Tang Yin narrowed her eyes and stared straight at Bin Fei, saying quietly: "Why can't my wife tell the truth, is there any hidden secret?"

Under his staring gaze, the concubine seemed to have good hands and feet, her head lowered, and she did not even dare to look up at Tang Yin.

If there were no concerns, she would really tell the truth at this time. However, once the truth is told, Mrs. Hua Rong will not be finished. She doesn't know, but she will certainly die if she spreads the affair with Zhong Tian. Thinking of this, she stirred Lingling into a cold war, and then hesitated to say, "No, no! There is no secret, Madam Hua Rong is indeed the consort of the first king, but she must not be favored by the first king."

That's the story again! Tang Yin was most skeptical of this, not to mention that the changes in the expression on Bin Fei's face could not be concealed from his eyes. He knew that there must be something wrong with it. He stepped closer to Bin Fei, staring straight at her, and said with a dark voice, "You didn't tell the truth! There must be some concerns in my wife's heart ?!"

The concubine was backed by Tang Yin repeatedly, her face turned pale, her face pale, and she continued to shake her head subconsciously, stuttering: "No ... no ..."

As Tang Yin was planning to ask further questions, someone suddenly said outside the door, "Is Mrs. Mingxiu here? My wife's rouge is gone, so the humble girl can borrow only rouge from Mrs. Mingxiu."

Hearing that, Princess Bin could not help but let out a long voice, "Yes, yes! Come on!"

With her voice, a young maid recently from outside the door, this maid Tang Yin knew that it was one of Yuan Qianyi's four maids. He frowned secretly, so what happened as soon as he got involved with Yuan Qianyi? This woman doesn't come early, but she doesn't come late, but she came at the most urgent time. How can there be such a coincidence in the world? !!

"Eh? Master Tang is here too!" The palace lady saw Tang Yin also in the room, could not help but hurriedly, and hurriedly blessed, and at the same time swept around Tang Yin and Princess Bin with ambiguous eyes. .

Humph! Tang Yin snorted secretly without speaking.

Binbin quickly retreated to the bedroom, looked for it on the dresser, took out a lot of rouge, and waved to the little palace girl, saying, "Come and choose some for yourself!"

"Yes! Mrs. Mingxiu!" The little palace girl promised, picked the curtain and walked in, accompanied by the concubine, and provoked rouge.

The little palace girl and the concubine named Mrs. Mingxiu talked and laughed, and did not intend to leave for a short time. Tang Yin nodded secretly, knowing that it was no longer possible to inquire about this concubine today. He cleared his throat and looked into the bedroom. Mrs. Mingxiu said aloud, "Mrs. Xiaguan, leave first."

"Master Tang, walk slowly!" Mrs. Mingxiu didn't even order to stay, it was like driving out the flood beast.

Tang Yin took a deep breath and strode out of Madame Mingxiu's palace.

When he was outside, he pondered for a moment and decided to leave the palace temporarily. It was not appropriate or appropriate for him to investigate Yuan Qianyi himself. It is better to let Qiu Zhen do the work, and to bring Yuan Qianyi's family background and background Investigate carefully.

He exited the back door of the palace. When the Shangguan brothers outside took his horse immediately, Tang Yin took the reins, and said nothing, turned over and waved, "Go home!"

Tang Yin took the Shangguan brothers back to his house. After entering the hall, he didn't even sit and called a guard to ask Qiu Zhen, Zhang Zhe and Zong Yuan to come immediately.

Seeing that his face was gloomy, the guard did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly agreed, and ran out quickly.

Not long, Qiu Zhen, Zhang Zhe and Zong Yuan all came. In the lobby, I looked up and saw Tang Yin Duan sitting on the middle seat, his brows frowning, thoughtfully.

The three didn't know what had happened, glanced at each other, came forward, bowed, and said, "Master!"

Tang Yin looked back, raised his eyes and looked at the three, waved his hands to signal that they were all seated, and then waved to the guards on both sides to let them all out.

When the guards all left, there were only Tang Yin, Qiu Zhen, Zhang Zhe, Zong Yuan, and the Shangguan brothers standing behind. At this time, Tang Yinfang slowly spoke and asked, "How do you think Mrs. Huarong?"

what? Qiu Zhen, Zhang Zhe, and Zong Yuan were all together, but Tang Yin would suddenly ask this.

Zhang Zhe asked, "I don't know what the adults are saying?"

Tang Yin didn't answer, her eyes murmured deeply: "If I were to be king in the future, how about making this woman a wife?"

flutter! All three were almost stunned by their own saliva, and looked at each other again. After a short pause, Zhang Zhe could not help but reminded in a low voice: "Ms. Hua Rong is the consort of the first king."

Although the monarch died, the successor's use of the prince's concubine as his own concubine had precedents, but after all, it was rare and vulnerable to criticism from others.

Tang Yin shrugged and said disapprovingly, "But I have already promised her." In fact, whether Yuan Qianyi's wife would be rude and not criticized, these Tang Yin didn't care, he really cared. It is Yuan Qianyi, who even has a feeling now. Yuan Qianyi is like an invisible big hand in the palace, and he has firmly controlled the concubines in the palace. If so, this girl would be too Terrible.

After listening to his words, Zhang Zhe blinked and was speechless. Now that everyone has promised, there is no need to discuss this matter again! Strictly speaking, this is not an extraordinary event.

Zong Yuan smiled aside and said, "Mrs. Hua Rong is very peerless and quite wealthy. It is also wise for an adult to make her a wife."

Qiu Zhen and Zhang Zhe glanced at him at the same time with the light of the corners of their eyes, and said secretly in their hearts: What a flattery! They admire Zong Yuan's mind and his insight into the human heart, but this does not mean that they agree with his character.

Tang Yin smiled and said suspiciously: "But there is something strange. Master Qiu had investigated Mrs. Hua Rong. As a result, she was not allowed to be the favor of the king. There are a lot of other concubines, how could she be out of favor? And her ability to tease men is very unusual ... "

"Cough, cough ..." The three coughed at the same time. No matter how open the folk customs of Fengguo, his words are too explicit. Zong Yuan swallowed two spits and squeezed the cough back. He asked, "Master and Mrs. Huarong already ..." He did not dare to continue.

Tang Yin shook her hand and slowly said, "I and Mrs. Huarong are innocent." Later, he recounted several of his contacts with Mrs. Huarong, including what he had just asked Mrs. Mingxiu. Because Tang Yin didn't deliberately avoid taboos, he also mentioned some close contact with Yuan Qianyi. Qiu Zhen, Zhang Zhe, and Zong Yuan all started to listen to each other, but gradually, the three also noticed something wrong. Already.

These three can be regarded as Tang Yin ’s think-tanks. One is smarter than the other, and the city hall is deeper than one. After listening to Tang Yin ’s narration, the first impression of the three is the same as Tang Yin ’s. simple.

Zhang Zhe frowned and calmly analyzed: "If Madam Hua Rong is not allowed, her relationship with other concubines is unlikely to be very good. In the harem, no lady will go too far with unfriendly pets. Recently, however, Mrs. Hua Rong can make all the guests and concubines agree. In the chapel, it is important to show that showing spirits is false. This matter is of great importance. Once leaked, the nine groups will be implicated. How deep is the friendship to help her like this? It's a contradiction in this matter. "

After such an analysis by Zhang Zhe, Tang Yin felt a sense of openness. Before, he just felt that there was a problem, but what was the problem, he couldn't say clearly. Now after listening to Zhang Zhe's words, he nodded and praised reasonably. For no reason, why did all the concubines take the risk of losing their heads in the court to identify that the exhibition was false?

Zhang Zhe continued: "Mrs. Hua Rong proposed that the adults remove the concubines. In the opinion of their subordinates, I am afraid that they are not all for the sake of adults. It is likely that there is an unspeakable secret between her and the concubines. I want to kill people, and never suffer later. "

"Well!" Tang Yin nodded solemnly. If you don't think about it, you feel that things are reasonable, but after careful analysis, Yuan Qianyi's thoughts and city government are too deep.

Qiu Zhenzheng said: "Mrs. Hua Rong has a lot of doubts, and adults should investigate this person in detail."

Tang Yin raised his head and said, "Master Qiu, let this matter be up to you!"

"Yes! My lord!" Qiu Zhengong commanded ~ www.readwn.com ~ Tang Yin explained: "Check out her family background and background, the more detailed the better."

"Subordinates understand."

"Hehe!" At this time, Zong Yuan smiled. Tang Yin, Qiu Zhen, and Zhang Zhe were puzzled. Qi Qi looked at him and asked, "Why is Mr. Zong Yuan laughing?"

Zong Yuan didn't dare to say Tang Yin, but instead pointed his finger at Qiu Zhen and Zhang Zhe, saying, "I think it's Mr. Qiu Zhen and Mr. Zhang Zhe who are a bit worried, even if Madam Hua Rong has any unspeakable secrets, What can it do? First of all, she is really helping the grown-ups, and only showing her soul is to help the grown-ups. From this, it can be seen that she sincerely hopes that the grown-ups can be king. In addition, the harem is complicated, and it has been through the ages There are many factions in the harem that affect the overall situation of the court. If a clever, thoughtful, witty lady can sit in the harem and suppress the concubines, it will be an adult's blessing. "

Oh? Tang Yin didn't think of what he said. In fact, in his mind, he already had a plan. There were two candidates for the wife, one was Fan Min, the other was Wu Mei, and the two were still different. At the harem, there will always be a lot of trouble. If someone can suppress them, it will save a lot of trouble for yourself.

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