"Hey!" Let's see who will speak up for you! "

Yang Yuexin suddenly felt that something was not right, why did it sound like a dialogue between some plot? Yang Yuexin's beautiful face slightly blushed, and at the same time, she kept talking to herself. Yang Yuexin, Yang Yuexin, aren't you usually extremely smart?

Why did it feel like he had become a completely different person when he met this damn hooligan!


Tang Bohu was also stunned by Yang Yuexin's words. Wow, pear blossom, it can't be that you want to believe it, right?

However, Tang Bohu sized Yang Yuexin up from head to toe, his eyes revealed a trace of a strange light, and he muttered to himself, "Tsk tsk, not bad, nice curves, come at me! "So what if I lose my dignity for the sake of not deducting my salary?"

"Tang Feng!" Although Yang Yuexin did not know what kind of evil scheme Tang Bohu was thinking, she could not see anything good from his eyes. Yang Yuexin gritted her teeth and said, damn hooligan, did the conversation have to end because I was angry?

Yang Yuexin realized that it was simply impossible to control her emotions in front of Tang Bohu! She glared at Tang Bohu fiercely, and wished that she could just throw the broom beside the trash can and smash it down, that would dispel some of her hatred!

"Pear Blossom, if there's nothing else, I should get to work!" Tang Bohu kept feeling that Yang Yuexin was a little strange today, as if he had come to find trouble with him, and he didn't seem to be either! According to the experiences of the Tang Family Goddess, 'The situation isn't clear, and I don't know what the female side is thinking, but the first thing to do is to retreat, in order to avoid a sudden disaster!'

"Who said it's okay?" Yang Yuexin glared at Tang Bohu again, and after a moment of hesitation, she said, "Tomorrow night, are you free?"

That being said, you're obviously trying to pick me up!

Tang Bohu thought for a while and said with a 'reserved' tone, "Let me think about it! I'll give you my answer when the time comes! " In order to capture him, Tang Bohu's move was very impressive!

"I haven't even said what's the matter?" Yang Yuexin glanced at Tang Bohu, "Listen to me, and also, if you agree, you have to!" Yang Yuexin also made her move at this time, and it was a girl's ultimate skill that was unreasonable!

"Ah!" Tang Bohu opened his mouth wide, and said in shock, "This isn't good, is it?!" At the right time, a scene appeared in Tang Bohu's mind, Yang Yuexin was laughing sinisterly as she walked towards him, while the weak him had no way of resisting, she could only recognize it as it was real.

"Listen to me first!" Yang Yuexin realized that her patience was almost worn out by this fellow in front of him again. Her voice immediately increased by a few decibels, and finally, Tang Bohu did not interrupt again. *

"Tomorrow night, come home with me after work. My grandma wants to see you!" Yang Yuexin revealed his purpose at this moment! But, Yang Yuexin himself also felt that it was strange. Why did he suddenly speak last night and ask him to come visit tomorrow night?

Although Yang Yuexin was suspicious in his heart, she still complied with her grandmother's words. She was so angry by Tang Bohu that she almost forgot!

In fact, the truth was very simple. In just a word, Yang Yuexin had been betrayed by her big brother Yang Tianyu!

Yang Tianyu sent the explosive news of Yang Yuexin falling in love with Tang Feng back home, causing a huge uproar! What was she supposed to do now? Yang Family's most popular princess has a boyfriend! This made many of Yang Yuexin's elders heave a sigh of relief!

It was not that no one wanted to take Yang Yuexin, but Yang Yuexin had always been cold to men, causing her family to be extremely worried.

Now, someone had finally moved Yang Yuexin's heart. Who was this person exactly? Everyone in the Yang Family wanted to see her true face! So, Yang Yuexin's grandmother, who was the biggest spokesperson for Yang Family, directly spoke out. She was afraid that Yang Yuexin would be shy, so she did not say anything and just asked Yang Yuexin to bring Tang Bohu over!

In the entire Yang Family, only Yang Yuexin was in the dark!

"Meet the parents?" Tang Bohu was shocked, but then he quickly said with a 'timid' tone, "Pear Blossom, are you being a little too hasty? Isn't it too fast? Am I not mentally prepared? "Hehe."

"Stop!" Yang Yuexin immediately cut off Tang Bohu's evil grin, "Hey, what nonsense are you spouting, it's just that my grandmother wants to see you, who told you that she wants to!"

Yang Yuexin originally had a hazy good impression of Tang Bohu. At this moment, after thinking of this meaning, she became bashful for a moment and didn't speak anymore.

"Hur hur, so you're not meeting the parents. Then I'm much more at ease!" At this time, Tang Bohu seemed to have put down a big rock, and shyly smiled: "Seeing this matter of the parents, Ah Ma has not taught you!" Tsk tsk, a typical filial son! Mama would never do something she didn't teach

What do you mean, more at ease? It seems like you have been wronged to see my parents, right? suddenly felt a bit angry in his heart after hearing what Tang Bohu said. A girl was always weird, even if Tang Bohu said that it was wrong to meet her parents, it was also wrong to say that it wasn't!

Resisting the urge to explode, Yang Yuexin said, "I thought you agreed to it! Wait for me here after work tonight! "

"Isn't it tomorrow night?" Tang Bohu asked.

"With such a great appearance like you, aren't you afraid of scaring my grandmother to death if you were brought here directly?" Yang Yuexin mercilessly struck down at Tang Bohu, before saying, "Go buy a set of clothes tonight and cut off your chicken nest like hair!" Yang Yuexin left behind a few words before she left.

"My face? "Such an image?"

Tang Bohu was startled at first, but immediately shook his hair, "Not bad! There was absolutely no problem to sweep away the young girls' world! Jealousy! Pear Blossom must be pure jealousy! "Ga Ga!"

Tang Bohu immediately turned around and picked up his broom and garbage shovel. Since he was going to work, of course he had to work!

In a pavilion on the outskirts of Hangzhou.

It was not yet noon. The outskirts of the city was quiet. There was not a single person around. The scorching sun was constantly scorching the plants that were about to dry up. There was no mercy at all.

His speed was extremely fast, and in an instant, he was already inside the pavilion. Taking a closer look, it was actually the seventh protector of the Heavenly Law Religion that Tang Bohu had let go last night!

At this moment, she was dressed in red, her hair slightly lowered as she quietly stood within the pavilion. Her face was completely silent without any emotion, nor did she reveal any trace of enchanting aura.

Time passed second by second

Suddenly, as if a gentle breeze was blowing, a white figure strangely appeared in front of Number Seven, as if coming out of thin air without any warning.

He stopped in his tracks. Like a ball of white mist, he was shrouded by a mysterious aura. His face was covered by a mask of a demonic face.

At this moment, Number Seven had a look of respect on his face, and then he knelt down, "Zhao Zedong, the only way in which you can do this is by the gods! Number Seven greets the Sect Leader! "

This person was actually the Sect Leader of the Heavenly Law Religion? However, why did he have to wear a mask when he met his protector?

The Heavenly Law Religion ran rampant in this area of Hangzhou, and there were many followers. The way the people here acted was very strange, and the Heavenly Law Religion leader was an even more mysterious existence, because no one had ever seen his true face, and perhaps no one would ever know that the person was the Heavenly Law Religion leader.

"Stand up!" The voice of the white clothed person was extremely imposing and from the sound of it, it should be that of a middle-aged man. However, one could not be certain that the voice of the person who spoke would change, because there are many people in this world who could do so. Tell me about last night's operation! "

"Yes, Sect Leader!" The hierarchy of Heavenly Law Religion was very clear, Number Seven did not dare to be negligent in the slightest. After answering him, she told him everything that had happened last night in detail, not daring to reveal even a single detail.

The white-clothed church leader didn't say anything along the way. Under the cover of his mask, no one could tell what kind of expression he had. It was as if he was deep in thought.

As for Number Seven, after she finished her story, she stood to the side and waited for the Hierarch to finish his task. She originally thought that this task was certain to fail, but now that it had failed, Number Seven would not hope that the Hierarch would not punish her!

"You said that the youth who appeared halfway used the same sword technique as the kid from Yun Family? Are you sure? " After a while, the white-robed Hierarch suddenly asked.

"Your subordinate is certain!" Number Seven had a clear memory of Tang Bohu's swordsmanship, hence he replied affirmatively.

"That young man is not on good terms with the Qi family? Did they know each other? " The white-clothed church head kept analyzing the situation in his mind, lightly asking Number Seven about any questions he had.

Number Seven told him everything he knew.

"In that case, the Crystal Special Ability might not necessarily fall onto the Guardian of China!" After thinking for a while, the Sect Leader said, "Maybe he got it from that young man! We still have a chance! "

That crystal, if he himself obtained it, would definitely allow his Heavenly Law Religion to rise to another level!

"You don't need to care about this task!" After pondering for a moment, the Sect Leader in white spoke up, "Return to headquarters to receive your punishment! Also, let Number Ten see me! "Time, this moment three days later …"

"Yes!" Sect Leader! " Number Seven didn't have any objections. He didn't even dare to disperse his gaze in front of the white-robed Sect Leader. He only replied respectfully and immediately left, disappearing into the weeds.

Number 10? If anyone with Guardian of China heard this, they would definitely be confused, didn't Heavenly Law Religion only have nine protectors? Why, another Number Ten appeared?

As the wild wind blew, the white-robed Sect Leader stood alone in the pavilion. A moment later, his figure flickered and slowly blended into the air like a miracle. His figure immediately vanished!

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