Mrs. Huarong Xiao Yingying walked up to Tang Yin and said, "Is Lord Tang very satisfied with the result at the court today?"

Tang Yin met her eyes, nodded with a smile, and said, "Thanks to my wife for help."

"You can call my name, Qianyi, Yuan Qianyi." Madam Huarong sat on the reclining chair elegantly and lazily.

Yuan Qianyi! Tang Yin nodded and smiled: "I took it."

"I don't understand one thing. Liang Xing is fighting against the adult everywhere. Today in the court hall, he can totally punish him by showing off his soul. Why does the adult stop me?" Yuan Qianyi looked at Tang Yin curiously and asked.

Tang Yin shrugged and said calmly, "Some people are abominable, but he still has value."

Yuan Qianyi seemed to understand what he said, but seeing that he did not mean to continue, she did not ask any more cleverly.

She chuckled and said, "The spirit is false. The grown-up claims that the king has no resistance. I don't know when the grown-up will reach the throne." In fact, Yuan Qianyi wanted to know when she could become the monarch's wife, but she also understood that Based on Tang Yin's indecent personality, if he pursues the question tightly, he will definitely have an aversion to himself, so she twists and asks when Tang Yin will be king.

Tang Yin thought about it, and said quietly, "When I took down Zhongtian, it was the day when I called the king."

Yuan Qianyi's eyes rolled, don't ask deeply: "Isn't the adult afraid of night long dreams?"

"Haha!" Tang Yin smiled on her back and said, "It takes three days to get Zhongtian's life."

Yuan Qianyi looked at Tang Yin, speechless for a long time. At present Zhongtian Turtle is shrinking in Wancheng. Although it is close to Yancheng, the city defense of Wancheng is also very strong, and there are Ning Army who is good at shooting arrows. Although Her Majesty Tang Yin's army is crowded, he wants to forcibly capture Wancheng. It's not that easy.

She didn't know where Tang Yin's confidence came from.

Before arguing with him on this matter, Yuan Qianyi turned around and cut to the topic, saying, "Sir, I must remind you of something!" As she spoke, she beckoned Tang Yin to let him get closer.

Tang Yin raised her eyebrows in perplexity, went to the reclining chair, looked at Yuan Qianyi lying on it, and asked, "What's the matter?"

Yuan Qianyi stretched out Tang Yin's sleeves and let him sit next to him. The lush jade fingers slowly stroked on Tang Yin's chest, and said softly, "Adults must not let Zhanling leak out, otherwise ... ... "She didn't finish her words, but her face was frightened.

Tang Yin naturally understood how much Zhan Ling ’s affairs would affect her if exposed. He grabbed Yuan Qianyi ’s little hand that was swimming in front of his chest and sneered and said, “As long as I ask Zhan Ling ’s confession, I ’ll take her Execution, when there is no evidence of death, will end this matter. "

"That's not enough!" Yuan Qianyi sat up, held him from behind Tang Yin, and his chest was full and firm, and he limped up and down on his back, and said softly in his ears: "The guests The concubines knew the truth of the matter. Although they promised that I would not leak it, what if I said something was leaking? Or would it be troublesome to use this matter to ward off adults? "

"Oh?" Tang Yin hadn't thought of it. Yeah, if the matter leaks out, they will be finished, and the concubines will be finished. Of course, they will not deliberately preach, but what if Yuan Qianyi said, what should I do? He turned his head to look at Yuan Qianyi's delicate face, and with a wave of his arm, he pulled her from behind his back to the front, lowered her pink neck, and asked unclearly, "What do you mean?" Yes……"

The place where he kissed seemed to be on fire, Yuan Qianyi said intermittently, "Only the dead can keep the secret ... Only the dead can rest assured ..."

"You asked me to kill them?"

"Adults must also do this ... In the future, adults will be king ... It is not appropriate for the concubines to stay in the palace ... Adults can use this as an excuse ... Send them to a palace in a foreign country ... … Killing and robbing ... ”

After listening to her relentless words, Tang Yin, who had her face buried in her chest, raised her head, stared straight into Yuan Qianyi's eyes, and said quietly, "No wonder some people say that the world's most poisonous woman's heart is worse than me! "

Yuan Qianyi fought a cold war, and her mind was completely clear. Without waiting for her to explain, the expressionless Tang Yin grinned suddenly and said leisurely: "It seems that accepting you as a wife not only gives me a beautiful Woman, got a smart and alert think tank! "

Tang Yin likes smart women, not to mention that this smart woman also has both looks, body and temperament.

He touched her waist, untied her skirt, and saw the pink bellyband and white shorts under her clothes. Tang Yin's desire rose, but at this moment, Yuan Qianyi suddenly pushed him hard. At the same time, he looked out the window and said, "It's not too late now, and it's going to be dark soon. You have to go back."

Tang Yin was already on the string. At this time, it was more uncomfortable than asking him to go back. Tang Yin frowned, and asked quietly, "What if it's getting dark?"

"In case someone sees ..."

"How can I do that?" Tang Yin said indifferently. He was just going to pull Yuan Qianyi's belly, and he heard a maid outside the palace said, "Madam, Mrs. Fairview sent a maid, please ask the lady to come together. ! "

This sentence was like a basin of cold water, which drowned out the enthusiasm in Tang Yin's body. He sighed lightly, looked down at the beautiful Yuan Qianyi below, and shook his head with a grin. I do n’t know if it was a coincidence or a deliberate act. Every time, Yuan Qianyi volunteered and offered him a hug, but when he reached a critical moment, he was always interrupted.

It is also interesting to say, Yuan Qianyi seems frivolous, but has contacted her so many times, and her relationship with her is still innocent and does not cross that bottom line. He stood up helplessly and shrugged, "Since a concubine is looking for you, I'll go back first!"

Yuan Qianyi showed a reluctant and touching appearance, and asked quietly, "I can't serve the Lord today, then tomorrow ... will you come again?"

Tang Yin didn't want to be tortured like this anymore, she was about to shake her head, but her expression of seeing Yuling, Tang Yin couldn't help but sway, and said, "If you want me to come."

"Of course." Yuan Qianyi didn't even think about it, and immediately blurted out. After speaking, it seemed to realize that his answer was too urgent, the jade face was crimson, and he bowed his head in embarrassment.

She's such a little woman's gesture that Tang Yin hasn't seen before. He took a deep look at Yuan Qianyi, didn't dare to stay, and waved as he walked outwards, "See you tomorrow."

Tang Yin left Yuan Qianyi's palace and did not leave the palace immediately. When he walked outside the palace, he was full of confusion. Yuan Qianyi basically had all the things that a woman possessed. She was beautiful, smart, and thoughtful. He can even play with men in the palm of his hands. I am afraid that no man likes this woman.

What is strange is that according to Qiu Zhen's investigation, Yuan Qianyi was not allowed to exhibit Zhanhua's favor, which is too difficult to understand. If it is not a problem with Zhanhua, then what Yuan Qianyi has done that disgusts Zhanhua. Thing.

The more I thought about Tang Yin, the more curious in his heart. When he approached the back door of the palace, he suddenly changed his mind, turned his direction, and walked toward the other concubine's bedroom.

This concubine is a beauty of Zhanhua. She is not too old, only in her early twenties. When she listened to the court lady to report to Tang Yin, she was startled. Now it's evening, what did Tang Yin suddenly come to see himself? Isn't it ... The concubine thought for a while, then laughed again, and immediately came out from the back room.

Although Tang Yin is not a relative of the princely state, he holds the power of the wind country and controls the overall situation, and can be seen by the discerning person. In the future, he will be the new king of the wind country. If he can be loved by him, he can still be rich and wealthy. Besides, Tang Yin is younger, handsomer and more attractive to women than Zhan Hua and Zhong Tian.

"Mr. Tang entered the palace so late, is it all right?"

After the concubine came out, she approached Tang Yin enthusiastically, with a smile on her face, and looked at him with the light in the corner of her eyes.

Yuan Qianyi usually also wears heavy makeup, but it is thick but not glamorous, more noble and elegant, but this heavy makeup of the concubine makes Tang Yin feel resigned. He beat his spirits, smiled a little, bowed and said, "Xiaguan has seen his wife!"

"Master Tang doesn't need to be polite!"

"Before Xiaguanji came, there was an unknown thing, and I hope the wife will tell the truth." Tang Yin was lazy to talk nonsense with her, straight to the subject.

After hearing this, the smile on the face of the concubine froze, and it was difficult to hide the disappointment ~ ~ asked with a lack of interest: "I wonder what Master Tang asked?"

Tang Yin meditated for three seconds, her eyes suddenly turned, and she suddenly asked, "Is Mrs. Huarong really the first concubine?"

I never expected that Tang Yin would ask this question. Unprepared, the face of the concubine was suddenly changed, and the whole person was stunned, speechless for a long time.

In fact, Tang Yin was not skeptical of Yuan Qianyi's identity, but she was puzzled by Zhanhua's not spoiling her. It was just that the response of the concubine in front of Tang Yin was quite unexpected. Looking at her astonished look, it seemed as if any shocking secret had been known.

Isn't Yuan Qianyi the concubine of Zhanhua, but the concubine of Zhong Tian? But that's not right! The results of Qiu Zhen's investigation clearly said that Yuan Qianyi could not show his favor. What was wrong with it?

At this time, the concubine finally responded, shaking his head again and again, and hurriedly said, "Why does Lord Tang suddenly ask this? Madam Hua Rong, of course ... Of course, one of the first concubines!"

Tang Yin's eyes don't rub the sand. If she did, why did she behave so horrified when she asked?

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