"Kidnapping her!" Fu Tao said, "Xia Yufu will not help us, let alone Feng Guo, and even Tang Yin. It is impossible to ask her to treat Tang Yin. There is only one way, unexpectedly, to take her Abducted to the Wind Army Camp! "

Lin and Yu Zijing frowned and remained silent. .. Seeing the two of them showing concern, Fu Tao smiled and said, "She will, we will not, and we will, she will not."

"What do you mean?"

"We don't know anything about her mechanics, and she can't do our Lingwu at all. She has a good chance of succeeding in a sneak attack."

"But then, we offended Smarty Villa ..."

"For Tianxiang Cardamom, we have offended even Santangkou. Isn't it a clever villa?" Fu Tao said in a dark voice.

Lin and Yu Zijing kept silent. Until now, it can only be escaped. Tianxiang cardamom is not only the treasure of the world, but also Shenchi has already spoken. No matter who offered Tianxiang cardamom to Shenchi, he can get the title of marquis of Shenchi and be sealed as the elder of Shenchi. Ronghua is rich and wealthy, reading all the world ’s spiritual martial arts, not to mention that even as many people offend, once you have Shenchi as a backer, you do n’t have to be afraid.

Fu Tao squinted at the two and said, "If you are afraid, you can quit now, I will do it myself ..."

Before he finished speaking, Lin and Yu Zijing said hurriedly, "Who said I was scared? It's just a clever cottage, but it's not Longtan Tiger's Cave. I'll go with my brother!"

"Okay!" Fu Tao was waiting for the words of the two. Without the helper, it would be really difficult for him to kidnap Xia Yufu alone.

Jiqiao Villa is located in Uhe Mountain. Uhe Mountain is not far from Ningyang. It takes only two days to go back. Ji Qiao Shan Zhuang is a family that develops organ secrets, and is also very famous in Ningguo. However, it has no competition with the world. It has a low-key style and has been in a semi-secluded state. It only depends on selling its self-developed secrets to maintain the survival of the villa.

Quite a few people have bought a hidden machine in the skillful villa. Because the precision of the machine in the skillful villa is convenient, easy to carry, powerful, and widely praised, so the villa is quite prestigious in the ranger world.

Wind Army Camp.

After Fu Tao, Lin and Yu Zijing left, Tang Yin did not have much hope, that is, he did not order the suspension of the crossbow, nor did he let the Xuanwang rushed to Ning State return to the capital. What should I do, it seems like something Never born.

But secretly, Tang Yin quietly assigned a soldier of about 5,000, and was commanded by the new general Tian Jia, bypassing Ningyang and heading west.

When Tang Yin passed by Xiaoling County before, he met mountain bandits west of Ningyang. The official way there was close to the mountain peak, which was extremely dangerous, which made Tang Yin impressed. No matter whether the Ning Army defeated Ningyang from the west or sent troops to the west to reinforce Ningyang, they had to pass by this mountain. As long as they occupied the top of the mountain, they could greatly kill the passing Ning Army and still play a certain role in restraining them. effect.

Tang Yin's unexpected layout was also one of the fruits of Liangzhou's trip.

Two days later, Tang Yin's injury further aggravated. The flesh around the arrow wound had begun to rot, people were feverish, sometimes sober, and sometimes confused. Feng Junzhong was worried about Tang Yin's injury, but there was nothing he could do. Now, people can only count on Xuan Wang to arrive earlier to draw arrows for the king.

This morning, Qiu Zhen and Ziyi both came to visit Tang Yin. Because the latter was lying on the bed and falling asleep, they sat for a while and left. When he was out of the tent, Ziyou sighed and shook his head, "The King's injury is getting worse and worse, not very optimistic!"

Qiu Zhen was dignified, his heart was depressed, and he did not speak.

Ziyi glanced at him and asked, "Qiu Xiang, King is like this now. Would Ning Yang still fight?"

Qiu Zhen shook his fist and said, "No matter how serious the king's injury is, Ningyang must fight!" Even if the king died unfortunately, it was also the king's last wish to capture Ningyang. But he didn't say the second half.

Zixi nodded, arching hands and said, "The end will listen to Qiu Xiang!" Zizi and Qiu Zhen are both marquises, and the official ranks are the same. However, in terms of power, Qiu Zhen is a left-handed, higher, He also politely claimed to be the 'General' in front of him.

"In the morning, Lotte brought back the news that Master Xuan has arrived at Yemen." This was good news, but Qiu Zhen still looked sad when he spoke.

The distance between Xiaomen County and Xiaoling County is still separated by two major counties, Hedong and Hexi, thousands of miles away. He didn't know if Tang Yin could survive that time. Furthermore, even if he came to Xuanwang, could the latter remove the dragon scales? It's not necessarily true. Xuanwang's institutions are only used by the military. Whether Qiu Zhen's hidden weapon is proficient or not, Qiu Zhen has no idea at all.

Seeing that Qiu was really worried, Ziyu comforted him: "Xiu Xiang doesn't have to worry too much, the King Ji people have their own heavens." After a pause, he mumbled, "Finally, Fu Tao, Lin, Yu Zi Honor those three rangers who have been away for two days. I don't know if anyone has come to crack the dragon scales. "

Qiu Zhen looked right and said: "The king often says that it is better to rely on yourself than to yourself. Those rangers need not take it too seriously!"

As soon as his words fell, he saw a wind soldier rushing over to Tang Yin's sleeping tent.

Before waiting, they were stopped by Tang Yin's guards. Qiu Zhen and Ziyi glanced at each other, then both stepped forward and asked suspiciously, "What happened?"

"General Qiu Xiang, Zizi General!" The guard and the soldiers saluted the two, and then the reported soldier hurriedly said, "Three Rangers who had met the King two days ago are here again, and they brought A person."

"Oh?" Upon hearing this, Qiu Zhen and Ziyu were both refreshed and asked urgently, "Who is brought?"

"It's a woman. It doesn't look like she's young, because she's **** in a carriage, and the villain doesn't see it too clearly."

I heard that the hope that Qiu Zhen and Ziyi had just ignited suddenly extinguished most of them. What can a young woman do? Shouldn't Fu Tao and others let a woman draw arrows for the king? In people's conception, men who are proficient in and like to specialize in organ surgery are basically men.

Fortunately, neither of them was an impulsive person, or else someone would have to drive Fu Tao and others away immediately. After a moment of contemplation, Qiu Zhen said in a deep voice: "Let them come!" Immediately, he said to the left and right guards, "Go and inform the king!"


Everyone answered, and ordered to leave.

At this time, Zixi said nervously: "Qiu Xiang, and let him pull the arrow for the king, it is equivalent to the king's life in the hands of the other party, in case the other party plots wrong, wants to harm the king ..."

Qiu Zhen said coldly: "Then they won't be able to run away, they will all be dead!"

Not long, Fu Tao, Lin, and Yu Zijing walked closer, followed by a carriage led by the sergeant Feng.

When Fu Tao and others entered the barracks last time, they did not see Qiu Zhen and Ziyu, but by looking at the dress and the first-class leader, they can also guess that their identities are unusual.

The three hurried forward, saluted, and asked carefully: "Two are ..."

"Qiu Zhen!"


Huh! It turns out that these two are the left son Qiu Zhen of the Wind Country and the son-in-law known as 'Zi Tu'.

The three Fu Taos hurriedly gave another salute, and said with a smile on their faces: "It was General Qiu Xiang and Zizi, disrespectful and disrespectful!"

"Three knights don't need to be polite!" Qiu Zhen asked as he weighed the three of them, "I heard that the three have invited the men who took arrows for the king."


"Where are you now?"

"Just in the car!"

"A woman?"

"Hehe!" Fu Tao laughed and said, "Qiu Xiangke doesn't want this woman. She is Miss Qianjin of Qiaoshanzhuang. In recent years, all the kinematics of Qiaoshanzhuang come from her hand!"

Qiu Zhen didn't know any ingenious villa. He had never heard of it, but after listening to Fu Tao's words, he also became interested and raised his head and said, "Take me to see!"

"Qiu Xiang, please here!"

Fu Tao gave Qiu Zhen the front of the carriage and quickly raised the curtain.

Qiu Zhen glanced inside, and sure enough, the reported soldier did not lie, there was only a woman in the car, and all the ropes tied her like a mule. Looking at the appearance, she is not too old, she should not be twenty, and she ca n’t be called glamorous. She can only say that she is beautiful, and at this time she is lying flat on the inside of the car. She died with the pair of long and narrow phoenixes. Qiu Zhen, Fu Tao and others staring out of the car.

After watching it, Qiu Zhen frowned secretly, his eyes fell on Fu Tao, and said, "Please?"

Seeing what he meant, Fu Taogan laughed: "Qiu Xiang, Clever Mountain Villa has always been ignorant of the world, and Miss Yufu is even more absent-minded. In addition to using this method, I really can't think of any other ways in which I can use words Miss Fu, please come to your camp. "

Qiu Zhen sighed sighing, this is what was invited, but abducted, even if Fu Tao is true, this woman has a way to crack the dragon scales ~ www.readwn.com ~ I am afraid I will not help!

Seeing that Qiu was really worried, Fu Tao hurriedly lowered the curtain, took Qiu Zhen to take a few steps, and whispered, "Qiu Xiang can use the whole smart villa as a threat. If she dares not to draw arrows for the king, your army will She leveled her villa, a baby girl, and couldn't stand fright. "

Qiu Zhen raised his eyebrows. This Fu Tao did nothing to achieve his goal! But the idea was really good, using the life of the villa and her family to make a fuss, not afraid that she would not obey.

He nodded, and said, "Unlock the rope on her body first. At our army camp, she can't fly even with her wings!"

"Yes, yes, yes! However, I am afraid that there is a hidden weapon in her body ..." The hidden weapon of Qiaoshanzhuang is not a joke. It is no worse than the unique hidden weapon of Dragon Scale and Feng Yugui.

Qiu Zhen asked: "You haven't searched?"

Fu Tao smiled wryly and shook his head. He didn't dare, because he was afraid that Xia Yufu would kill himself by biting his tongue.

"Huh!" Qiu Zhen raised his hand and called over the two soldiers, and said, "Get General Ai and Dance General right away, hurry up!"

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