~ Date: ~ October 05 ~

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Chapter 746

Liu Zhang had several arrows in his body, and planted war horses, which could scare the surrounding army officers and soldiers.

People swarmed up and surrounded Liu Zhang with the arrows. At this time, when he looked at him again, there were crossbow arrows on his chest, belly, and back. The white coat turned into a red blood coat instantly.

"Generals—" The generals shattered, shouting in unison.

At this time, the crowd around the wind army also became more chaotic, and there were shouts from the wind army everywhere: "Assassin! There is an assassin here, it is the crossbow he put on the general-"

In the loud noise of yelling, three men in wind military uniforms were killed by blood, and rushed towards the place where Liu Zhang was.

Some of the Feng Jun generals around Liu Zhang saw it and shouted immediately: "An assassin has killed him, protect the general!" With the shout, several wind soldiers pulled out their swords and rushed forward.

The three men released their aura at the same time, and the spiritual armor and the soldier's spiritualization were complete at the same time. Each of them held a spirit knife, and one of them cast a spiritual chaos.

Hum! The chaos of the spirit blade flew across the sky, and several wind sergeants who rushed forward did not even have a chance to dodge, and were smashed by the opponent's spirit blade. Then the other two assassins also cast a turbulent wind, targeting the crowd around Liu Zhang.

"Kill--" There are also spiritual practitioners of the wind army in the crowd. Several winds will roar, and they are also dealing with spiritual chaos. The chaos of the two sides? The wind collided together, and the muffled noises continued.

The blades of the two sides canceled each other out. Next, three assassins rushed forward. Two of them separated the entangled generals from the crowd, and the other took the sword straight to Liu Zhang.

Where can the ordinary wind sergeants stop the repair of the superb Lingwu master, the assassin cut down with a few knives and killed the wind army's crowd.

He rushed straight in, three steps and two steps, came to Liu Zhang, did not pause for a moment, raised the sword in his hand, aimed at Liu Zhang's head, chopped it down fiercely.

Hum! An anxious and dull breaking wind came from the side of the assassin. The assassin knew that there was a Lingwu master on his side who was attacking himself. If he didn't close the knife again, he would surely lose his life.

The assassin secretly clenched his teeth, did not block the sword, did not sideways avoid it, stiffened a blow from the side, and continued to chop the spirit knife in Liu Zhang's head.

This is a life-for-life game, and it is no doubt that Liu Zhang must trade his life for his death. A click sound was heard in the ear wheel, and the assassin's knife didn't split on Liu Zhang's head. Instead, a narrow spirit knife flying from his side hit him first.

The Spirit Knife flying in the air was too powerful, hitting the Assassin's body and knocking his body out.

The blade of the Spirit Knife cut into his temple, the blade of the Spirit Knife smashed his arm, and after the Assassin fell to the ground, the Spirit Knife was still deeply embedded in him. He lay on the ground with only a few twitches. , There is no movement.

It was Bai An who threw the flying knife, and Yan Yan followed her. Bai An said, "Yan, I'm here to protect the general. If you go and capture the other two assassins, you must stay alive!"

Yan Yan nodded, carrying the sword, and went straight to the two assassins who were being killed by several winds.

Bai An came quickly to Liu Zhang, looked down at his injuries, she was taken aback, the assassin had shot him, but he desperately cut off his head, which was truly vicious. It is necessary to cause Liu Zhang to die.

She looked up, looked around, and asked aloud, "Medical doctor! Where is the medical doctor? Get medic!"

"General Bai, the medical officer will be here soon!" Feng Feng soldiers replied.

"It's too dangerous here. Hurry up and send the general to the nearby camp, quickly!" Bai An commanded the wind soldiers around him and sent Liu Zhang, who was seriously injured and unconscious, to a camp not far away.

Soon, the medical officer of the army arrived, and after examining the arrow wounds on Liu Zhang's body, he all grinned secretly, and his forehead also exuded cold sweat. Seeing this, Bai An quickly asked, "How about the general's injury?"

The headed medical officer said cautiously, "This ... this is not an ordinary arrow injury, and the crossbow is also heavily poisoned ..."

"I only ask if your general has been rescued!" Bai Anxing eyes widened and shouted.

"The villain does his best ... do his best ..." The medical officer nodded while rubbing his sweat.

When the medical officers rescued Liu Zhang, Yan Yan strode in from the outside. He first saw the doctors who rescued Liu Zhang, and then came to Bai An and asked in a low voice: "How?"

Bai An shook his fist, slowly shook his head, and said, "I'm afraid ... not too optimistic ..."

Yan Yan heard that his expression was bleak. The group of students from Lingwu College had only Liu Zhang, Bai An, and him. Now, whether they are public or private, he will not dismiss Liu Zhang. There are three long and two short.

Bai An turned his head and asked, "Are the assassins captured?"

Yan Yan nodded and said, "There were 13 assassins disguised as our army, eight were dead, and five were captured. They are all now being detained."

"Perhaps there are more assassins lurking in our army, and it must be checked thoroughly tomorrow morning," she said, looking subconsciously at Liu Zhang in a coma, and said quietly: "Compared to foreign enemies The enemy that lurks inside our army is the most terrible and most indefensible! "

"This time, we were too arrogant. We did not expect An An to dare to steal the camp, nor did we expect that the An An stealing the camp was still hiding so many assassins in our camp!" Yan Yan shook his head and sighed, and now he is even more I can appreciate that anything really can happen on the battlefield. One hundred thousand to five thousand seems to have no suspense and the winning ticket is in control. But now, even the coach of his own life is difficult. Who can dare to guarantee that his own side will be able to fight? Xia Tingkou?

At this time, Qi Heng also heard that he had rushed over from the camp of the Ninth Army. At the same time, he also heard that Liu Zhang was seriously assaulted, and he also brought the Ninth Army's medics together.

The Ninth Army is the most precious arm of the Wind Army, and it can also be said to be the most expensive arm. Its medical officers are also doctors with high medical skills.

Qi Heng arrived in time, and the medical officers arrived more timely. The medical officers first detoxified Liu Zhang, followed by hemostasis, medication, and bandaging the wound. After a busy period, Liu Zhang's injury was finally brought under control. As for whether he could save his life, the medical officers could not determine, and could only continue to observe to see if his injuries were getting worse.

To this day, the horizon is white and the fire in the new army camp has finally extinguished. However, most of the grain has been burned and the salvaged food is less than the three-day ration for the generals.

Fortunately, the ninth army's camp was not attacked, and some of the food can be distributed to the new army, but the first army's food was used by the two armies, and it was difficult to last.

Now the situation of the new army is that there is a serious shortage of grain and grass, the commander has been assassinated, his life is dying, and the morale of the entire army has fallen to the bottom. In this situation, let alone siege, it is difficult to stay in place.

Liu Zhang was seriously injured, and the commander of the new army could only be replaced by Qi Heng. Bai An and Yan Yan both suggested to Qi Heng that his party should retreat immediately and wait until Liu Zhang had no worries about his life and the food and grass were replenished. Conspired to attack Kawaguchi-gun.

Qi Heng is unwilling to retreat, but in the current situation, what can he do if he does not retreat?

The An Army is out of nowhere, and we still do n’t know what to do next, but our morale is low, especially for the new army. The generals have no fighting spirit at all, and this battle is indeed impossible to continue.

He wanted to accept the opinions of Bai An and Yan Yan and retired for the time being. However, Ye Tang and Gao Yu, two deputy commanders of the Ninth Army, objected. The Ninth Army and the New Army attacked Kawaguchi-gun, but the king's order. Before receiving the king's order, withdrawing soldiers privately. Doesn't that mean the crime of bullying? Furthermore, the An Army simply does not have the strength to engage in direct confrontation with its own side. It can only use these conspiracy means such as stealing camps and assassinating the coach. As long as its own side is fully alert, it is not difficult to prevent.

After hearing what the two of them said, Qi Heng felt that what they said was also reasonable. He asked, "What should I do now?"

"Immediately pass it to the king, report it truthfully, whether it is to fight or to withdraw, and leave it to the king to decide." Ye Tang and Gao Yu two will make a speech.

Qi Heng nodded his head, and finally decided to follow their methods. The entire army was temporarily stationed outside the city of Tingkou and guarded against stealing camps by the security forces. He himself immediately sent a battle report to Tang Yin. Tang's situation was reported to Tang Yin in 151.

The ninth army and the new army's flying pigeons were quickly sent to the defense town, and their report was like placing a rat feces in a table and a mountain of seafood.

The battle reports returned by various armies were all good news. The battle progressed exceptionally smoothly. Only the battle reports returned here in Kawaguchi-gun were defeated, and even the new army coach Liu Zhang was stabbed seriously.

After reading this battle report, Tang Yin's original good mood turned instantly and suddenly. Fortunately, Qi Heng was still far away. If he sent the report in person, his foot would have kicked on Qi Heng ’s **** ~ www.mtlnovel .com ~ If it is said that Liu Zhang was drilled by enemy assassins because of inexperience, it is understandable, but can Qi Qi be inexperienced?

He has been in the army for a long time, and has been commander-in-chief for so long. What kind of situation has he not experienced and what kind of enemies haven't met? How can he not remind Liu Zhang to be careful of enemy assassins?

Furthermore, it is incredible how the Anjun army in Kawaguchi-gun was so powerful that it could mix into the camp of the new army and successfully assassinate Liu Zhang.

Seeing Tang Yin's expression became angry and confused for a while, Yin Lan stepped forward and said cautiously: "King, subordinates in the former town have reported that a large number of rangers are gathering in Kawaguchi-gun. This time, Yi The judges of his subordinates are the Ranger! "

Tang Yin's eyes narrowed, a flash of light flashed in his eyes.

Yin Lan continued: "General Qi and General Liu are both commanders of the battlefield. They are very good at dealing with regular enemy forces, and they are dealing with strange rangers. I am afraid ... the experience is not enough!"

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