

"In your dreams!"

Ma Xiaoming did not wait for Zi Yan to finish and shouted loudly. At the same time, as if she was fighting with her life on the line, the fire in his hands became even brighter, and her body started to emit sparks non-stop. Obviously, she could not control the fire in his hands as she wished!

"Humph!" Since he has not undergone systematic training and has not fused a crystal to match it, how can he be a match for Zi Yan? " Qi Tianya snorted coldly, not to mention, water and fire were incompatible, water and fire were resistant to fire, Zi Yan's strength was much higher than Ma Xiaoming's!

"Zi Yan, quickly finish the battle!" Qi Tianya felt that he was getting impatient.

Hearing Qi Tianya's shout, Zi Yan quickly took a few steps back. After changing her tone, she focused her eyes, and the water flow on her body became even stronger. At the same time, she raised her hands halfway, and a few visible Water Arrow immediately rose up, containing the power of the water!

"Go!" Zi Yan berated, and the few silver Water Arrow shot out like arrows from their bows, in a concentrated formation, towards Ma Xiaoming!

Ma Xiaoming's expression changed suddenly. However, he was only able to take one step back before the silver colored Water Arrow reached his.

"Shield of Fire!" In a panic, the Spiritual Force suddenly released its energy and formed a shield of fire, blocking in front of Ma Xiaoming.

The Water Arrow met with a fire shield!


Seemingly without any pause, Ma Xiaoming's seemingly incomparably sturdy fire shield shattered with a loud bang, and a few Water Arrow s, with the power of withering and destroying, directly smashed into Ma Xiaoming's body!

Ma Xiaoming's body was suddenly thrown up like a broken kite, "Bang!" It landed solidly on the ground a few meters away!

The might of the Water Arrow unleashed by Zi Yan's seemingly frail body was actually this terrifying!

Ma Xiaoming groaned in pain, but endured the pain in his heart and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. He staggered to his feet, but did not give in, and in his eyes, there was a trace of madness!

"Haha" laughed madly, the flames in Ma Xiaoming's hands gathered together again, and like a wild beast with bloodthirsty eyes, he rushed towards Zi Yan.

There was no pattern at all!

Zi Yan frowned, this kind of fighting style, she could definitely take Ma Xiaoming's life in an instant! Seeing Ma Xiaoming who seemed to have completely fallen into a crazed state, the Water Arrow in Zi Yan's hands rose up once again.


Ma Xiaoming, knocked down again! Blood spurted out of his mouth. However, a trace of unwillingness appeared in his eyes. Flames appeared and charged forward once again!

Knock down! Knock down!

There was no room for resistance at all! However, facing such a crazy Ma Xiaoming, Zi Yan actually could not bring herself to kill him. Instead, she felt pity in her heart because she felt that Ma Xiaoming was very pitiful!

"Haha, kill, kill!" Ma Xiaoming acted as though he had been possessed, his hair became messy and he could only shout out loud. He stood up again and again, and then fell down again and again!

"Boom!" for the last time.

Ma Xiaoming felt as if all the strength in his body had disappeared, he could not muster up any of it, and after trying to struggle free, he finally gave up. However, the stern look in his eyes did not weaken at all, and even while half-lying down, he was staring at the few people present like a wild beast.

The sound of heavy breathing slowly faded.

Suddenly, Ma Xiaoming laughed!

His smile did not have any impurities, it was a very pure smile, but, with such a brilliant smile, along with the blood stains on Ma Xiaoming's body, his sinister face, it gave off an atmosphere that caused one's heart to palpitate.

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