Chapter 745

In terms of the wind army, according to Tang Yin's instructions, the Plains Army attacked Zhuyang County; the Tianying Army attacked Hengshui County, and the Baizhang Army stationed in Baima and Yishu County coordinated operations; the Ninth Army and the New Army attacked Kawaguchi County. .

In addition, the Ninth Army and the New Army thought that it would be easy to lay down Kawaguchi-gun, like the counties and counties laid down before, but in fact the opposite was true.

The two armies had just entered Kawaguchi-gun and were attacked by the Kawaguchi local army.

The Kawaguchi Army did not ambush the main force of the Ninth Army and the New Army, nor did they have that strength. Instead, it quietly detoured behind the two armies, sneaking into the logistical supplies of the Ninth Army and the New Army.

The scale of the battle was not large, and the Kawaguchi Army was not very strong, but they were very elite. They were caught off guard by the logistics supply teams of the two armies, and a large number of grain and military resources were robbed and burned.

Hearing the news, Qi Heng Cavalry led a cavalry to quickly turn around to reinforce, but when they returned, the Kawaguchi Army had already run out of sight.

Even before the enemy's face was seen, he ate such a big loss, which made Qi Heng feel resentful. He then summoned the Ninth Army and the New Army to go straight to the town of Tingkou in Kawaguchi-gun.

Tingkou Town is located in the north of Kawaguchi-gun. If Feng Jun wants to go deeper into the hinterland of Kawaguchi-gun, he must first win Tingkou as a foothold.

According to the investigation, the local army in Tingkou was only more than 5,000, while the Ninth Army and the New Army had 200,000 members. Winning Tingkou was easy.

In the siege battle, the Ninth Army can only play a role of covering and threatening operations. It is impossible to expect heavy cavalry to rush to the wall to attack the city, and the task of frontal attack naturally falls on the new army.

Since the establishment of the new army, it has been in battle, and the combat experience has been extremely rich. It is certainly not a matter of course to win the small town guarded by 5,000 people.

Liu Zhang only sent two corps to fight. In his opinion, this is enough. The garrison can never stop the onslaught of 20,000 soldiers on his own. But in the end he was wrong. After the war started, it was far less smooth than he thought.

The resistance of the 5,000 defenders was extremely tenacious and violent. The two armies of the Wind Army rushed up and were repulsed. After several rounds of charge, they finally returned without success, and there were no small casualties.

Facing such a situation, Liu Zhang was quite surprised, but it was too late now, and he could only order to retreat and wait until tomorrow.

Back at the barracks, he had just entered the army's tent, and his buttocks didn't sit hot. Qi Heng came to the door angrily.

Qi Heng was dissatisfied with the siege battle of the new army today. The mighty Central Army Corps couldn't beat a small projectile town where only 5,000 local troops were stationed. It spread, not only the new army, but also his Ninth Army.

In the army's account, Qi Heng yelled at Liu Zhang's nose in front of the generals of the new army and asked, "What **** battle are you fighting today? Even a small town of 5,000 people can't fight it. You What is the commander in chief of the army? "

Do n’t look at Qi Heng as Mo. Now he has no official recovery position, but his qualifications in the army are comparable to Liu Zhanglao. He owes a figure and grinned: "General Qi, I am indeed wrong today, and General Qi also Suppress the fire, please sit down! "

"Where can I sit now?" Qi Heng was hot-tempered, came fast, and went fast. He folded his hands on his waist and paced back and forth in the large account, shaking his head and saying indignantly: "Since entering Kawaguchi County, our army is not smooth. Now the logistic team is under attack and now the attack is blocked. Isn't this to make the plain army and the eagles see our joke?

"Yes, yes, yes! General Qi is right!" Liu Zhang nodded again and again.

In fact, he did not lay down the pavilion. He was also very depressed, even more wondering. Incredibly, 20,000 to 10,000, the wind army to the An army, the Chinese army to the local army. Regardless of the military strength and combat strength, their own forces have absolute advantages. Can't beat it?

He turned to look at the two chiefs of the 7th and 8th Corps who were attacking today, and asked, "General Mao and General Gong, when you were commanding the siege, did you really think that the garrison in the city was 5,000? "

Hearing his questioning, Qi Heng stopped and looked at Mao Yi, the head of the 7th Corps, and Gong Dan, the head of the 8th Corps without blinking.

Mao Yi was full of shame, bowed his head, and whispered, "The defender is indeed only a few thousand people, but ... but ..."

"But what? I have something to say!" Liu Zhang said in a deep voice.

"But there are many spiritual practitioners in the garrison." Mao Yi whispered. As soon as his words fell, Gong Dan immediately answered: "Yes, there are many spiritual practitioners wearing An armor in the garrison. The exact number is unclear, but it is definitely not a minority. These spiritual practitioners are abnormal. Great, even if our generals finally rushed to the city, they were soon beaten down ... "

"This is not an excuse for you to wait for unfavorable combat!" Qi Heng snorted coldly.

Mao Yi and Gong had red ears and red ears on both sides, and their heads dropped lower, and said with a tremor, "The generals are unfavorable. Please also punish the army."

Liu Zhang put his hands on it, and the battle had already ended like this, so what good would it be to punish them again.

After a moment of contemplation, he turned to look at Qi Heng, and asked, "Doesn't General Qi remember that when he was in the town, the king seems to have mentioned it once, and the rangers from all over the place gathered in Kawaguchi-gun."

Qi Heng blinked and frowned, trying to remember, after a while, he said ambiguously: "It seems ... is this the case! Liu Zhang, do you think there is a ranger in the guards in the city?"

"There can only be one kind of explanation, otherwise, where are the many spiritualists?" Liu Zhangyou said, "It seems that the news received by the king is not false, Kawaguchi-gun ... I am afraid that it is not as we thought. Hit! "

He was worried, but Qi Heng grinned and said, "If that's the case, that would be a good thing."

"how to say?"

"The king has always hated rangers. If Kawaguchi-gun really gathers many rangers from all over the place, then it is a great opportunity for you and me to make a contribution." Qi Heng's eyes turned and he couldn't help closing his mouth.

"Tomorrow, I will fight in person, but I will see how many Rangers are mixed in the defenders in the city." Qi Heng suddenly became aggressive and said happily.

Bai An and Yan Yan both nodded and said to Liu Zhang: "General, tomorrow I will also play with General Qi!"

Liu Zhang did not refuse, a small town in Tingkou, it was enough to be ashamed to not beat it on the first day. If it could not be beaten the next day, the morale of the generals would be greatly affected, so the siege battle tomorrow You can only succeed, and you must never fail again.

Thinking of this, he persevered and said positively: "Except for the seventh and eighth corps, the rest of the corps will play tomorrow! The first and second corps will focus on Tingkou Beicheng, and the third and fourth corps. , The main attack on the south of Tingkou, the fifth and sixth corps on the west, and the ninth and tenth corps on the east. Tomorrow, all the generals must work together to win the pavilion!

"Observe!" The generals stood up together, leading their lives.

However, before the new army fights tomorrow, that night, late at night, the Anjun army in Tingkou sent a small group of elites to sneak attack on Dongying of the Fengjun.

The New Army and the Ninth Army are an infantry corps and a cavalry corps. The battalions are not joined together, but are set up separately. The new army battalions are in front, and the ninth army battalions are behind.

The security forces stealing the camp were only two hundred people. They attacked the new army's camp. The An Army relied on familiar terrain and the inadequate defense of the Wind Army, was successfully mixed into the battalion, and burned the grain depot located in the Dongying of the New Army.

In this fire, the flames were more than ten meters high, and the new army's Dongying were all red.

After receiving a report from the army below, Liu Zhang didn't even wear his armor. He hurried out of his tent and took a look outside. Well, he can clearly see the fire in Dongying here.

Liu Zhang inhaled, and hurriedly asked the reported army: "Where is the fire?"

"Yes ... it's our granary!"

"Ah?" Liu Zhang heard his head humming. The logistics team had been attacked before, and his own grain had not been replenished in time. If the army's grain depot was burned again, his own grain would be cut off. What else will the soldier eat?

At this time, Liu Zhang was also red-eyed, pushed the army who reported the letter, untied a warhorse off the bed, rode up, urged the warhorse, and hurried to Dongying.

The guards around were startled and shouted, "General, be careful, general, slow down!" As they shouted, they threw away their legs and chased after them.

Liu Zhang couldn't care whether the guards behind him had kept up, and kept pushing the war horse to run wild. After a short time, he ran to the site of the fire in Dongying ~ ~ and immediately looked up. The huge grain storehouse has now become a sea of ​​fire, and countless wind forces are pouring water to extinguish it. There are also a lot of soldiers desperately trying to rescue food from the sea of ​​fire. How could this happen! Seeing this, Liu Zhang was also dumbfounded. With only 5,000 enemy troops, how could he have the courage to dare to attack his own army camp of 100,000 people, how could the Anjun army in Kawaguchi-gun be so powerful?

He urged the horse to rush into the crowd, shouting and shouting to the surrounding generals: "Fire! Hurry up! Who knows where the enemy is now stealing the camp?"

"Back to General, the enemy is already gone!"

"Where to run ..."

He hadn't finished speaking, and suddenly, 嗖, 嗖, 嗖, suddenly shot over ten crossbow arrows before, after, and around him. This change came so suddenly that no one could think of it. Someone in the army of General Feng Jun shot a cold arrow at Liu Zhang.

If Liu Zhang was wary at this time, even if he fired a lot of crossbows, he might not hurt him, but now his mind is on the burning grass. How could he have enemies hiding in his own soldiers.

With the muffled sound of fluttering, fluttering, and fluttering arrows into the flesh, Liu Zhang screamed in pain and fell off the horse.

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