Zhang Xin handed over the assassin's confession to Tang Yin, who was shocked after looking at it. The assassin was actually directed by the clever villa, but Xia Jie's words and manners did not look like a ghost in his heart!

Tang Yin was suspicious of this confession, and decided to go to Dark Arrow in person to thoroughly understand what was going on.

In fact, if Tang Yin wanted to get the truth from the assassin, it would be easy. He only needs to burn with the soul of the dark fire, but then the assassin can't survive and there is no value to use.

Accompanied by Zhang Xin, Tang Yin came to Dark Arrow's old nest and dark house. There is no change here, but it is still quiet, deserted and gloomy.

In the dungeon of the dark house, Tang Yin saw Qiu Zhen and Cheng Jin.

At this time, the Dark Arrow staff was tortured two assassins, but no matter what torture was used by the Dark Arrow staff, the two Assassins were determined to be assigned by the Skillful Villa.

The assassin's mouth was hard, which made Cheng Jin, who has always been famous for the iron bowl, helpless. At this time, Tang Yin arrived, Qiu Zhen and Cheng Jin hurried forward to salute. Tang Yin lowered her hand slightly and asked, "How's the trial? Has the assassin's confession changed?"

Cheng Jin looked at Qiu Zhen, slowly shook his head, and said, "King, the assassin always claims to be under the direction of Qiaoshanzhuang. From the perspective of his subordinates, this matter should ..." Now Cheng Jin also believes that the assassin should be sent by Qiaoshanshan Yes, but Qiu Zhen always disapproves. Now Qiu Zhen is here again, and he can't speak too plainly.

Zhang Xin replied: "King, we have used all available torture, and the assassin's confession has not changed. This shows that the confession is not false. The queen should quickly order to encircle the ingenious villa, otherwise there will be more night dreams and more What a mess! "

Tang Yin said nothing to Cheng, saying to Cheng Jin, "Take me to see the assassin."

"Yes! King!" Cheng Jin responded, leading the way, and led Tang Yin deep into the dungeon.

The dungeon was damp and dark, and the air was permeated with a thick rancidity and **** smell. After walking to the two innermost torture chambers, Cheng Jin stopped and arched back and said, "King, the assassin is inside."

"Well!" Tang Yin lifted her eyes and walked into the interrogation room closer to her. Because it is underground, the space of the interrogation room is not large, but the sound insulation is very good, even if it is two adjacent interrogation rooms, they will not hear each other's voice.

In the middle of the interrogation room, there was a thick wooden post, and a big man in shorts and shorts was tied to it. Looking closely, this man couldn't find a perfect place all over his body. Burns, stab wounds, and even cuts, covering the whole body, Han Han's head was drooping, his shawl was scattered, and he did not know whether he was awake or unconscious.

Around the interrogation room, a variety of torture devices were placed. Most of them were weird and unheard of, and some of them had dark brown blood stains on them. If timid people were brought in, they would n’t need to move their sentences Will confess. On the left and right of the wooden stakes, there were several dark arrow personnel standing there. Their upper bodies were sweaty and sweaty. Obviously, the prisoners also had a lot of energy.

"King!" The Dark Arrow personnel basically knew Tang Yin. When the king came, people kneeled down to salute.

Hearing the crowd shouting to the king, the assassin's body tied to a wooden post shook a bit, but in the end he still didn't look up and still pulled his head half-deadly.

Tang Yin motioned everyone to get up, then walked up to the assassin, looked up and down, and asked, "You say it again, who was you directed by?"

"The machine ... clever ... mountain ... zhuang ..." the big man muttered with a husky, weak voice, weak and weak.

"Huh!" Tang Yin sneered, and said, "Your companion has already confessed everything. You are still hard-spoken, stubborn, and will only seek hardship."

"Yes ... It's ingenuity ... Villa ..." The big Han seemed to have not heard Tang Yin's words, and continued to re-write these words.

Tang Yin narrowed her eyes and stepped back slightly.

The left and right dark arrow personnel looked at each other, and then came forward together. One of them held a pair of sharp-nose pliers, caught the nail of the big man's thumb, and pulled down fiercely.

"Ah-" The big man screamed heartbreakingly, his body twitched fiercely, and there was no movement.

Knowing that he passed out, another Dark Arrow crew brought cold water, pointed at the big man, and fell down, the assassin woke quietly and said intermittently, "Yes ... is ingenuity ... mountain ... zhuang ..."

Tang Yin's eyes turned, looking at Dahan's fingers, ten fingers, of which six or seven were bloody, and his nails had been forcibly removed by the dark arrow personnel.

Ten fingers connected to the heart, such torture, the assassin is still determined to be instructed by the clever villa, if this is false, then the assassin's willpower has been determined to a terrible level.

He pondered for a moment, turned and walked out, Cheng Jin immediately followed, and whispered, "King, look ..."

"Another assassin is like him?"


"Isn't there still a badly wounded assassin?"

Cheng Jin froze first, then hurriedly said, "Subordinates will send someone to submit a trial."

"No need." Tang Yin waved his hand and said, "Just take me to see him."

"Yes!" The assassin, who was seriously wounded, was also here at Dark Arrow, but the person's injuries were too serious. Until now he was dying and half awake. Cheng Jin really wondered what the king could do to see him. .

Cheng Jin led Tang Yin out of the dungeon into the backyard of Dark Arrow.

It's late at night, there are no lights here, the black is terrible, and the black hands can't see the five fingers. Even Tang Yin, who has night vision and boldness, has a kind of cold feeling.

Cheng Jin stood in a partial room and whispered, "Master, the assassin is in this room."

There is no guard outside this partial house, and it looks no different from other houses, but Tang Yin can perceive that in the dark corners around the partial house, there are many dark spiritual practitioners hidden.

Tang Yin pushed in, and Qiu Zhen, Zhang Xin, and Cheng Jin all followed. Tang Yin waved his head without saying a second: "Just as Cheng Jin accompanies me, Qiu Zhen and Zhang Xin, you two are outside the room. wait for me."

Qiu Zhen and Zhang Xin were all suspicious, but Wang's fate could not be violated, and they still stood outside the door properly.

Tang Yin and Cheng Jin walked into the room. As soon as they came in, their nostrils were stuffed with strong medicine. Tang Yin frowned, raised his hands, covered his nose with his cuffs, and walked to the bed.

Looking down at the bed, a big man walked on the bed with a thick bandage on his body.

"King, this thief is seriously injured. It takes a lot of effort to wake him up."

"Don't wake him up." Tang Yin sneered softly and said, "Let him be a foolish ghost to see the King of Yan!" Between the words, Tang Yin raised her hand, and a strange black fire group gave birth in his palm. Burning and beating.

When Cheng Jin saw this, he immediately understood Tang Yin's intention. The king wanted to use the fire of darkness to **** the assassin.

The dark fire is too poisonous. This is not on the battlefield. Tang Yin does not want his ministers to see himself using a dark fire to **** a coma. This is what he left Qiu Zhen and Zhang Xin outside the room. The main reason is that as far as Cheng Jin is concerned, he is a spiritual practitioner in the dark, so it doesn't matter if he doesn't see it.

Tang Yin flipped her wrists, aimed at the assassin's forehead, and pressed it with one palm. In an instant, the fire of darkness burned all over the assassin's body, without making any calls, and without any scars on her body, but the assassin had already been whimpering. White aura flew from him. Tang Yin inhaled and sucked all the mist into his body. Then he sat on his knees with his eyes closed, meditating with eyes closed, searching for clues worthy of himself from the memory of the assassin.

In the assassin's memory, Tang Yin's information surprised him.

This assassin is not a wind man, but a Ning man, a native of the Ning State Ranger.

Since Ning State was annexed by the two countries, a large number of unwilling Ning State Rangers have established two secret organizations, one is aimed at Mo, and the other is targeted at Wind. This organization is called Wind. Upwind, and this assassin is a member of Upwind.

When Fengguo and Ningguo fought in the past, the Ningguo Rangers also organized and joined forces against Fengguo, but at that time the Ningguo Rangers gathered together could not be called organizations, and most of them were fighting independently. The headwind is different, and it is a secretive organization with strict discipline, strict hierarchy and extremely system.

In the memory of this assassin, Tang Yin can be sure that he is one of the members of the upwind, but he did not find any memory about his superior or other associates. His superior remotely controlled him to do things in the form of letters, and wrote the letters in advance. Put it in a hidden place, and then he went to fetch ~ www.readwn.com ~ to act according to the content of the letter.

These assassins, who have never even met before, are temporarily gathered together after receiving the same instruction, and ambush in the woods between Qiaoshan Villa and Yancheng. The goal is also very clear. Killing Xuanwang is completely unknown, but it is clearly mentioned in the letter that once captured, he will be assigned by the skillful villa.

Through the memory of the assassin, Tang Yin only got two useful pieces of information. One was that he knew the organization of Fengfengliu. The other was that the other party's purpose was to kill Xuanwang, and he had the intention to marry the ingenious villa. In addition, Tang Yin can also feel the assassin's unforgettable hatred of Feng Guo and the strong hope of Fu Guo Bao.

The power of hatred and faith can make people extremely powerful, even in the case of torture.

I don't know how long it took before Tang Yin opened her eyes slowly, and at the same time she sighed.

Cheng Jin hurried forward, questioning, "Master, this assassin ..."

Before he finished speaking, Tang Yin smiled bitterly: "Zhang Xin's speculation may not be accurate, but there is a word he was right. The assassination of Lord Xuan is very complicated ..."

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