Tang Yin glanced at the corpse on the bed, said nothing more, and turned out of the room.

Cheng Jin hurried out, and when he was outside, the men at the door made a wink to the room, and the dark arrows knew, and entered the room silently to deal with the corpse.

When Tang Yin came out, Qiu Zhen and Zhang Xin immediately stepped forward and asked, "Master, how about the assassin's injury? Can it be tried?"

Tang Yin smiled slightly and said, "He has said everything he knows."

"Ah?" Qiu Zhen and Zhang Xin were taken aback. It took only a while for the king to go in, and the assassins all explained? This is too incredible. Zhang Xin murmured anxiously: "I just don't know if this assassin's account is true or false ..."

Tang Yin said: "Absolutely true." People's mouths can tell lies, but people's memories will never be false.

After hearing what he said, Zhang Xin was very puzzled, but he didn't dare to ask, and said, "So ... King, did the assassin explain that he was instructed by the clever villa?"

Tang Yin shook her head and said, "This is not yet clear." The instructions received by the assassin clearly stated that once captured, the mastermind behind it was to be a clever villa. If it is inferred from common sense, this matter should have nothing to do with clever villa The latter was framed by people, but the countercurrent is really mysterious and weird. Who knows if this is a tricky cottage to conceal, so Tang Yin is really not sure whether this matter has anything to do with the smart cottage.

The assassin explained everything, but it was still uncertain who was instructed. At this moment, Qiu Zhen and Zhang Xin were confused. The two looked at each other, and then tangled Tang Yin.

Tang Yin couldn't explain things in a few words, he smiled bitterly and said, "You walk with me, let's talk while walking."

The dark arrow's old nest and dark house is really not a place for people to take a leisurely walk, but it is safe and secure to talk about important things here. Tang Yin talked to Qiu Zhen, Zhang Xin, and Cheng Jin about the information he searched from Assassin's memory while strolling.

The more they heard, the more surprised they became. The more they heard the more strange things. When Tang Yin finished speaking, the three's faces changed.

Cheng Jinshen frowned, and whispered, "Headwind? What kind of gang is this? I have never heard of it."

Qiu Zhen doubted: "This upwind is indeed very mysterious. The assassins recruited must definitely not only be the dozen or so people who appeared this time. The superiors did not show up in person. They only issued orders by letter. This requires extremely high loyalty. It's not like what the newly formed gang can do. "

Tang Yin nodded and said, "You're right. You only need to give orders to your subordinates, and you must make sure that your subordinates will execute according to the content of the letters. This really requires a high degree of loyalty and trust. I don't know others. But the assassin and Fengguo I interrogated had resentment. His family was all killed by our brothers in the First Hedong War, and now Ning Guo was annexed by our country and Mo. The family hatred, and because of this, he willingly joined the upwind to do things for the upwind. I think the situation of other assassins is similar to him. The upwind is the use of these Ning Rangers' hatred of the wind country. They successfully recruited them to His Majesty, and they were killed by their instructions. "

"That's it! This makes sense. No wonder the assassin has a hard mouth and can tolerate torture that ordinary people can't tolerate. All killed are determined to be directed by the clever villa. Now it seems that the power of hatred is supporting them." Qiu Real analysis.

Tang Yin responded, "Yes."

Qiu Zhen thought for a moment, and then said, "So ... so, shouldn't it have anything to do with Qiqiao Villa?"

Tang Yin smiled and said, "I started to think the same way, but don't forget, there is a trick called desire to cover up. It has nothing to do with the smart cottage, it is not yet certain."

Qiu Zhen carefully considered Tang Yin's words, and also felt that it made sense. The assassin asked for false confession, and easily said that he was instructed by the skillful villa. Instead, it made people feel that it had nothing to do with the skillful villa. It shows that the skillful villa is framed by people, so whether the assassin moves or not, the skillful villa can stay out of the matter. If you really want Tang Yin to say that this is a way to conceal, then the other party's calculation is too smart and too Far-reaching.

Now, things are so clever for Qiu Zhen to feel big and clueless. Zhang Xin rubs his hands in a hurry, watching his judgment be overturned a little bit. How can he not be in a hurry? He whispered, "King, then ... shall we ...

"No, for now, after all, there is no tangible evidence. Qiaoqiao Villa has a special status and cannot be ignored. It used to be good for me. If we ca n’t come up with evidence, we will review Qiaoqiao Villa. People with ulterior motives will say something about me. The strong wind unloads and kills the donkey, and what is more, it may be used to incite Ningren's hatred. "

"The King said so!" Qiu Zhen nodded again and again, praised Tang Yin for his thoughtfulness.

Zhang Xin is not an empty wine bag and rice bag. He naturally understands what Tang Yin said, he sighed softly and stopped talking.

At this time, Cheng Jin asked: "King, do you want to continue the trial of the remaining two assassins?"

There is no need for retrial. Tang Yin shook her head slightly and said, "These assassins belong to the bottom of the current. They know very little and are worthless. If we can catch their superiors, we may know more about the current. . "

It's not easy to find a high-level counter-current, even the assassins are not clear or even have not seen their superiors. It is undoubtedly a haystack to find them. Zhang Xin's eyes rolled and he said, "King, Wei Chen has a plan, I don't know if it's feasible."

"Oh?" Tang Yin raised his head and said, "Talk about it."

"King, assassins are held in the dark arrow side, and their party will never dare to rescue them. If the assassins are put in jail, they may also lead to their party. As long as their party appears, we can follow the lead. Find the old nest and annihilate it in one fell swoop. "Zhang Xinxin said sternly.

"En ..." Tang Yin groaned, didn't speak right away, and the other side wouldn't see such a superficial scheme to lead the snake out of the hole, but Tang Yin couldn't think of any other better way. After pondering for a while, he asked Qiu Zhen and Cheng Jin: "What do you two mean?"

Qiu Zhen's eyes rolled, and Gongshou said, "Wei Chen feels that you can try." But the hope of success is very slim. He added another silently in his heart.

Seeing that Qiu Zhen also agreed, Tang Yin immediately agreed: "Okay! Just follow what Master Zhang said, put the assassin into death row first. Cheng Jin?"

"Subordinates are here!"

"You send someone to keep an eye on the assassins. If someone comes to the rescue, you must not stop it. If you are scared, just follow its path."

"Subordinates understand!" Cheng Jin answered with a hand.

Tang Yin explained all the things that should be explained, and then sighed quietly, and at the same time patted his forehead, said slightly tiredly: "Cheng Jin, take care of the next thing, I will go back to the house first."

Although the wind country has blocked the cutting-off coalition forces of the four countries, it is still not peaceful. The threats of the two great powers of Sichuan and Zhen are still present, and they are also full of contradictions. At the same time, they want to completely annex and absorb a country or nation. It is so easy. It takes decades or even hundreds of years of ethnic integration. The upwind is just one of the contradictions between Feng Ning.

As a monarch, Tang Yin has completely lost her sense of freshness and accomplishment, and she is only feeling more and more problems and pressures. He was a prodigal character, free and lazy, and the throne of the Wind Country was like an invisible shackle, which bound him to death. Tang Yin even began to regret his decision to compete for the throne.

But the king of a country is not what he wants to do, he can let go if he wants to let go. If he suddenly gives up the throne now, the wind country will be in chaos. At that time, the Ning people will fight back and Sichuan and other strong parliaments will invade. The wind country will face The fate of the divided nation. Therefore, in the position of Wind King, Tang Yin was reluctant and reluctant to sit down.

Of course, this road of kings was also chosen by him.

Tang Yin left Zhang Xin to assist the Dark Arrow in dealing with the assassin. He and Qiu Zhen took the same car and returned to the palace.

On the road, Tang Yin showed tiredness, lay lazily in the car, and put her hands behind her head ~ www.readwn.com ~ murmured: "A wave is not flat, a wave is rising again, how can I think of a period of cleanliness? So hard? "

Listening to his complaints, Qiu Zhen could only give a bitter smile and said, "Although the wind kingdom has been established for thousands of years, the king still belongs to the founding king. There are many problems and the state affairs are inevitable. Wei Chen feels that the king has delegated power. It ’s very wise to give Shangguan the prime minister, and it has greatly reduced the burden on the king. "

Qiu Zhen can be regarded as the person who knows Tang Yin's character best, and he can also feel that he is getting more and more tired of his identity as a monarch. Qiu Zhen cannot * force Tang Yin, and he is afraid that one day he will pick up and quit, what he can do Only from time to time, Tang Yin encouraged Tang Yin. Regarding Tang Yin's devolution of power to the right, Qiu Zhen opposed it. Shangguan Yuanji could trust or devolve power to him, but if it became a tradition, the right will become the center of the future. Those who have power alone will have endless scourges.

After listening to Qiu Zhen's words, Tang Yin's eyes lightened, and she became interested, explaining in detail: "Actually, this is called the cabinet system ... Do you know what a cabinet is ..." Tang Yin is not without political ideas, it's just him His political ideas are too advanced, no one can understand in this era, and finally find someone who agrees with his own ideas, and is the closest and most important Qiu Zhen around him. How can he not be happy?

Tang Yin talked endlessly, Qiu Zhen seemed to listen carefully, in fact, he kept shaking his head.

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