A dragon has a reverse scale!

Tang Bohu was no exception! As for Yang Yuexin, she had already become Tang Bohu's reverse scale, and could not be touched!

From the moment Yang Yuexin had 'stolen' Tang Bohu's first kiss, Tang Bohu had already treated her as her woman! How could she allow someone to insult her woman?

Shangguan Feng's humiliating words towards Yang Yuexin made Tang Bohu feel a wave of anger that she had never felt before. After speaking in a low voice, Tang Bohu's eyes suddenly shone with a bright light as he coldly looked at Shangguan Feng. In his eyes, Shangguan Feng was not like an 18 or 19 year old girl, but an extremely vicious shrew! "To have such a vicious heart!

Tang Bohu stepped forward, and blocked Yang Yuexin behind him. With his eyes, he did not leave Shangguan Feng, and if not for Shangguan Feng being a girl in the end, Tang Bohu would have already made his move!

"Apologize!" Tang Bohu spat out these two words coldly, his eyes staring straight at Shangguan Feng.

At this time, Shangguan Feng's heart palpitated when she was stared at like that by him, and following that, an even more tyrannical intent burst forth from her heart, causing Shangguan Feng to not sneer, and she said, "Apologize? I'm dying of laughter! I, Shangguan Feng, have not written the word 'apologize' in my dictionary! "

Shangguan Feng did not give in nor was she frightened by Tang Bohu's aura. Instead, she continued, "You want me to apologize to this stinky bastard? "No way!"

Tang Bohu's pupils contracted tightly. Although he could feel Yang Yuexin lightly pulling at the corner of his clothes, he could not let it go at this point. He walked up slowly and said slowly, "I don't want to hit women, but if it's women with slaps on their mouths that slaps, I do not mind slapping them a few times!"

Hearing this, a tinge of joy surfaced in Yang Yuexin's heart. Seeing the man she liked standing up for him, Yang Yuexin was naturally happy in her heart.

However, the worry on Yang Yuexin's face grew deeper. She knew where Shangguan Feng came from the most clearly. If Tang Bohu were to hit Shangguan Feng today, it would be really hard to imagine what kind of consequences would come!

However, Tang Bohu's anger had filled his heart, and simply did not notice Yang Yuexin's expression. Retreating ten thousand steps, even if he knew of Shangguan Feng's origins, with Tang Bohu's personality, he would not necessarily choose to retreat!

It was a dragon. Even if it lurked for a long time, it would be treated as a worm!

At this moment, Tang Bohu did not hesitate at all. He only had one thought in his mind, to make her apologize to Pear Blossom!

Seeing Tang Bohu taking one step at a time, with a beast-like glint in his eyes, Shangguan Feng suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of fear, and involuntarily took two steps back. However, immediately after, he remembered the abilities of the two bodyguards, and his heart calmed down a little.

At this time, other than Tang Bohu and the rest, there was only a trembling shopkeeper inside the clothing store.

In the same moment, the two of them, one in front and one behind, one above and one below, one fast and one slow, with the momentum of a pincer attack, rushed towards Tang Bohu. The speed of the attack was extremely fast, and the momentum was so ferocious that they were no longer ordinary bodyguards!

Unfortunately, they were dealing with Tang Bohu!

At this time, Tang Bohu had a stomach full of anger that he wanted to vent. Seeing the two bodyguards rushing towards him, his eyes lit up, the corners of his mouth raised, and he growled. This young master's hands are itchy right now! "

After Tang Bohu finished speaking, he grabbed a pile of clothes on the side with one hand and rolled them into a ball before he threw it towards the two middle-aged bodyguards!

In a blink of an eye, the ball had already caught up with the two middle-aged men. The middle-aged man at the front had a disdainful look in his eyes at first, but as the ball got closer, the middle-aged man realized that the power contained in the ball had instantly increased by several fold! His speed rapidly increased as he shot towards the two of them like a shooting star!

"Boom boom!"

With a loud bang, the clothes scattered. The two middle-aged men's expressions became a little serious, and finally realized that the young man in front of them was not someone they could casually pinch, but the two middle aged men did not feel any panic at all.

"The two of you sure have good kung fu skills!" After the clothes was scattered, Tang Bohu's eyes suddenly lit up, and could not help but exclaim loudly: "Admirable! "I'm impressed!" And behind Tang Bohu, Yang Yuexin couldn't help but laugh.

This was because the two middle-aged men were completely unaware that when the ball of clothes burst open, some of them flew into the sky and directly landed on their heads. Although the two middle-aged bodyguards had slapped them down a little, at this moment, there were only two areas left, the one with the least weight was hanging on their heads, err, slowly glowing!

Coincidently, the two of them each had one piece on their head while the one on the left had a pair of pink, almost transparent female underwear while the one on the right, cough cough, was that woman's author who was too shy to say it out loud, leaving the reader with some thoughts.

"Hur hur, the two of you not only have outstanding martial arts skills, your hobbies are also extraordinary!" Tang Bohu continued to praise his while holding back his laughter.

"You two trash, why aren't you taking off the thing on your head! are you trying to throw our Shangguan Family's face away! " At this time, Shangguan Feng who was at the side bellowed with a flushed face.

The two middle-aged men hastily reached their hands over their heads and removed the object that was so small in weight that it was almost impossible to feel. They looked at it for a moment before their hands quickly shook and they threw it out!

It was too shameful to wear a woman's thing on his head!

A trace of anger was revealed in both of their eyes. They did not expect that an ordinary person would humiliate them today! " You're dead today! " One of the men coldly spat out these words. At the same time, his entire body exuded killing intent!

"I don't think so!" Tang Bohu did not laugh, and said immediately after, "Just based on the two of you, who have a crush on girls' underwear?"

"Die!" Tang Bohu had not even finished speaking, the two middle aged men all rushed out in anger, cursing out loud, they attacked Tang Bohu!

Tang Bohu's figure flashed, and dodged the two's first attack. Moreover, his attack was like the wind, and it flew back to attack the two! It was all based on one's combat skills. Such exquisite moves did not contain even the slightest bit of inner strength! To deal with ordinary people, he would have to use a common method!

But, something that Tang Bohu did not expect suddenly happened!

After the two sides engaged in a deadlock, the two middle-aged men suddenly looked at each other. Suddenly, a green light exploded in both of their eyes, giving them a strange look!

Power user!

Tang Bohu was shocked, and quickly retreated a few steps. This was the benefit of being a special ability user, without using any techniques, he was just like a normal person. They were not like martial artists, Tang Bohu could feel their strength from the Qi undulations from their bodies!

"Water Arrow!" The Water Arrow! " The two middle-aged men were slightly startled as well. They didn't expect that Tang Bohu would retreat so quickly, but they didn't hesitate any longer, as the two of them were Water Element Green Radiance early stage superpowers. Once they attacked, the two light blue transparent Water Arrow charged towards Tang Bohu!


As Tang Bohu was caught off guard, he was struck by the Water Arrow and smashed into a pile of clothes.

"Tang Feng!" Yang Yuexin's eyes suddenly revealed a burst of anxiety, she anxiously rushed forward, but before she could take two steps, Tang Bohu's body leaped forward, his hand moved like lightning, his hand formed a claw, and in a grabbing motion, her figure quickly flickered, and rushed towards the two middle-aged men!

The speed was too fast!

The two middle aged men had just revealed their smiles after defeating Tang Bohu, and the smile had just leaked out when it suddenly stopped. They could not hide the look of shock in their eyes.

In that moment, it was as if the Qi s on the two of them were locked on, they were actually unable to move at all. Maybe it was because Tang Bohu was too fast for them to even move, they could only watch as Tang Bohu's hands grabbed towards one of their necks!

When he was less than a meter away from the two, Tang Bohu did not laugh at all. He realized that the two of them did not even have the awareness to dodge.



Two simultaneous explosions resounded! Immediately after, the two of them were thrown backwards like kites with their strings cut. The sound of bones breaking came from the air.


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