Ma Xiaoming's eyes instantly became bloodshot, and like a wild beast, he released a low roar, as though he did not hear Meng Youran's words, his eyes were like a poisonous snake that was staring straight at the naked men.

"Die!" Ma Xiaoming's throat moved and hissing sounds came out, the depths of his brain was like a huge bomb that exploded! It broke through Ma Xiaoming's mental state! A fiery aura suddenly exploded from his body!

Fire Special Ability, awakening!

In this moment of intense pain and extreme sorrow, Ma Xiaoming erupted with the hidden potential of his supernatural ability. The red light of the flames continuously flashed flirtatiously, and with a low growl, Ma Xiaoming charged towards the men like a madman.

Zi Yan looked at the youth in front of him who had already gone completely crazy, and her heart trembled. Although Ma Xiaoming's special ability had awakened, it was unable to stop the truth that had already happened. He had killed all of those men!

But, it could not handle Meng Youran at all! Because, not only was Meng Youran's family background astonishing, he himself was also a powerful Adept!

The girl committed suicide!

Ma Xiaoming went all out with Meng Youran again and again, and had to suffer all of Meng Youran's insults! It wasn't that he couldn't kill Ma Xiaoming, it was just that he was very happy to see Ma Xiaoming's eyes that were filled with hatred, but completely unable to do anything about it! He had fully experienced the joy of being someone's master!

Ma Xiaoming's mind started to twist!

He hated everyone, hated everything around him! His heart was filled with resentment.

During the summer holidays, Ma Xiaoming only told his family that he was going to stay in Hangzhou to work during the summer vacation. His target was anyone! Ma Xiaoming no longer cared about what was wrong or right, no longer cared about righteousness and morality, he only wanted to kill! Kill! Kill!

As for the mysterious crystal in Ma Xiaoming's body, it was something that he had accidentally obtained from it.

"Zi Yan, what are you waiting for, kill him!" Qi Tianya himself was a proud person, he didn't even want to listen to Ma Xiaoming's "nonsense". Furthermore, in his subconscious, he saw nothing wrong with Meng Youran at all. The world was ruled by the strong!

In the eyes of an arrogant person like Qi Tianya, ordinary people were like ants, but as for Ma Xiaoming, he was just a slightly bigger ant!

Zi Yan was startled. After hesitating for a moment, she was still unable to make a move. At this time, Qi Tianya gave a cold snort, "Alright! Then I will do it myself, little brat, but it's your honor to die in my hands! "

Qi Tianya laughed coldly, a green light rose from his eyes, and a fist-sized ball of fire appeared in his hand," Let me teach you how to play with fire! Qi Tianya waved the fireball in his hand, and it flew towards Ma Xiaoming like a missile!

Ma Xiaoming's pupils contracted, all the pores on his body immediately closed, Qi Tianya's fireball was too fast, even if he was completely awake, he might not even be able to dodge it, much less now?

Feeling the approach of death, Ma Xiaoming felt as if he was looking at the scythe of the god of death, but his expression was still calm. Perhaps, to him, death was a very good release!

The blazing heat from the fireball had already locked onto Ma Xiaoming's body!

In that moment of life and death, an earth wall suddenly rose up from the ground, instantly separating Ma Xiaoming from the ball of fire!

"Bam!" The fireball crashed into the wall and was instantly destroyed, disappearing into thin air! At the same time, two figures quickly flew out and stood in between Ma Xiaoming and Qi Tianya.

"Humph!" Hiding his head and being called a mouse, you're finally willing to show your face? "

Qi Tianya's expression did not change in the slightest as he did not feel surprised at all.

He had long thought that Ma Xiaoming would have a helper here, and seeing that the two figures that suddenly appeared were also superpowers, Qi Tianya heaved a sigh of relief inwardly. What he was worried about the most, was that the ancient expert who caused the incident on the roof of the shopping mall was Ma Xiaoming's helper, that would be the problem!

As for these two? Qi Tianya's face was filled with contempt, to someone like him who was always full of confidence, he did not even put them in his eyes!

Judging from the spiritual fluctuations from the wall just now, it was at most at the initial green level! Qi Tianya, on the other hand, was an Intermediate Level Green Radiance Adept. Moreover, his true abilities were not only on the surface.

"Only I, Heaven, am able to make this world shine!" The man did not bother with Qi Tianya's words. Instead, with a focused expression, he shouted out these eight words with a serious expression. He crossed his hands over his chest, and looked extremely pious!

"Heavenly Law Religion?" Yun Yang, who had not spoken since the beginning, was startled. This was a slogan that anyone with Heavenly Law Religion would shout whenever they appeared, and it was not at any place, either.

"Humph!" So, it's you evil organizations who have come and gone without a trace in this area of Jiangnan. Tsk, tsk, I never thought that you would actually dare to appear here! "

Qi Tianya's face revealed a cold smile. Heavenly Law Religion s had always carefully avoided these people, but who would have thought that they would actually come looking for him today?

It was unknown when the Heavenly Law Religion appeared, but it was only in these recent years when the people of the Heavenly Law Religion acted more frequently, that people noticed the existence of this evil organization.

The branch that Qi Tianya and the rest were in had sent people to exterminate the Heavenly Law Religion before, but the people from the Heavenly Law Religion were simply too good at hiding, they did not have any fixed place to hide, so they could not exterminate them for a while!

The members of Heavenly Law Religion all thought that they had control over the laws of heaven, and all the beliefs of life were handed over to the Church. The Sect Leader seemed to control the thoughts of all the followers, looking weird and evil.

In addition, they were often spread throughout Jiangnan to secretly develop their own forces. They were especially keen on recruiting people who had just awakened their superpower and the country hadn't yet discovered them. This was to increase their own strength!

"Hehe." The gorgeous woman laughed coquettishly, "How would our Heavenly Law Religion dare to overeat in the mouth of the Guardian of China? Isn't that the tiger's mouth stealing food? However, this young man has some connections with my Heavenly Law Religion. I wonder if this Guardian can give me some face and let me take him away? "

"Haha." Qi Tianya laughed, "Can't your Heavenly Law Religion change to a different reason? "According to our investigation, that is what you say every time you act." Although Qi Tianya was a proud and arrogant man, he was still a self-proclaimed righteous teacher. Naturally, he did not like these evil organizations! There was nothing to talk about!

"Number Seven, what is there to talk about with these lackeys, just kill them all! No one will know! "

The man looked at Qi Tianya as if he was looking at an enemy. Heavenly Law Religion indeed did not dare to offend Guardian of China head on.

No matter how strong a church was, could they surpass the national machinery?

However, the thing that was on Ma Xiaoming's body was too important to his Heavenly Law Religion!

Therefore, they decided to take the risk. Furthermore, as long as they kept the three people from Guardian of China here, who would know that it was their Heavenly Law Religion that did this?

"Number 7?"

Zi Yan's expression became serious, "One of the nine protectors of the Heavenly Law Religion?" The moment Zi Yan finished speaking, Qi Tianya's expression slightly changed. Although the rest of the people in Heavenly Law Religion were just a motley crowd to Qi Tianya, but the nine protectors all had something extraordinary about them!

Number Seven chuckled, "It seems like you understand our Heavenly Law Religion quite well. How about, you just join our Heavenly Law Religion. With your potential, you can even become the top third protector in the future!"

"Isn't Heavenly Law Religion something that the heavens couldn't tolerate? Who would dare to join a cult like this? Isn't that a punishment from the heavens? "

Yun Yang seemed to be interested in Heavenly Law Religion, for the matter of Ma Xiaoming, he had been quiet and observed the situation, but when he met with Heavenly Law Religion, he could not help but speak out.

Number Seven's expression turned cold. She glanced at Yun Yang as if he was a dead man, then suddenly turned around and smiled brilliantly at Ma Xiaoming. "Ma Xiaoming, let me ask you, are you willing to join our Heavenly Law Religion?"

What happened all of a sudden made Ma Xiaoming's heart even more confused. At this moment, when he heard Number 7's question, he seemed to have become stunned, "Heavenly Law Religion, what kind of place is that?"

"A place where you can exact your revenge!" Number Seven said lightly.

"Revenge?" Ma Xiaoming's eyes lit up, he was extremely eager, and his face suddenly turned sinister: "Revenge! I will avenge you, Xiu-Er! "

Ma Xiaoming did not seem to care at all, he nodded his head resolutely, "I am willing to join!"

She had seen this kind of situation too many times, and Heavenly Law Religion people especially liked encountering such situations. As long as one gave the other party some hope, they could tempt him to join them!

Actually, Number Seven and the man had long been lurking in the surroundings, wanting to wait for the moment where Ma Xiaoming felt absolutely hopeless and lost all hope to live. The moment that his mind was about to collapse, they decided to make their move, which would increase the chances of Ma Xiaoming agreeing to join Heavenly Law Religion!

Sure enough, everything was progressing according to Number Seven's expectations!

"You are openly tempting people to join our clan in front of us, seems like you really do not put us, the Guardian of China, in your eyes!" Zi Yan was the first one to not see this, and said coldly.

"Hehehe", Number Seven was in a very good mood, and laughed, "Wrong, I am not arrogant enough to not put Guardian of China in my eyes, but, to be honest, I only do not put the three of you in my eyes!"

His tone was light, but it contained quite a bit of killing intent!

"You mean, you have complete confidence in keeping the three of us here?" Qi Tianya took a step forward, a green light flashed in his eyes, causing his anger to rise, and his killing intent to rise!

No one had ever dared to look down on him in such a manner!

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