As Tang Yin expected, no one was rescued after the assassins were put in jail, and their accomplices didn't seem to care about their lives. The assassination of Xuan Wang's case has temporarily become a pending case.

However, the assassination of Feng Guoli against the Minister of the Wind Country did not end. On the third day of Xuan Wang's assassination, Feng Guo officials were attacked by a mysterious killer and killed on the spot.

The murdered Feng Guo official was named Wang Cheng and his official residence was in the middle of the royal history. Wang Cheng was not a man of style, but of Ning people. He was a talent selected by Tang Yin when he issued the second order. Tang Yin greatly appreciated Wang Cheng's talents, and felt that many of his ideas coincided with his own. Therefore, Tang Yin also reused him very much, and he was directly named as a top official of the top three. Unfortunately, Wang Cheng had the time to make a fist for Tang Yin for the wind country. Just wandering dead in the hands of the assassin.

What is even more irritating is that he left a line of blood on the side of Wang Cheng's body: pro-wind thief apostate, extinct!

After hearing about this incident, Tang Yin was furious, and ordered Tianyan, Earth Net, Dark Arrow, and the capital defenders to fully investigate the whereabouts of the assassins, even if they were digging the ground three feet, they should be taken out.

Tracing the assassins is certain, but it may not solve the current urgent needs. Now, as a result of two consecutive assassinations of court officials, everyone in the troubled Manchu dynasty threatened himself, especially the death of Wang Cheng, which led to many Ning talents. The official position of Fengguo is timid and timid, and many Ning people who have been banned have even resigned.

Assassins: North Korean and Chinese officials can only spend heavily to hire doorkeepers in order to protect themselves, but assassins are outstanding spiritual practitioners, and ordinary ordinary people are useless. They can only employ spiritually strong spiritual practitioners, but there are many The expenditure of the officials of the Wind Country is still low. Many officials may not be able to hire a master of martial arts even if they take out all of them.

Qiu Zhen analyzed the current situation with Tang Yin and made two suggestions to Tang Yin. One was to increase the number of officials and the other was to set up a special security agency to protect the court officials.

After listening to Qiu Zhen's suggestion, Tang Yin thought about it for a while and said, "The battlefield that was brought down from Ning Guo consumed all the gold and silver, and the state treasury was empty, and the number of puppets was increased. The court was afraid that it could not afford it. what."

Qiu Zhen nodded and said, "So, the first suggestion of the minister is the next best thing, and even if you increase the number of officials, many people may be lucky and may not spend money on hiring customers. Then, set up a special It is necessary for the court to protect officials' security. "

"En!" Tang Yin nodded thoughtfully, and asked, "It's not easy to be afraid to recruit so many spiritual practitioners."

Qiu Zhen smiled and said: "Under the reward, there must be brave husbands. In addition, the king can also select outstanding students from Lingwu College."

Tang Yin's eyes first brightened, then she thought about it carefully, and then slowly shook her head, saying, "The Lingwu Academy in China has not been established for a long time, and it has not been a year, and its students may not be successful. "

"Hehe!" Qiu Zhenle said, "The king didn't know Lingwu College yet. Many of the first batch of students who joined Lingwu College were based on Lingwu, or even masters of Lingwu. Entering Lingwu College is only used as a springboard for the purpose of getting acquainted with the wealthy and seeking a career. Now, although Lingwu College in China has been established for less than a year, there are quite a few masters of Lingwu. "

"That's it." Tang Yin was happy after listening to Qiu Zhen's remarks, nodded, and said, "Well, Qiu Zhen, it's up to you."

"Yes! King! Oh ... King, what's the name of this security agency?" Qiu Zhen asked.

Tang Yin thought about it and said, "Just call Duweiying!"

At the suggestion of Qiu Zhen, and after Tang Yin's approval, Fengguodu Weiying was officially established. Because the members of the Towei camp are mainly spiritualists, they have a high status once they are established. If the sky eye and the earth net are the eyes of the wind country, and the dark arrow is a sharp knife of the wind country, then the Duweiying is a strong shield of the wind country, a barbed shield.

Qiu Zhen's recruiting operation was very smooth. After the notice was posted, there were a lot of registered spiritual practitioners. There were both Fengguo Ranger and Ningguo Ranger. For these registered spiritualists, Qiu Zhen was very careful and distributed his information to SkyEye, Ground Net, and Dark Arrow have them assist in review and investigation.

He was also afraid that spies would mix in the Duwei camp and become his own calamity, so he would rather take one less Lingwu master, but also ensure that his background is absolutely innocent. Qiu Zhen was careful about recruiting spiritual practitioners at the first trial, retrial, and retrial, but he was much more relaxed with the students at Lingwu College.

As long as there are students signing up, Lingwu is not bad, he will accept all. It is just that there are very few students from Lingwu College signing up for Duwei Camp. In the eyes of the Rangers, the Duwei camp is a shelter with excellent conditions, and the students of Lingwu College have a high vision. Their goal is to become a general in the army in the future. Who wants to go to this newly established duwei camp that has no idea of ​​the future? ?

Qiu Zhen did not even recruit students from Lingwu College, and he put forward the army and rushed directly to Lingwu College. While the students were still in class, they were named, as long as they were mentioned by him, whether they wished or not. Yes, all soldiers will be taken into Duwei Battalion, and they will be officially joined.

Qiu Zhen's approach was tough and brutal, which caused great dissatisfaction at Lingwu College. Zhang Xiu, the dean of the college, immediately went to Tang Yin to sue. Zhang Xiu is a typical scholar, stubborn and stubborn, but he is serious and meticulous. He is the dean of Lingwu College. It is Shangguan Yuanji who recommended him to Tang Yin.

After Zhang Xiu saw Tang Yin, he told Qiu Zhen what he had done in a fifteen to ten way. He thought that Tang Yin would call Qiu Zhen to rebuke him, and then return it to the students of Lingwu College. He just nodded, and said lightly, "My King knows." Then he disappeared.

Obviously, Tang Yin acquiesced in Qiu Zhen's approach, but Zhang Xiu couldn't understand it and refused to give up. He listed the harms and disadvantages of Qiu Zhen's move in front of Tang Yin. In the end, Tang Yin was impatient to listen. After penetrating Zhang Xiu's words, he said, "Master Zhang, Qiu Xiangzhi's move was approved by the king. When the country is in trouble, everything is special. If Master Zhang is too careless at this time, it will be too impersonal, and It's too ridiculous. Master Zhang, please go back! "

Zhang Xiufei not only failed to become Qiu Zhenzheng, but also received a training from Tang Yin. In desperation, Zhang Xiu had to retire.

Qiu Zhen has a two-pronged approach. While recruiting spiritual practitioners, he is forcibly recruiting students from Lingwu College. Within ten days, Fengguoduwei Camp was officially established. Its members have more than 300 people, all of them are spiritual practitioners. There are also 20,000 special troops sent to Duwei camp.

As for choosing who to be the head of the Duweiying camp, Tang Yin also had a hard time thinking about it. He only had three candidates left in his mind.

The first is Zhan Peng, the Zhan Peng is full of skill and skill, and is good at strategy. He is a rare general in the army of wind. The second is Kong Yan. Kong Yan's Ling Wu is just general, but he has a sharp mind, a quick mind, and a reaction. Strangely fast and good at dealing with emergencies, the third is Lei Zhen who made great achievements in the battle of Wancheng. Lei Zhen's person is too low-key. Tang Yin didn't know him very well before. He only knew that this person was very clever and stubborn. He would rather die than a half step in the country, but in the battle of Wancheng, Lei Zhen's performance was impressive. Point, almost alone, blocked the elite of the Zhen army headed by Li Cheng and became famous in the First World War.

Tang Yin couldn't decide, this morning, he asked Qiu Zhen to ask Qiu Zhen's opinion. Qiu Zhen is not here yet, but Wu Mei is here first. In recent days, the assassin has been stunned, and Wu Mei has never dared to leave the house. Today she can't stand it. She wants to go back to her parents to visit her parents, and she came to Tang Yin to know.

When I heard that Wu Mei was going to Wufu, Tang Yin was silent for a moment, and said, "Meier, I will go with you when I meet you. I still have some things to deal with."

It is rare that Tang Yinken accompanies her to return to her mother's home. Wumei is naturally very happy, nodding her head again, and then curiously asking, "Yin, I heard that the Duwei camp was recently established?"

Tang Yin was happy and nodded and said, "Yeah! I have sent someone to Qiu Zhen, and it is the Duweiying thing to discuss."

"It's all set up, what else is there to discuss?"

"Although it has been established, the general in charge of Duweiying has not yet been finalized."

"That's the way it is." Wumei nodded, without asking further, and then said, "I'll wait for you first." She turned around and was about to leave. Tang Yin reached out and held her back, smiling: "Qiu really speed It's always been very fast, you just need to take a few minutes in the study. "

Wumei also wants to stay with Tang Yin, but when the monarch discusses the matter, his wife and children need to avoid it. This is also Wang Ting's rule. Now listening to Tang Yin saying that he can stay, Wumei readily accepts it and sits beside him with joy.

Tang Yin was right. Qiu Zhen came really fast ~ ~ Seeing Wu Mei was also there. Qiu Zhen first hesitated, and then saluted Tang Yin and Wu Mei.

Tang Yin didn't have any nonsense, and asked straightforwardly: "Qiu Zhen, the general general of Duweiying thought of three people. You can help me as a staff officer."

"I don't know who the king's candidate is?"

"Zhan Peng, Kong Yan, Lei Zhen." Tang Yin said slowly, holding up the tea cup.

Wu Mei was not very concerned about the discussion between Tang Yin and Qiu Zhen, but when she heard of Lei Zhen, she immediately paid attention. In the battle of Wancheng, Lei Zhen saved Wu Mei, and she was also grateful to Lei Zhen.

After listening to Tang Yin's three candidates, Qiu Zhen smiled, and felt that the candidate in the king's mind was still good, at least Zhan Peng and Kong Yan were good.

In fact, Qiu Zhen didn't know much about Lei Zhen. He only knew that he had performed well in Wancheng, but Zhan Peng and Kong Yan both participated in the Ning Ning War and the Patriotic War. Not familiar enough.


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