Danqing Painting Hall.

Tang Bohu took the broom and wandered around the departments. Other than taking advantage of a couple of cute girls, nothing worth writing about had happened. In the end, Tang Bohu turned in a circle, casually swept through it, and once again returned to his "office!"

After dumping the pieces of scrap paper and other trash into the 'neighbor's' trash can, Tang Bohu threw his tools to the side, and then carefully sat down with his butt. He muttered to himself, "I wonder if this chair can still hold on till today!" Tang Bohu seemed to hear the little stool squeak.

"Stop shouting. As the saying goes, if you don't enter hell, who will? Moreover, I have already entered hell. This time, you shouldn't blame me for breaking your body into pieces, right?"

Tang Bohu said to the chair under him, and then he leaned against the wall, his eyelids suddenly heavy. Slowly, he leaned against the trash can and began to snore.

After an unknown amount of time, Tang Bohu's mind was in a daze as he heard the sound of footsteps coming from the stairs. After a while, a group of people appeared at the stairs! Tang Bohu curled his lips in displeasure, because the sound of his footsteps had awoken his' beautiful 'dream.

What was a 'beautiful' dream?

The word 'beautiful' was first used to describe two people who were on the same bed. However, there was still some distance between the two points.

Next, he could use the word 'dry' under a horizontal stroke! The word represented the sacred meaning of 'cough,' 'cough,' 'cough,' 'no,' 'no direct words. Under the word' dry ', there was another line, which still represented the bed. However, at this moment, the two points below the line were already firmly stuck together!

After the explanation, this was a beautiful dream!

Logically speaking, any person who was about to wake up from a dream should not be in a good mood because they would be disturbed. Tang Bohu, of course, could not be an ordinary person as well.

However, Tang Bohu's current position was too inconspicuous. Beside the trash can, there was still a seat, who would pay attention to it?

Therefore, a group of around 10 people passed by him, and none of them knew that a pair of extremely displeased eyes were staring at them from a 60 degree angle beside them.

"Haha …" The leading middle-aged man with glasses suddenly laughed, unconcernedly breaking the quiet atmosphere of the Danqing Painting Hall. He laughed for a bit, and then said to the person beside him.

"Mr. Yamamoto, look at the environment here. It's more than just a slight difference in Painting Hall! "It's even more impossible to compare other aspects!"

Yamamoto? From the sound of it, the name seemed to belong to someone from the small country of R.

This person was called Mister by the middle-aged man at his age, but, he was only a young man with shifty eyes, a long beard growing from under his nose, and his eyes had been darting around randomly from the moment he had entered the Danqing Painting Hall. It was unknown what he was looking at, but his footsteps were weak, and his face had turned slightly blank.

The young man was speaking bird language while nodding his head. He seemed to agree with the words of the middle-aged man.

At this moment, a person that seemed to be a translator whispered a few words into the middle-aged man's ear. When the middle-aged man heard this, he nodded with a smile. He even cheerfully led the young man and continued walking forward, as if he was strolling in his own garden.

The people from Danqing Painting Hall were all stunned, and all of them cast their gazes towards these 'uninvited guests', because the middle-aged man had spoken without restraint since the moment he entered, and did not greet anyone, as if he was visiting his own place. He did not even put Danqing Painting Hall in his eyes at all!

"Who was it? "Oh, so it's Boss Wei. I wonder what kind of wind brought you here today?" At this time, Yang Tianyu appeared in time and immediately welcomed the person who came. He said a few words with a smile that didn't reach his eyes, but he was cursing in his heart.

The Boss Wei that Yang Tianyu spoke of was the middle-aged man leading the group of people. His name was Wei Zhentong, and he was an extremely strong CEO of a company in Hangzhou.

The Wei Family that he belonged to, was also an ancient clan in Hangzhou, its strength was quite strong, and could be said to be its nemesis for many years.

Wei Zhentong's Wei Family was the biggest opponent for his Danqing Painting Hall in Hangzhou! The competition between the two had always been intense.

Today, Wei Zhentong had suddenly appeared because he did not come with good intentions!

Yang Tianyu was secretly vigilant. This old cunning fox Wei Zhentong had never done anything that he was not confident in. What tricks did he want to play today?

"Hehehe, Junior Disciple Yang, I'm sorry, I came uninvited, please do not take offense!" However, from Wei Zhentong's face, there was no hint of 'embarrassment'.

"It doesn't matter, Danqing Painting Hall is a method of opening the door for business anyway. It embraces the principle of the equality of all beings. Even if it's a dog that comes, we wouldn't take offense!" A cold voice suddenly sounded. It was without a trace of politeness, directly pointing at the Sang Huai without a shred of hesitation!

It was actually Yang Yuexin. This time, it revealed the side that she was most familiar with, Icy Cold!

Before meeting Tang Bohu, it could be said that Yang Yuexin had never spoken of men that were not related by blood with a single word.

Yang Yuexin was not her elder brother, so she had to do whatever she wanted with him. The enmity that the Wei Family and the Yang Family had formed was not something that could be resolved in a day or two. After competing with each other for so many years, it had long evolved from a healthy competition to a clear and bright victory!

Therefore, when Wei Zhentong first came in, he did not give Yang Tianyu the slightest amount of face.

In other words, if you have any intention of coming here, just say it as soon as you can. Moreover, because of something a while ago, Yang Yuexin was extremely disgusted with Wei Family!

Yang Yuexin's words caused Wei Zhentong's face to change rapidly, but, in any case, she was an old cunning fox who had lived for over forty years, and was not so easy to see, "This should be Niece Xian, haha, 18 transformations, I almost can't recognize her!"

Wei Zhentong's face immediately returned to normal, as if he did not hear Yang Yuexin's words.

At the same time, upon seeing Yang Yuexin, the eyes of the young man beside Wei Zhentong lit up, and in that moment, an evil light flashed past his eyes, and a few bird words came out of his mouth. At the same time, he started to size Yang Yuexin up unrestrainedly.

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