"The king is inviting!" The chief guard turned to the side, and at the same time stretched his hand to open the curtain. ..

Before entering, the three felt the oppression in the account, which was the spiritual pressure naturally released by the spiritual practitioners when they were on high alert.

The three looked at each other, took a deep breath, and stepped into the bed.

There was a faint scent of medicine in the tent. Looking to the inside, there were more than a dozen generals standing on either side. These people were young, but they felt that they were not weak. Angry, looking inward, there was a person sitting on the bed, in his twenties, with a shirtless upper body, and simply wearing a well-made black coat, looking to his face, his features were profound, his looks were handsome, but his face was slightly He was pale, beside him, still sitting on his knees, a pretty girl combed his head.

Just looking at his deeds and the audience's star-like posture, don't ask, this person must be the wind king Tang Yin.

However, it seems that Tang Yin was injured. Is the rumor true that he was really injured by Qingyuntang's dragon scale?

The three rangers glanced at each other, then bowed respectfully, kneeling forward, and said, "The villain sees His Royal Highness."

While they were looking at Tang Yin, Tang Yin was also looking at them. One thing is certain, he has never seen these three before.

He turned his head and looked at Su Yelei who was combing for him, and naturally picked up her silky embroidery and played with it in his hands. He smiled and said, "Report your name."

"The villain Fu Tao (Lin, Yu Zijing)." The three clasped their names.

Tang Yin handed it under her nose, sniffed the smell, and at the same time, she saw Su Yelei next to her face flushed, staring at him. It is conceivable that if there were no outsiders at this time, she would say bad words again. Thinking of this, the smile on his face deepened, and he said absently, "I haven't heard of it, tell me what you are doing!"

Seeing through it, seeing that Tang Yin's "servants" are frivolous, perfection did not put them in their eyes. The three frowned, and the middle-aged man named Fu Tao in the middle said, "I'll wait to help the king Break Ningyang! "

"Oh?" Tang Yin raised her eyebrows and asked with a smile: "How can you help me break the city if you are only three?"

"Many of my friends were in the city, and it was suddenly difficult. There was no problem in disrupting the city defense on one side. If the wind army of the king happened to be attacking the city over there, it would be easy to break through the city defense there." Fu Tao had already thought of wording When talking, don't mess around.

Tang Yin looked straight at him for a while, then continued playing Su Yelei's silk, and said, "Friends? Who are they? How many people?"

"They are all rangers, with at least one hundred."

When the two sides started the offensive and defensive battle, a hundred rangers suddenly suffered in the city, which would be a terrible nightmare for the side defending the city. Of course Tang Yin understands that if there are hundreds of rangers doing their own part in Ningyang City, but there is no pie in the sky, the other party cannot help him for no reason, and he never believes that good things will fall to him for nothing. On head.

"Let's say, what advantage do you ask for from your king?"

I didn't expect Tang Yin to be so straightforward and so insightful. Fu Tao groaned for a moment and asked, "I wonder if the king has heard of Tianxiang Cardamom?"

Oh? This remark made Tang Yin a fool. When he arrived in Ningyang last time, he was catching up with Qingyuntang to obtain Tianxiang Cardamom. The heavenly warriors were gathering to Ningyang, and Qingyuntang also found Guipiaotang and Shengzuntang. Helper to resist the fight of Rangers. Is this one of Fu Tao, Lin and Yu Zijing one of the Rangers who want to compete for Tianxiang Cardamom?

He smiled slightly and said, "My king has heard of it, and it is said that this thing has the effect of bringing death back to life."

"Yes, King."

"The purpose of your visit this time is for this thing?"

"King Yingming!"

"Haha--" Tang Yin couldn't help laughing upside down, but also a group of fools who believed in resurrection and immortality! However, it is not important whether the other party is a fool. What is important is that he must capture Ningyang at the least cost and fastest, and then occupy the entire Xiaoling County.

He raised his head and didn't care about the pretense, and said with a smile: "Even if you don't help the king, the king can still capture Ningyang. When you enter the camp, you should have seen it, my army is making a crossbow, and within a few days When the crossbow was all completed, our army would attack the city with fire. At that time, Ningyang would be like Gu Xuezhen, and it would disappear in this world! "

After hearing this, the faces of Fu Tao, Lin and Yu Zijing were all changed. Tang Yin wanted to use fire attack to turn Ningyang into ashes. Didn't the cardamom disappear that day?

"His Royal Highness, Heavenly Cardamom is the most precious treasure in the world ..." Lin and Yu Zijing were anxious and spoke in unison, hoping that Tang Yin could change his attention.

At this time, Fu Tao's eyes rolled around, and he suddenly said, "I heard that the king has fallen into the dragon scale of Qingyuntang." When speaking, his eyes fell on Tang Yin's left shoulder. Although he was wearing a coat and blocked the steel arrows on his shoulders, he could still see the high protrusions.

Tang Yin converged with a smile, his eyes quilted dangerously, and stared coldly at Fu Tao.

For a moment, Fu Tao felt that the temperature around him had dropped several degrees at once, and he couldn't help fighting Lingling. I have never met a young man in his twenties who could bring such a strong sense of oppression.

He resisted the discomfort in his heart and continued: "If I wait for the king to take down the dragon scales, I wonder if the king can help me to get the heavenly cardamom?"

This sentence made everyone at the scene breathless. Can he remove Qingyuntang's dragon scales? is it possible?

Cheng Jin took a step forward, and Shen Sheng yelled, "Fu Tao, you should know, what is the fate of speaking out in front of the king."

Even Lin and Yu Zijing who came with Fu Tao were frowning secretly. How capable Fu Tao is, he and the two can't understand it. If it is Lingwu, it is definitely a first-class master. Hidden weapon, he knows the fart? What's more, it's Qingyuntang's treasure of the town hall-Dragon Scale Fall!

Fu Tao turned a blind eye to the suspicious eyes of the people around him, looking at Tang Yin, and said positively: "King, within three days, the villain will bring someone who removes the dragon scales for the king, but Tianxiang Cardamom ...

Tang Yin replied: "If you can really find someone who pulls arrows for the king, and you can unite the ranger in the city to help the king break the city, Tianxiang Cardamom is yours."

Fu Tao was overjoyed, his eyes asked brightly, "Is the king serious?"

"Jun has no jokes!"

"Okay! The villain is going to find someone to draw arrows for the king." Then he stood up and gave a salute to Tang Yin.

Tang Yin nodded calmly, held out three fingers, and said, "Remember, you only have three days. After three days, Ningyang will fall into a sea of ​​fire. What will happen to Tianxiang cardamom, my king doesn't know."

"Please rest assured, King, three days is enough."

"Well! You can go." Tang Yin waved his hands casually, sitting on the bed collapsed body leaning into Su Yelei's arms. To outsiders, Tang Yin looks like a greedy woman. She just got into the woman's arms as soon as she had finished her business. In fact, after sitting for so long, the arrow injury on her shoulder made him unable to sit still.

Su Yelei clearly felt that the clothes behind Tang Yin were just washed with water. Those were his cold sweats.

After the three of Fu Tao left, the people in the account couldn't help it any more, and Qi Qi gathered around and asked eloquently, "Master, can this man's words be taken seriously?"

"Yeah, it feels like this person is opening a river in the mouth."

"Perhaps the spy sent by Ningren, deliberately to delay time!"

"Yes, the king shouldn't let them go easily."


Everyone said everything. Tang Yin did not listen to his ears, and the arrow on his shoulder was hurt. He couldn't think, but felt that his ears were buzzing constantly.

Without waiting for Tang Yin to speak, Su Yelei, who was almost half-embracing Tang Yin, couldn't help it any longer, screaming, "What are you doing? Can't you give your king a rest?"

Her sudden shout shocked everyone, and the scenes of coquettishness came to an abrupt end. People stared at Su Yelei for a while before they came back, only to notice that Tang Yin was pale. The forehead and the double-chest are both sweaty, and people screamed subconsciously: "King--"

"Go out! Get out!"

Su Yelei politely pointed her fingers out of the account.

People, you look at me, you, you want to fire against Su Yelei, but dare not, in the end, one by one, pull down their heads, and carefully exit the bed. When life and death of the king were at stake, the medic was the biggest and he was dissatisfied with Su Yelei, and at this time he had to endure.

After everyone left, Tang Yin twitched her lips and said weakly, "You shout loudly." Her ears were deafened.

Su Yelei pressed her anger, and gently helped Tang Yinping lie on the bed and said, "You lie down first."

Looking at her flushed cheeks because of her anger, Tang Yin couldn't help but want to tease her and murmured, "I still feel more comfortable lying in your arms ..."

"You ..." Su Yelei became angry and gave him a stern glance.

If Tang Yin was not injured, she might be tempted to give him a slap, but now that she is so weak, Tang Yin is really afraid of slap him to death.

Let's say that Fu Tao, Lin, and Yu Zijing, who left Fengfeng Camp, came out of www.readwn.com ~, Lin and Yu Zijing pulled Fu Tao's sleeve and dragged him, asking in unison: "Brother Fu, what are you going to do to find someone who can remove the dragon scales?"

Fu Tao smiled with confidence and said, "Under the mountain of Hehe, a skilful villa!"

Lin and Yu Zijing inhaled and glanced at each other, questioning: "You mean that the owner of Xia Jie, the ingenious villa, can remove the dragon scales?"

"Does not!"

"then you……"

"Xia Jie didn't have such ability, but I heard that Xia Yufu, Xia Jie's eldest daughter, was a genius in the organization.

"So ... Will she help us?"


"then you……"

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