Yun Yang received the book from Old Master Yun in a daze. The shock in his heart was simply indescribable!

So Guardian of China actually had such a history!

Yun Yang felt that his heart had been strongly attacked, and at the same time, a sense of pride faintly rose in his heart. Because, Yun Family, even if it was the weakest side branch of Holy Sect, it was still a part of Holy Sect!

Anyone who knew of the existence of such a powerful sect would involuntarily feel proud of it!

Even if the Holy Sect had already ceased to exist, Yun Yang still felt a sense of belonging towards the Guardian of China. So it turned out that he had joined the Guardian of China not only for the nation, but also for his own family!

"But, Grandfather, you're not saying that the Sacred Master has already fallen, but, how could Big Brother Tang Feng's Cloud Shadow Sword Art learn from the Sacred Master?" Yun Yang was still a little doubtful.

However, the Old Master Yun did not understand. After pondering for a moment, he said, "Invite Tang Feng to Beijing as soon as possible. There are some things that I need to tell him personally!"

Hangzhou, Zhejiang, at this time, was nearing the evening.

At the end of Antique Street, there was a right turn. After walking for another hundred meters or so, there was a place where people could relax when they had nothing to do. It was Green Cloud Park.

Tang Bohu remembered this park. The reason was because the child he saved at the bank was called Tang Qing Yun, and had the same name as the park. When he passed by, Tang Bohu felt that it was familiar, and he remembered it in his heart.

At this moment, the sun was setting.

The number of people in the park also gradually increased, especially the even crowd. They were in pairs, silently communicating with each other in every corner of the park. A towering resentment burst out from every corner of the park, shooting into the clouds.

However, there were a few brave ones who sought excitement, completely ignoring the weird stares from their surroundings, and allowed their tongues to entangle with each other without restraint. Such a disgraceful action in broad daylight, under the bright light of the universe, was truly rude!

The people who had this thought were usually lonely figures in the park, so there was no way to rule out jealousy. And among this group of people, Tang Bohu seemed to be within them.

Having nothing to do, Tang Bohu decided to come to the park ahead of time. Along the way, he startled countless of lovebirds that were entwined together and, in a field of complaints, Tang Bohu arrived at the willow tree beside the lake that he had agreed on with Yang Yuexin. He curled his lips, and thought of the two people he just saw and blurted out:

"He actually dared to do such a disgraceful thing in front of this scholar!"

Tang Bohu had just seen the couple, and was very interested in them. In the end, he got scolded.

Time passed second by second.

Tang Bohu's neck was aching, but his figure still did not appear, "Sigh, women are born late, how can they get on the train if they don't wait patiently?"

Tang Bohu comforted himself and then seemed to remember something. His figure flashed and disappeared from the spot, and five minutes later, he came back sneakily with wet hair for some reason.

At this time, Yang Yuexin appeared!

Tang Bohu's eyes lit up, without waiting for Yang Yuexin to come over, he smiled and walked forward.

In fact, although Yang Yuexin's face looked alright, in reality, his heart was currently very perturbed. Especially after she saw Tang Bohu's crafty and mischievous smile, Yang Yuexin's heart started beating rapidly.

For the whole afternoon, Yang Yuexin's mind was in a trance, and Tang Bohu's figure kept appearing in her mind. She felt that she had really sunk into it!

"Is this the feeling of loving someone?"

Yang Yuexin's face kept on heating up as she repeatedly asked herself. Even though she was in her second year, she had never been in love before in her entire life, let alone falling in love with someone! Therefore, Yang Yuexin's heart was in a mess. When she returned home, she could not even concentrate, and almost used the Cleansing Essence for a soda to drink.

This was her first date. Yang Yuexin dressed carefully and tried on dozens of sets of clothes before feeling satisfied. She then walked towards Green Cloud Park.

Just as she saw the willow tree, Yang Yuexin immediately saw Tang Bohu under the willow tree. When Tang Bohu did not turn around and look at Yang Yuexin, Yang Yuexin had already paid attention to him a few times.

In Yang Yuexin's eyes, just a moment ago, Tang Bohu was standing alone under the willow tree, looking at the glowing lake's surface with a profound gaze. A breeze blew past, lifting up a few strands of Tang Bohu's hair.

In that instant, Tang Bohu's figure gave Yang Yuexin a deep feeling of loneliness, as if she was a refined scholar waiting for the arrival of a beautiful woman.

Immediately after, when Tang Bohu came over to welcome him, he could not help but reveal a trace of nervousness on his face, as well as faint anticipation.

Sure enough, Tang Bohu did not disappoint her. When Tang Bohu saw Yang Yuexin, he could not shift his gaze away from him, and after being stunned for a moment, he walked over with a smile. All of these movements, all landed in Yang Yuexin's eyes.

Women dress for those who like them!

After Yang Yuexin was carefully dressed up, she was indeed even more beautiful than before, causing Tang Bohu's heart to wave even more.

"Magnificent and graceful, elegant and graceful like a roaming dragon, glorious vermilion chrysanthemum, and lush pines. If the light clouds cover the moon, like the wind blowing back the snow. From afar, the bright moon was shining like the morning sun. Forced to observe, burning the lotus out of the waves. It's a good idea. Shorten the fit. Shoulder cut, waist cut. Neck prolongation, the appearance of white matter, nothing, lead. The bun is huge, the eyebrows are tightly-knit, the lips are bright, and the teeth are white and fresh. "

Tang Bohu suddenly said something, it was precisely the part of Cao Zhi's《 Luo Shen Fu》 which described a woman's beauty.

For a girl to receive such praise, especially from the one she loved, the joy in her heart was indescribable.

However, Yang Yuexin still snorted lightly as the bashfulness on her face receded slightly, "Do you think that you can win the girl's heart with just a few words of the Goddess of Luo?"

The answer was obviously yes, but looking at Yang Yuexin's rosy face, one could guess the sweetness in her heart! She thought about the same thing and said the same thing. Sometimes, a girl's mouth wouldn't work when they were talking about something special!

Tang Bohu smiled lightly, and naturally did not try to compare the truth with Yang Yuexin. In his hand, he took out a bunch of fresh flowers, as if he was playing a trick on him, "Green leaves against fresh flowers, fresh flowers against beautiful women, this is for you!"

Yang Yuexin felt a burst of fragrance attack her face, she took a deep breath and accepted the fresh flowers, "Thank you!"

I didn't expect him to send me flowers! At the same time, Yang Yuexin also noticed that these flowers were incomparably tender and beautiful, and there were even some droplets of water on the petals, "What fresh flowers!" Yang Yuexin's face filled with joy.

Tang Bohu also laughed, his expression did not change, but he thought to himself: I just picked it, of course it's fresh! During the five minutes when Tang Bohu disappeared, he went to do something that would anger both humans and gods.

It was his first time going on a date, so he didn't take any gifts. Even if Tang Bohu had a thick skin, he still wouldn't care.

"Let's go out for a walk." Tang Bohu walked forward as he walked shoulder to shoulder with Yang Yuexin.

The two of them chatted as they walked. This was probably the most harmonious meeting they had ever had since they had met! Moreover, they were getting closer and closer to each other. Their hands would lightly touch each other from time to time, giving off an ambiguous feeling.

The key point was Yang Yuexin suddenly giving him a kiss at noon today!

At this moment, not only was Yang Yuexin worried about Tang Bohu, Tang Bohu was even more direct. She had already treated Yang Yuexin as his woman!

"Sigh!" You don't know, if that rapist hadn't run so fast, I would definitely not have let him off! " Suddenly, a sharp voice sounded from beside Tang Bohu and Mu Yurou, causing Tang Bohu's heart to thump slightly.

Beside the two of them, a woman in gardener's clothing said to the other woman, "Bastard, you're really bold. How dare you pick flowers in front of me? You must be tired of living!" The woman had a murderous look on her face.

"Did you see what he looked like?" another woman asked.

"No, he slipped away fast. I was just watering the flowers, and when I found him, he had already picked the flowers and ran away! What a good rapist, you actually managed to pick flowers for me! "

Uh, grandma's words were full of ambiguity! Tang Bohu was even more shocked. He glanced at the old lady, her fat body was a small matter, but the red spots on her face had coincidentally been covered with a Big Dipper Formation. Around her, there were even other 'stars' scattered.

Please, who would dare to pick flowers on you!

"How many flowers has he picked?"

"Nine flowers!" I think that shameless person must have gone to coax the girl! " The woman's face was filled with hatred. In her heart, there was only jealousy. She had lived for most of her life, yet no one had ever gifted her a flower! It's not wrong to pick flowers, but it's your fault to pick old lady's flowers and not give them to me! This was the real world in her heart!

At this time, not only Tang Bohu, Yang Yuexin also heard the conversation between the two aunties. The more Yang Yuexin listened, the more she felt that something was wrong. She immediately lowered her head and counted the flowers in her hands.

Furthermore, it was dripping with water …

The truth was about to be revealed!

Yang Yuexin was speechless for a moment, her eyes then drifted towards Tang Bohu, but she realised that Tang Bohu was still indifferent, looking straight ahead, as if she did not hear what the aunty said, as if she did not have a guilty conscience!

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