Ma Xiaoming's smile was like an angel's smile that suddenly appeared on a demon's face. It looked extremely strange, causing people's hair to stand on end.

At the same time, Ma Xiaoming seemed to have fallen into a deep reminiscence as a trace of gentleness and regret flashed past his eyes. A big teardrop the size of a bean fell from his eyes as he muttered two words, "Xiu-Er."

"Haha!" Ma Xiaoming laughed crazily, his spirit was on the verge of collapsing. But, he was unwilling! He was unwilling!

Originally, Ma Xiaoming knew that the country had sent a small team to deal with him, causing him to panic for a while. However, a mysterious man suddenly sent a message to him, telling him to flee to this abandoned, deserted warehouse.

Ma Xiaoming was desperate!

But, he couldn't accept it!

Ah!" Ma Xiaoming suddenly held his head tightly and cried out in extreme pain. His eyes were completely red, as if he had lost all human emotions.

"Ma Xiaoming!" A delicate voice came out like thunder, following that, a refreshing and comfortable feeling entered Ma Xiaoming's mind, it was as if his entire body was being submerged by water.

Seeing Ma Xiaoming being so crazy, a tinge of pity flashed past Zi Yan's eyes. Recalling the file he had read about Ma Xiaoming in the archives, Zi Yan felt a sense of pity for him.

Thus, when Ma Xiaoming was about to lose control of himself and go berserk, Zi Yan casually used the special healing ability of water type ability to save Ma Xiaoming's life.

Water can carry a boat, but it can also overturn a boat. The water was like a raging flood that could drown out the earth and swallow up everything! They could also be transformed into precious water droplets within the desert, saving lives.

"Hu!" Ma Xiaoming gasped for breath, the bewitching color gradually fading from his eyes, but Ma Xiaoming's body was still trembling uncontrollably, his hands clenched tightly into fists.

"Xiu'er, I'm sorry, I can't take revenge for you," Ma Xiaoming kept muttering a name, it was Xiu'er, his life seemed to be for Xiu'er, his eyes did not stop the tears from flowing down, after Ma Xiaoming went crazy, he began to cry loudly.

"Ma Xiaoming, we know about your matters," Zi Yan said as he took a step forward. He couldn't bear it any longer, "Come back with us. I believe the country will definitely give you an explanation!"

"Haha" Zi Yan had not finished speaking when Ma Xiaoming laughed crazily, "Hypocritical! Extremely hypocritical! Isn't your goal the crystal? Come on! Kill me! Crystal is on me, kill me! Aren't you able to complete the mission? "Haha!"

Ma Xiaoming continued to roar as though he had spent a lot of time and energy, "An explanation? Haha! How can you give me an explanation? Kill him? Haha, can you? Do you dare? Do you have the ability to do so? They were all hypocrites who flattered their masters like dogs and wagged their tails! "Haha!"

"You …" Zi Yan did not expect Ma Xiaoming to be in such a state already, to the point that he would not listen to anyone's advice to stop him.

Most importantly, Zi Yan was unable to refute what she had said, because, just as Ma Xiaoming had said, they did not have the ability to account for him! Ma Xiaoming's enemy was a person with overflowing power.

"Haha, you have nothing to say? "Let's do it!" Ma Xiaoming was already begging for death as he struggled to stand up and stumble back a few steps. A look of longing flashed in his eyes as he muttered, "Xiu'er, wait for me.

"Ma Xiaoming, I never thought that before your death, you would still not have the slightest inkling of what happened!" At this time, Qi Tianya suddenly spoke, his voice cold, "Just because of the death of a mere Zheng Xiulian, you actually disregarded the law and killed several people! Is that not bad? "

"Shut up!" Ma Xiaoming did not want to be outdone, so he pointed at Qi Tianya and said, "It's because you guys are people who think that you are above everyone else, that's why the death of Xiu-Er is such a public case. Other people's deaths are just touching the law, what about Xiu-Er's death? Is it like strangling an ant? "

"Zheng Xiulian committed suicide out of guilt! He did not die in anyone's hands! " When Qi Tianya said this, even he slightly frowned and looked at him.


Ma Xiaoming was like a wild beast as he trampled on Qi Tianya. He glared at Qi Tianya and suddenly laughed! Laughing like an idiot, "Haha, this is the so-called law! This was the so-called righteousness! It's all bullshit! As long as you people of power make up a reason, you can cover the sky with your hands, haha! "

"Wrong!" Wrong … "Ma Xiaoming muttered," I was wrong! I was wrong! I always believed that the kingdom would give me justice. I was wrong not to see your ugly faces clearly. I was wrong! Why didn't my superpower awaken soon? That way, Xiu-Er might not have died!

Seeing Ma Xiaoming's current appearance, as if he had lost his soul, Zi Yan's eyes felt even more unbearable. He silently sighed, and shook his head. You actually have to endure such a drastic change. "

Was he right? 'Is it still wrong? '

Zi Yan also asked herself in her heart. In her mind, she recalled the scene when she saw Ma Xiaoming's file a few days ago;

Ma Xiaoming, your family has been poor since childhood, and your father has lost the ability to take care of himself even after an accident happened once! Everything in the house was maintained by his frail mother.

Ma Xiaoming was the eldest son of the family, and had a younger brother and sister. Thus, when he was very young, Ma Xiaoming learned how to be independent and live his life. His family's predicament did not overwhelm him, but had instead aroused his fighting spirit. In primary school and secondary school, Ma Xiaoming had always relied on his perseverance to study while doing odd jobs to maintain his family's life.

Finally, Ma Xiaoming relied on his tenacity, hard work, and finally, as he wished, entered a famous university in Hangzhou, Zhejiang University! That year, he was only seventeen years old.

Therefore, when others went to play, he would study diligently and work hard. Although his life was tough, Ma Xiaoming had never complained or cowered, he had always had the heart to progress. He had always had the desire to improve.

The university was the most magnificent and unforgettable period in his life. In university, not only was there the dream of pursuing her, there was also the passionate love.

Ma Xiaoming fell in love with a girl, especially with that pair of watery eyes of hers, making him fall in love with her at first sight! The two of them knew each other while working and studying. The girl's innocence and the girl's purity were deeply engraved in Ma Xiaoming's heart.

The girls' families were not good either. They were the children of poor families.

After being together for two months, the two of them fell in love!

That period of time was the most beautiful memory of Ma Xiaoming's entire life. They held hands and traveled through every corner of the campus.

Pick a dewy flower, like a thousand bouquets of beautiful vulgar roses.

The two of them swore under the willow tree on campus, looking forward to each other's future!

However, a demon had appeared! The devilish claw directly stretched towards Ma Xiaoming and Mu Yurou.

There was no reason! Just because of the demon's whim, a disaster had befallen Ma Xiaoming and Yue Yang.

Zi Yan's mind suddenly blanked, at this time, after Ma Xiaoming finished laughing maniacally, he roared loudly as if his heart was torn and his lungs were splitting, "No! I'm not wrong! I am not wrong! " Ma Xiaoming shook his head crazily, "Did you know that it was because that Meng guy was acting on a whim?"

Ma Xiaoming suddenly held onto his chest, his entire body trembling. Every time he recalled this, his chest would give off a heart-wrenching pain!

Ma Xiaoming clearly remembered, when Xiu'er resolutely rejected the request of surnamed Meng, Meng Youran suddenly revealed a smile. The next day, Xiu-Er disappeared!

Ma Xiaoming looked around for Xiu-Er like he had gone crazy. However, he was like a stone in the ocean, he disappeared and called the police, but there was no news.


Ma Xiaoming suddenly felt a sweetness in his throat, and spat out blood filled with hatred. Ma Xiaoming was completely crazed, "Until one week, one week! A living person went missing, and no one paid any attention to him! "

The resentment in Ma Xiaoming's heart was vented out like a flood, and a trace of sorrow and despair flashed past his eyes, not caring if anyone heard his words or not.

At this moment, Ma Xiaoming muttered to himself, "On that day, someone suddenly gave me an envelope and left behind a message, if you want to meet Xiu-Er, immediately go to the address written in the envelope!"

At this moment, Zi Yan's heart shook, because she knew that besides the address inside the envelope, there was something else. It was a stack of photos that was enough to make Ma Xiaoming crumble! It was Zheng Xiulian's photo! Naked fruit!

In that moment, Ma Xiaoming went crazy! He ran towards the address without any hesitation.

However, in the end, he saw something that made him even crazier and made him collapse!

The address, was a room. Inside, the moment Ma Xiaoming opened the door, his soul felt like it was being pricked by needles. He was on the verge of going berserk!

In that moment, Ma Xiaoming's eyes turned red, as though he had been possessed by a devil, and only had one thought in his mind: Kill! Kill! Kill!

Kill everyone in front of him!

This was because on the bed in front of Ma Xiaoming, the girl was lying on the bed naked as a puppet, completely unconscious. Her eyes were hollow and lifeless.

Nearby, there were a few men who were also naked and had evil smiles on their faces!

As for the mastermind, Meng Youran, he was sitting in a chair to the side with interest. When he saw Ma Xiaoming's crazed and powerless look, he only said a sentence condescendingly, "This is the result of offending this Young Master!"

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