Qiu Zhen said: "Wei Chen thinks that the exhibition will be the main one, and General Kong will be the best."

"Oh?" Tang Yin smiled and asked, "Why do you say that?"

Qiu Zhenzheng said: "The exhibition general is not only a combination of civil and military, but also fair and moral. He is quite a general. He is highly respected and loved by his general in the Chinese army. General Kong is resourceful and adaptable, but he is slightly inadequate. Is more than sufficient. "

Tang Yin nodded while listening, and felt that Qiu Zhen was justified. At this time, Wu Mei asked in an interjection, "Did Qiu Xiang consider General Lei incompetent?"

"Oh ..." Qiu Zhen frowned slightly, thinking that Wu Mei, the wife of the king, would be nice to listen to the discussion, and it would be inappropriate to interject. He looked at Tang Yin and saw that the latter did not show any dissatisfaction, but was waiting for his answer. Qiu Zhen sighed and said, "General Thunder is a brave warrior who is on the battlefield, but he may not be able to serve as a general in the Weiwei camp."

Wu Mei was dissatisfied with such words, and she said positively: "General Lei is not as brave as Qiu Xiang said. From the perspective of this palace, General Lei's ability is by no means under General Zhan. Last time When Wancheng resisted the Zhen army, our city was broken, but General Lei did not run away or give up. He simply took our brothers back to the city and expelled the Zhen army out of the city. General Lei had courage, There are also plans and a sense of responsibility. When the country is in distress, the individual's life and death are not taken into account. The king set up a capital guard camp to ensure the security of the civil and military in the Manchu dynasty. Isn't it just such talents? "

Wu Mei's remarks really made Qiu Zhen's speech dumb. Tang Yin also moved her heart and nodded secretly. Regardless of his ability or humanity, Lei Zhen was indeed more suitable to serve as the general commander of the capital.

He groaned for a while and saw that Qiu Zhen looked a little embarrassed. He smiled face to face and said, "I have a lot of talents, and other countries are worried about the shortage of soldiers, but I have too many people to choose, which is a good thing. Haha ... "

Qiu Zhen and Wu Mei also enjoyed hearing the words.

Tang Yin continued: "General Lei really contributed to the battle of Wancheng and saved Meier's life. I haven't rewarded him yet. This time, I will give Lei Zhen a chance and let him be the general of the Weiwei camp Qiu Zhen, what do you think? "

Qiu Zhen couldn't say anything else at this time. He took a deep look at the dance next to Tang Yin, and then stood up and shouted, "Great King Yingming!"

Under the unfavorable recommendation of Wumei, Tang Yin decided to appoint Lei Zhen as the general of the Weiwei camp, and awarded Feng Leizhen as the lieutenant general, leading General Shenwei, and appointed Kong Yan as the deputy general of the Weiwei camp. The sage general.

Since it was going to be sealed, Tang Yin simply sealed it completely. Along with Lei Zhen and Kong Yan, there were also those generals who had fought for war in the Ning Ning War and the Patriotic War. Most of them were named lieutenant generals and had their own general titles, including Zhan Peng and Wei Xuan. , Li Sheng, Ye Tang, Gao Yu and so on.

The titles of these batches of conferred generals all begin with the word ‘God’ and they are also lieutenant generals. Since the total number is eighteen, these eighteen people are also collectively referred to as the Eighteen Generals of the Kingdom of the Wind.

In response to the adverse current established by the Ningren's resistance, Tang Yin set up a capital guard camp, which is responsible for protecting the personal safety of Chinese martial arts officials. Although this is an emergency solution to the symptoms and not the root cause, it has greatly prevented the assassin ’s assassination. , But also let the turbulent wind country court gradually stabilize.

The capital was nowhere to be drilled, and the assassins immediately moved their targets to the place. Assassin local officials, the first duwei camp general, Lei Zhen, came up with a solution and suggested to Tang Yin that the duwei camp be expanded, and the duwei camps be established in all counties in Fengguo. Subordinate to restrain assassins. Tang Yin didn't think much about it and nodded.

The rapid growth of the Towei Camp has been astounding. It spread from Yancheng to the counties of Fengguo and became a special institution with great power and authority. Of course, the main factor that contributed to the rapid growth of the Chengdu camp was the assassins who were assassinating around.

There are means to defend the assassins, but the investigation of the assassins has been slow and not progressing. It is not that Tianyan, Earth Net, and Dark Arrow are not doing well, but that the organization against wind current is too closed and secretive. It is too much for outsiders to investigate the inside information. Difficult.

Within a few days of the establishment of the Towei Battalion, Zhang Zhe wrote in a letter, stating that Tia ’s envoy had accepted the three conditions put forward by his country. As long as Feng Guo was willing to send troops to assist, Tia was willing to provide gold and silver to the Wind Country, Guo Fu is the leader and is willing to impart his country's technology to the wind country.

Tia's acceptance of the conditions of the wind country is a good thing, but the court of the wind country is not happy, but the atmosphere has become more dignified. People know that since Tia accepted the conditions, the war is not far away from him. The Sanshui Army that is hoarded in Yamen and ready to go may then rush to Tia to fight the Duke Army.

Regarding the entry into the Tiya battle, up to now, the suggestions within the Wind Country have not been unified. The hawks who are led by Qiu Zhen are strongly in the main battle. The main peace leaders led by Zhang Xin have not been silent, and they often ran to Tang Yin. Pointing your finger at this country to clear whether the outbreak of this war will do more harm to your country than harm to it.

Tang Yin was quarreled by the two factions. Fortunately, it did n’t take long for King Besa ’s reply to reach Yancheng. For Tang Yin ’s proposal, King Beth ’s king agreed, but there was a condition. Tang Yin is going to Bessa to marry Xiao Na.

With the arrival of King Besa's book, the Lord and the Party were completely extinguished, and it was understood that the war between his country and Duke was inevitable. The focus of Feng Guo's court also changed from whether to help Tia to Tang Yin or to go to Besa to marry in person.

After all, Besa and Duke are allies. Feng Guo wants to fight with Duke. No one can guarantee that Besa will lean towards Feng Guo. In case Besa invites Tang Yin to marry the princess, it is a conspiracy. Dorje is less.

This is the end of the matter, Tang Yin himself felt that it was OK to leave. Besides, he owed Xiao Na an agreement himself. At the beginning, he promised Xiao Na that he would go to Besa after he became the wind king. It dragged on for two or three years.

Tang Yin meant to go, but all the opponents in the DPRK, even the emperor Yin Ying deliberately summoned Tang Yin into the palace for this matter, and gently advised him not to go to Besa in person.

In Tang Yin's eyes, the wind is worried about domestic and foreign problems, and it is full of troubles. However, from the perspective of Yin Yun, Feng Guo is now in its heyday. He has no choice but to rely on Tang Yin, which can change the dependency relationship. The strongest way is to marry.

He has long heard of Tang Yin's solitude for his younger sister Yin Tenderness. Previously, his attitude was opposed, and he didn't even mention it at all. In his subconscious, Tang Yin was a toad who wanted to eat swan meat. The state annexed half of Ning State and successfully resisted the attack of the Allied Forces of the Four Kingdoms. Yin Qiao's views and attitudes towards Tang Yin changed again, and he had to rethink the situation between Tang Yin and Yin Rou.

He hoped to control Tang Yin firmly by means of marriage and make him obey himself. Of course, his sister is a dignified imperial princess. Even if she marries Tang Yin, she has to be a princess, but Yin Rou is a princess and Xiao Na is also a princess. What does your younger sister do after marrying Tang Yin? If she was a concubine, the entire royal family's face would be lost.

This is the most fundamental reason Yin Yin opposed Tang Yin's visit to Besa.

In front of Tang Yin, of course Yin Yin couldn't confide his thoughts. He could only talk about the barbarous cunning, lacking integrity, and being difficult to coexist. He also said that the country of wind is currently abolished, and as a king of a country, it is really not Suitable for traveling far away at this time and so on.

Yin Yun talked, and Tang Yin finally understood. He was opposed to going to Besa himself. Tang Yin laughed: "Your Majesty, the minister went to Besa many times, never in distress. This time, there will be no exceptions, His Majesty will be assured. Right. "

The more Tang Yin said this, the more uneasy Yin Yin was, but he couldn't force Tang Yin to go to Besa. After thinking about it, his eyes burst out and he said, "The princess is nearly eighteen years old, Age, I don't think ... "At this point, he paused deliberately and looked at Tang Yin.

Tang Yin was also looking at him at this time, with no expression on his face, but his eyes were sharp and unusual. Even staring at Yin Yan so much made the latter feel shudder. He asked, "What does Your Majesty want?"

Yin Yan swallowed and vomited, and said bravely, "Hey ... I want to complete the marriage between the princess and the prince of the kingdom, Li Dan."

This sentence was intruded into Tang Yin's heart. He laughed angrily, firstly chuckled, then laughed on his back. Not only were the maids on both sides scared to fool, but even Yin Lu stayed there ~ www.mtlnovel .com ~ motionless.

Tang Yin laughed wildly for a long time, suddenly took a big step forward, and leaned forward, close to Yin Yan, the distance between the two, the tip of his nose was about to touch the tip of his nose, he said gently: "Jing Ren wants to cause His Majesty to die, and His Majesty But marrying the princess to Zhen Kingdom is simply a matter of glory to the world. It is also pushing the princess into the fire pit. Doesn't your Majesty understand? "

I did n’t expect that Tang Yin ’s response would be so great, even daring to be so rude to himself, but then thinking about it, Yin Ji laughed in his heart. Tang Yin ’s reaction in this way does not mean that he has a deep affection for his sister?

Yin Zhengqiang calmly said, "Tang Aiqing, the princess and Li Dan have a marriage contract. You should be very clear. As a son of heaven, how can you break your trust?"

Tang Yin scratched her eyes and stared straight at Yin Ao. He was wondering, how did Yin Ao suddenly start to soften Li Dan's marriage in front of him today. It stands to reason that this wedding was already invaded by the Sichuan Zhenlian Army. Go to Beijing and canceled.

Soon, Tang Yin calmed down, and no matter how much Yin Yin was also a heavenly son, there were still many places he used him, and he could not openly turn his face. He forced his anger, took two steps backwards, and arched his hand and said, "It is Zhen Guo who breaks the trust, and Her Majesty does not need to feel guilty for this. Her marriage to Li Dan, Her Majesty should also ask her what she meant."

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