When Tang Bohu and the rest heard this haughty and clear voice, they subconsciously turned around to look. A ball of red figure appeared in front of them.

At the same time, Tang Bohu's eyes turned red. The person in front of him was truly too red! Tang Bohu looked up from the bottom.

A pair of red high-heeled shoes that was almost as tall as a bamboo pole, coupled with the bright red tight-fitting clothes that deeply stimulated one's eyes, revealed a figure that made many perverts let their imaginations run wild!

He was wearing a red handbag and his hair was dyed a dark red.

Tang Bohu looked up from the bottom, and then looked up and down once more from the center, and could not help but sigh. Other than the skin that was revealed, there was not a single spot that was not red!

The girl who looked to be around 18 or 19 years old walked over arrogantly, pointing at Tang Bohu's clothes, and said, "I've bought this clothes! Take it off immediately! "

The girl completely ignored everyone, and shouted at Tang Bohu as though she was giving an order, "Hurry, I'm in a hurry!"

The surrounding people couldn't help but frown. However, this girl was dressed all over, and the handbag in her hand was made of high quality goods. On her back stood two men in suits, most likely their bodyguards.

This kind of person was either rich or noble, how could ordinary people dare to offend him? For a moment, the gazes of almost everyone in the shop were focused on Tang Bohu and the rest, but no one dared to make a sound. Everyone was quietly watching, and most of them only held the mindset of watching a good show.

Tang Bohu raised his eyebrows slightly, being pointed at so respectfully and arrogantly with the nose, even people would be unhappy, even if they were pointed at by a beauty, it was no exception!

However, before Tang Bohu could say anything, Yang Yuexin's voice sounded coldly beside him, "We picked this out first, why should we give it to you?"

Yang Yuexin's face was currently ice-cold. She was originally a person who would never back down from ordinary people, but Tang Bohu, who was already a man whom Yang Yuexin had already set his mind to, was now pointed at and asked to do so by a woman. The so-called 'husband can endure, but his wife cannot! " As if he had been humiliated, Yang Yuexin immediately spoke out in a cold voice.

The girl was startled, as though she did not expect Yang Yuexin to use such a tone to talk to her, but in the next second, a proud look surfaced on her face, and she said with disdain, "I guess I will like it! "Boss!"

The girl then drank from the bottle. The owner also hurried over and said, "Both of you, stop arguing. How many of the suits are the same in this shop?"

"No way!" The girl did not finish listening, and rudely interrupted, "I want the one he has! I can offer double the price! "

The girl was simply unreasonable at this moment. Maybe it was because she was dissatisfied with Yang Yuexin's attitude towards her, but after saying that, she glanced at Yang Yuexin arrogantly.

At this time, Yang Yuexin was also angered, she did not pay attention to the shopkeeper's compromising gaze, and coldly said: "What if we don't give up? We have already bought this set of clothes, we will definitely not let them out! "

The two ladies stared at each other angrily. The owner could only worry. It was a good thing that the customer had a lot of customers, but it might not be a good thing if they picked a piece of clothing at the same time. Furthermore, they were both irreconcilable characters.

At this time, Tang Bohu was also a little confused, he suddenly thought about it, the two girls seemed to be arguing over a topic that involved him not taking off his clothes!

A scene suddenly appeared in Tang Bohu's mind. The two girls both wanted his clothes, with one on each side, frantically pulling at his clothes. That kind of scene, seemed to be a hehe, you know!

Tang Bohu could not help but shiver, but at this time, the girl spoke again, "Boss, you sell the clothes to me, I offer ten times the price!" A girl only wanted to talk about money, but this point was completely different from Tang Bohu's!

"Is it great to have money?" At this time, Yang Yuexin did not show any signs of weakness, and said while using an expression as if she was cooking raw rice, "The clothes are already on him, if you want to take it off, you're dreaming!" Yang Yuexin was like a hen protecting her little chicken.

Her first date with Tang Bohu actually ran into such a situation, wouldn't it be weird if Yang Yuexin was not angry in her heart?

However, the girl did not give in and continued to speak rudely, "I, Shangguan Feng want something that I can't get! I'll ask you again, take it off, or not! "

Hearing that, Tang Bohu could not help but spurt, what kind of words are these? Take it off, or not take it off? Tsk tsk, you're even more of a hooligan than I am!

Shangguan Feng seemed to not realize that her words were ambiguous. At this time, she could not hide the arrogance in her eyes as she glanced at Tang Bohu, "If you don't take it off, then I'll help you take it off!"

"Puff!" Tang Bohu could not help but burst out laughing. Although Shangguan Feng was arrogant, but, she must be a little too crazy.

Tang Bohu laughed, and then revealed a look of feigned fear, "Young miss, do you really want to take it off?"

Shangguan Feng acted extremely respectfully and looked at Tang Bohu with contempt. In her eyes, Tang Bohu was nothing more than a pretty boy who only knew how to eat.

"Eh?" Tang Bohu's face revealed a troubled expression, "Right now?"

"Nonsense, immediately take it off!"

"This …" Tang Bohu's tone suddenly changed, he straightened his back and said righteously, "No! I can't just sell my chastity! "

Shangguan Feng was startled, and after a moment, her face darkened, as she obviously understood that Tang Bohu had been toying with her the entire time. She could not help but glare at Tang Bohu angrily, "You dare to tease my Shangguan Feng?" Beneath Shangguan Feng's cold voice, there was a hint that it was about to explode.

"Shangguan Feng? "Is she very famous?" Tang Bohu thought about it carefully, "I have no impression of him! "Hehe, maybe I know too many people and forgot about it for a moment. Give me some time, wait for me here today next year, I might have remembered it!" Tang Bohu indicated to Yang Yuexin, and prepared to leave!

For such a proud and arrogant girl, teasing her for a bit was enough. But if he really met with her misfortune, he would definitely be in constant trouble!

However, Tang Bohu didn't know that to Shangguan Feng, this was already giving her a hard time! Because no one had ever dared to speak to her like that!

At this moment, Yang Yuexin's brows were knitted slightly. The moment she heard Shangguan Feng call out her name on her own, Yang Yuexin's heart sank.

A person surnamed Shangguan was originally not allowed, her name was Shangguan Feng and in Hangzhou, her actions were so overbearing, Yang Yuexin really could not think of anyone else besides the young miss of Hangzhou.

Normally, Yang Yuexin would choose to give in because of this name, but today, it was all because of her and her man's dignity. Yang Yuexin had no reason to give in!

At this time, there was no need for Shangguan Feng to say anything, the two suited men behind Shangguan Feng already understood her meaning, they slowly walked forward, their bodies emitting a threatening aura as they charged towards Tang Bohu.

Some of the more timid customers saw that the argument was about to turn into a fight, so they walked out in fear of bringing disaster to themselves. As for the shop owner, he was in the middle and was casually thrown aside by a man, but he could only swallow his anger, grimacing in pain as he didn't dare to utter a single word.

Shangguan Feng stared at Tang Bohu and spoke in disdain, "Little white boy, offending me, Shangguan Feng, is something you have to regret in your next life!"

At this time, Shangguan Feng was very much looking forward to Tang Bohu being beaten up until he looked like he didn't belong in the first place, and he couldn't help but be proud of himself.

"Humph!" Shangguan Family's only daughter, Shangguan Feng, really lives up to her reputation! " Yang Yuexin coldly snorted, still showing no signs of weakness as she said this.

However, when Shangguan Bing'er heard the two words, "worthy of your reputation", her face couldn't help but sink. Obviously, the so-called name Yang Yuexin was referring to was not so good!

Sure enough, Shangguan Feng's eyes revealed a look of viciousness, "Smelly thirty-eight, right now I have decided to take care of you too! Humph! I, Shangguan Feng, want to strip you naked and throw you out of the shop, who dares to care! "

Shangguan Feng's face seemed to reveal an expression that was even more expectant than before!

Hearing that, Yang Yuexin's face could not help but change, she suddenly became livid, and her entire body shivered. If it was really like that, then it would be the biggest insult to a girl! It was an insult that could not be washed away for the rest of her life!

Furthermore, Yang Yuexin definitely believed that if she could say it out, Shangguan Feng would dare to do it!

"Miss Shangguan! Isn't his tone a little too big? " While Yang Yuexin was panicking in his heart, a cold voice slowly sounded, calming his heart a little. It was Tang Bohu! At this moment, Tang Bohu's face had an expression that had never been cold before, his tone extremely cold!

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