Taoist Law

Chapter 15 Pu is fortunate and unfortunate

Pully eaten Hu Mount Sanquan, Zen is almost destroyed once, and suddenly, a gentle but extremely tough, and pulling it out from the true swirls of the swirls, slow delivery Back to Puji and Bao Bottles.

The true face is gray, sweating, the lips are more than, the eyes are bleak, is the situation in the realm, Zen deficient symptoms. At this moment, several sentences were in the Puji Zen Master: "There is no heart to all things, everything does not have no. This is silent, and each loss is the deficiency."

These spokes directly hit the deepest in the heart of the Puzhen Zen Master, such as when the head is drinking, pulling him from frustration, loss, despair, helpless, etc. The Pu Zen teacher counsed the bloody, sitting on the legs, left finger in the sky, the right hand is in the ground, the right hand is smashed, the future, the future, the future, the future is impermanent, licking, no three laws, instant review The world is in its own way.

Pu Zhen from the head to the foot of the golden light, and the cash in the face is the appearance of the Arahan Golden Bids, the realm of outsflow. When I don't have much, I only feel that I have a heart, and I'm always in the eyes. When I am open, I am sitting in front of myself. I am sitting in my knee. I am with another "I" and I will worship each other. After a gift, another "I" turned into a bodhi, flew into the brain, a flash without.

Puji smile, nodded: "Congratulations to the brother, the gorge, the bodhisattva, this is a big firmer!"

The bottle is envious, and it is also ten: "Congratulations on the evil spirits, starting today, I am also a Buddha."

The prizter face is pale, and the blood has been rehabilized. It is slowly standing, and the ten rites with Puji and Bao Bottles: "Thank you for your guidance, thank you for your help."

The opposite Hu Lausher was surprised, and he said: "Not bad, the big sum is tall, actually open the five worlds, is a bodhisattva, the old man, I'm going to see the head, I really opened my eyes, this line is not true , This is not true! "

Pu Zhen is now in a mess, three punches are unstable, it is a shamefulness. It is good to take this opportunity, and it is in the realm of the Bodhisattva. However, because of the brave and refined, it will be more appreciated to the terrible thing to understand the teenager. You can justify the bodhisattva. It can be too shallow day, and even the first floor of the Bodhisattva is not. I am afraid that I still don't want to win.

The heart is done in the heart, and a young teenager who looks at it is so powerful. What is the woman who has not yet shot? I am afraid that I can't win the boy, the treasure bottle is still in the real world of Arlohan, and it is even more unbearable. Nowadays, only Master Puji can be terminated. In this way, the Pu Zen is discovered that it is difficult to get good today.

He is thinking about it, and Hu Lao has continued to smile: "Since it is really hurt, now I have turned it, then you will talk about it, listen to the old man, I can listen to the old man. it is good?"

Just two games, now I have to "stop", what "I am talking about the heart and sit down", the practice is concerned, I can't figure it out, I can't figure it out, what is the intention of these three people, when I am, I will wait? " Reckless, I don't know what to go to the mountain, forgive you. "

Hu Yao smiled and shook his head: "Isn't a high person, surname Hu, that is my big girl spring mother, this is my little porn eight lang. Old man is a running rivers and lakes, when you don't say it. This time, In fact, there is nothing, mainly to protect a Taoist. I have been good, there is nothing, the battle between the Buddha and the Taoist, the attack between tomorrow, and my family is not coherent, just on the road A small monk ran to intercept,

Therefore, many events have been given. In the old man, I don't have Luo. I don't care if you have to live, you have to go, you have to say something, now where to go back, everyone has never seen it. "

When I listened to the old man of this surname, I didn't leave them. I couldn't help but relieve tones, but I am somewhat unsatisfactory - Zhu Qiqi they have to enter Ye Xueguan. After a period of time, where is there? Is there such a good opportunity? Folder: "Hu Shi, since you have to protect the little Taoist, the poor can answer you, do not hurt the little Taoist division, how do you see? Going out, don't fight, otherwise you will get a nose Hell, Hu Shi, despite rest assured. "

Hu Lao shook his head: "Don't worry, don't worry. Even if you pay, you will fight the law, the small Taoist is divided into it. If you are to afford to be, it is undoubtedly."

Pu Zhe said: "Is it a secularity of the fetus that is unrequited, why is Hu Show to complain with me?"

Hu Laotou smiled and said: "You are very famous, old man, I am really afraid, your lives are called a literary, I heard that I opened a six conscious world in the past few years, I got the Buddha, and I was amazing. Old man I don't want to provoke him, so I don't plan to stay in a few. I only have to go back, and I have never happened. As for the little Taoist, I haven't hesitate to have my old Hu, but I only answer someone else, I can only The care is some ... "Say it, turned to ask Hu Chun Niang:" Chun Niang, what will it take to care for a few days? "

Hu Chun Niang Tudi: "Hey, there are still seven days."

Hu Lao He said to Putong: "Have you heard it? I promise others to take him for two years, so there is still seven days. Of course, if you are willing to be somehole, I don't want to find the trouble of the little Taoist, old Hu my feelings. "

Pulsence, I will bear the airway: "Hu Shi, I don't know what people, please take care of the little Taoist? Give Hu Shi, how many benefits, I will double you. Only Hu Shi is not inserted by this matter, I must feel the donor of the Wanfa Temple End! If there is something in the future, I will try my best to help, do you see good? "

Hu Lao sighed: "What is the benefits of people have not given me old Hu, I will give it a slap, listen to you, want to add a palm?"

It is very shocked, and I don't know what person protects the little Taoist. This hooker is already high enough. Is it not that person? It seems that this returns have no hope, but they have to force it to persuade: "Today, the Sichuan weeks are in the wilderness, saying that there is no accident, Hu Shi wants to protect the tao Zhou Quan, don't take him directly, Zhu Qiqi them Although this is not weak, it is better to be safe than the main side of Hu Shi. "

Hu Laotou smiled: "You still don't die. To be honest, my family will have a comfortable and comfortable in the city, where is the thoughts on so many causality? Have the little Taoist to cover some time, Just practice for two years, I have to go to my own small days, and I will be too deep. "

Puzhen helplessness, look at Puji and treasure bottle, see these two brothers don't seem to have a way, only have to say: "It is good, today I will listen to Hu Shi's persuvement, I will not find those people in the seven days. Hu Shi is not inserted? "

Hu Laotou nodded, said: "After I practice the old man, you don't want to do with me, but if you don't listen to the old man, if you don't listen to the old man, I will persuade my heart, and I am going to Wanfa Temple to find your Master. go with."

Received Master, the general is not good, waiting to be greeting Puji and the treasure bottle together, listening to Papi Road: "The brother is waiting. You have already got, I have no time, no matter the other side is very happy. Or or hell, always have to go up. "After finishing, Puji turned to Hu Laoto:" Hu Show, count, old, has not been working with people, see hunting today, there is a bad request, Looking at your Hu Xiao Shi Master to enlighten it. I hope that Hu Shi is mainly fulfilled. Of course, this is no matter whether it will be losing, and the old man promises to see the trouble of the little Taoist. "

Hu M Biri listened to the opposite side of the old man invited him, and immediately excited. Hey, he raised his little fist, but he was returned by Hu La. Hu Laoyi smiled and smiled, to Puti Road: "The old monk, you will make a surname? After this level, you can go to the Buddha's position. You are also a master, but Come to be difficult for my family, shy is not ashamed? It is also, since you want to make a stroke, then the Chunniang extension extension. "

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