"Bam!" Old Master Yun's hands slipped and the book fell to the ground. However, he could not care about that at the moment, his eyes flashed with surprise, and he anxiously asked, "Did you see it clearly? Is it really the Cloud Shadow Sword Art? "

Old Master Yun seemed to be very excited, his eyes suddenly lit up and stared straight at Yun Yang. *

Although Yun Yang had expected the old man's reaction to be huge, the sudden outburst of aura made Yun Yang suffocate.

I was even more shocked in my heart. Grandpa was indeed powerful, but the aura he unwittingly exuded was already hard for me to resist. He was truly worthy of being a person at the peak of martial arts.

After his breath had gone smoothly, Yun Yang nodded and said, "That's right, it's the Cloud Shadow Sword Art! However, a trace of temptation flashed past Yun Yang's eyes, "The Cloud Shadow Sword Art that Big Brother Tang Feng used, seems to be even more mysterious than the Yun Family of my sect."

"His name is Tang Feng?" Old Master Yun muttered to himself, "Surnamed Tang?" Half a moment later, doubt also appeared in his eyes. "Hangzhou Tang Family? But, even if it's someone from the Tang Family, they would have no reason to understand my Cloud Shadow Sword Art, right? "

Old Master Yun was currently deep in thought and his brows were tightly knitted. It seemed like he would not be able to think of this reason in a short amount of time. When the direct descendant Cloud Shadow Sword Art was used by an outsider, the shock in the Old Master Yun's heart was much greater than what was revealed on the outsider's face!

In fact, when Old Master Yun heard the news, his eyes flashed with killing intent. The ultimate skill passed down in his family, how could it fall into the hands of an outsider?

"Yang'er, he should be able to see through your Cloud Shadow Sword Art, right?" After pondering for a moment, Old Master Yun asked, "What was his expression back then?"

Yun Ying thought about it, "He knows, but I can't see any traces of him on his face. Furthermore, when he used the Cloud Shadow Sword Art, he even said a sentence to me."

The expression in Yun Ying's eyes was somewhat unable to conceal his shock as he thought back to last night. Tang Bohu gave a bland smile and said towards him, "Look clearly, what is the real Cloud Shadow Sword Art!"

"Real Cloud Shadow Sword Art?" The Old Master Yun seemed to have thought of something and muttered to himself once again.

"Oh yeah, Grandfather, I asked him where he learned his master from." Yun Yang suddenly thought of the most important thing, "However, I do not understand his answer."

"Tell me about it." Old Master Yun's eyes lit up. If he knew where the Cloud Shadow Sword Art came from, perhaps the problem would be easily solved!

"Brother Tang Feng said that his Cloud Shadow Sword Art was learned from the Holy Sect Sect Leader!" Yun Yang replied with doubt.


Old Master Yun's face suddenly changed, and he fiercely stood up, his eyes revealing extreme shock. "Holy Sect? Listen up, is he really talking about Holy Sect? "

The Old Master Yun seemed to be unable to control his emotions, as he hurriedly told Yun Yang. At the same time, he panted heavily, his eyes slightly red, obviously because he was extremely excited.

Yun Yang was completely stunned by the sudden change in Old Master Yun. Since a young age, his grandfather who had always been calm and collected in his eyes actually had such an emotional side to him. He never thought that his grandfather would actually be so sensitive to these two words.

After his mouth opened a few times, because of the imposing aura that erupted from Old Master Yun's body, Yun Yang was actually unable to reply in that moment.

After a while, Old Master Yun realized that he had lost control of himself and slightly retracted his aura. However, he was still unable to hide the excitement in his eyes, "Yang'er, do you think that person called himself the successor of the Cloud Shadow Sword Art?"

"En!" Yun Yang nodded his head, "He even asked me, which bloodline does the current Clan Master of the Holy Sect belong to! Weird, since he is the Holy Sect Clan Master, why would he ask who the Holy Sect Clan Master is? " Yun Yang didn't know, that the Holy Sect Clan Master who passed down the [Cloud Shadow Technique] Tang Bohu was from five hundred years ago!

However, the Old Master Yun did not care about Yun Yang's questions. How could he, whose heart was like raging waves, have the leisure to think about such things right now?

Old Master Yun's eyes suddenly became moist, as if he had thought of something. His deep eyes seemed to pierce through the space tunnel, seeing the events of many years ago.

After a while, Old Master Yun let out a long sigh. At the same time, his face revealed a hint of happiness, "How many years has it been? The heavens did not destroy my Holy Sect! "

"My Holy Sect?" Yun Yang's expression froze for a moment, and then a bit of doubt flashed past his eyes. Seeing his grandfather's teary face, Yun Yang's heart was even more confused.

At this time, he had faintly guessed Tang Bohu's identity, but he mistakenly believed that Tang Bohu was the disciple the last Clan Master had passed down in his Holy Sect!

"Yang'er, where is that Tang Feng now?" At this time, Old Master Yun was itching to see Tang Bohu again so he could understand the doubts in his heart. After all, this was just a guess.

Oh, "Yun Yang's mind was filled with doubts, but he did not hesitate, and immediately replied," Right now, he is in Hangzhou, I've sent him an invitation to join Guardian of China.

"How is it?" The Old Master Yun hurriedly asked.

"He agreed! Now, all that's left is the verification! " Yun Yang replied.

"What are you still checking? There's no need to check anymore!" The Old Master Yun waved his hand and said, "Go to Hangzhou immediately and invite him to Beijing. I want to meet this young lad."

No need for approval? Yun Yang was startled, this kind of treatment, I don't even have it right? Thinking back to back then, he himself had to die to pass the examination to join the Guardian of China!

Who knew how much suffering he had to endure!

Old Master Yun was famous for being impartial and strict. When dealing with things, it did not differentiate between personal feelings. Even if it was his son, he did not have any face!

However, hearing Old Master Yun say that Tang Bohu did not need to undergo an audit, Yun Yang could not help but feel shocked.

"Yang'er, you're eighteen today as well, right?"

Old Master Yun suddenly asked about Yun Yang's age. After Yun Yang nodded, Old Master Yun immediately said, "There are some things that I should let you know!"

Old Master Yun slowly walked to the window, turned and said to Yun Yang sternly, "You must hear everything I'm about to tell you, and remember it all!"

Hearing that, Yun Yang's expression became serious, and he immediately nodded his head.

Old Master Yun had a perplexed expression. After pondering for a moment, he organized his thoughts and slowly said, "Actually, Guardian of China is not entirely a part of the national department!"

Old Master Yun's first sentence already caused Yun Yang's expression to change. However, even if he had a million questions in his mind, now was not the time to ask.

"A hundred years ago, there was another name for Guardian of China!"

Old Master Yun revealed a shocking secret with every word, and continued to speak, "In the late Qing dynasty, the imperial court was disorderly, and the people were in chaos, which caused the Wu Lin to be even more restless. Furthermore, the strong have already invaded our city, and their iron hooves are trampling unscrupulously on the land of our Yan Huang descendants!

Their gunfire was like a wild beast swallowing up the lives of the Hua Xia siblings! In those days when the flames of war were raging, Wu Lin was also in a state of turmoil, and the battles between sects were becoming more and more intense. With internal and external troubles, the Chinese nation was already swaying in the wind and rain! "

"Later on, Holy Sect made a decision to use the power of thunder to unite the entire martial arts forest in a short period of time! At that time, the strength of the Holy Sect was unquestionable! The Clan Master of the Holy Sect, Yun Che, was an exceptionally rare expert, and within the Holy Sect, there were countless experts!

That was when Holy Sect was at its most flourishing! After unifying Wu Lin and ending Wu Lin's internal troubles, the goal of the Holy Sect will be to get more trouble for the outside world! "

"In those days, the flames of war raged in the sky and the flames of war rose from the beacons of war. A war that lasted for many years against foreign enemies began in the Chinese lands!"

At this time, Old Master Yun's face revealed a sorrowful expression, "Although the people in the Holy Sect are all powerful martial artists, what they have to face are countless of bullets and countless of cannon attacks!

Every time they moved, even though they destroyed a large number of enemies, their Holy Sect would still suffer heavy losses! However, Holy Sect did not cower at all! "

"Later on, when the superpowers appeared, the situation with Holy Sect was even more difficult! In the modern era, Holy Sect had chosen to fight against external enemies together! All these years, both Yan Huang and Holy Sect were attacked from both inside and outside. However, relying on their profound roots and the unremitting perseverance of both sides, more than sixty years ago, they finally welcomed liberation! "

"However, this victory, the price of Holy Sect is truly too high! Experts of the Holy Sect, including the Patriarch of the Holy Sect, had almost completely perished, and the Holy Sect was facing a crisis of having its legacy cut off! However, luckily, the cunning rabbit died, and the dog cooking didn't happen to our Holy Sect.

At that time, the first thing that China did when it was established was to name Holy Sect as the Guardian of China! From then on, very few people brought up Holy Sect! Over the years, people had gradually forgotten that Guardian of China was evolved from Holy Sect!

And our Yun Family, is the only weak branch left behind by the Holy Sect back then! The [Cloud Shadow Method] and the Cloud Shadow Sword Art that we learned are also not the most complete! "

, from today onwards, you must remember that you are not only someone from the Guardian of China, you are also a person from the Holy Sect! "Yun Che said in a low voice.

Actually, there were some words that Old Master Yun had not said yet. The current Guardian of China was no longer completely a part of the Holy Sect. Don't forget, now that the Guardian of China has been divided into two divisions, Special Ability Department and Department of Ancient Martial Arts! Moreover, the ancient martial arts were in a state of decline.

Old Master Yun took out a book from the drawer and handed it over to Yun Yang, "There are many records of secret history regarding Holy Sect. Return it to me immediately after you take a look! Do you understand? "

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