Taoist Law

Chapter 16 Ye Xueguan

Thanks not to the dead bird, the big people, the moonlight, lonely \\ Wander2000, thank the Fordler's anti-hands to praise.

All the way Zhao Ran and others did not know, the dangers that were originally faced have been temporarily resolved, and then slowly rushed down, finally came to the important fulcrum of Daming Songwei North Battlefield - Ye Xueguan.

Ye Xueguan is located in the north of Song Dynasty, and then goes north, it is a big swamp of Quito. The Evergreen is several hundred miles, like a Tianhe generally covers the communication between the tomorrow. Ming army can't go, the summer army will not come, the only channel is the white horse mountain of Zhengxi, which is the frontier of the two armies. Ye Xueguan is in the east eighty miles in Baima Mountain, occupying the Xia Jun in Bai Ma Mountain to break through the defense line of Daming, along the White Mountain Valley to the east, within two days can reach Ye Xianguan.

In the case of Jinchuan Sanitary Wait, Ye Xueguan's war is more rich, and Zhao Ran et al., In addition to continuously encounter more than ten whistles, the monks are not in a small number. Most of these monks come from Taoist hidden land, and there are many monks that are big and small monodards and scattered martial arts.

When I arrived here, Zhao Ranzhen really felt the incompetence of the old, Chang Wanzhen, Zhu Qiqi in the hearts of the monks. Zhu Qiqi is still still still, she has not appeared for many years, many young monks don't know; but the child is old and Chang Wan really, they have been walking around, they have been walking around, killing demon evil, screaming, name The head is extremely ring, not only Sichuan, southwest provinces, and even the south of the south have passed their benefits - of course, there is also a few monks have passed their discipline, so they are quite eye-catching, especially by the family and the division martial arts. welcome.

There are still more than ten miles away from Ye Xueguan, and there are three or two two monks who follow the same, the closer to Guancheng, the more and more monks gathered, arrived in Guancheng, more monks greeted from the city, Hundreds of monks gathered in the city gate, and the scene was extremely enthusiastic. On one of the two major laws and laws of the Yuxiange, Jade Emperor who took the town of Ye Xueguan, the big refining teacher Yuyang Bin people greeted.

Zhu Qiqi didn't love this, falling a few steps, and Zhao Ran knows that they are home, and they don't dare to make it forward. They only have a child's old and fourth brother Chang Wandong.

When I saw so many monks, I gathered together. Zhao Ran is both curious and a bit nervous. Of course, more envy, he now the biggest wish is to change the root bone as soon as possible, and can also join these monographers. Among them, I have experienced the last life that I have always thought it was only a virtuous legend.

"Sister, I didn't expect the child to be famous, and the fans are very famous."

"Well? What powder? ..."

"Oh, in short, it is popular, the meaning of admire."

"Oh. My brothers are all hearty characters, and they can do everywhere, so many people are respectful."

"Sister, I just heard that this old road is also a big refining teacher. Is it a level of Chu Dao? He actually got it? Hey, what is it? Do you not the Dao Long disciple?"

"We are all named disciples with art, and true disciples are different. Master have several worships in Master, and they have been famous for the world ... Furthermore, big refining teachers and big refining teachers are also different. You don't look at this last name is also the Yuhuang Palace care, but the in repair is coming, give Master's shoes are not worthy. "The following sentence, Zhu Qiqi uses the voice into the secret.

The Jade Emperor Zon's Waffore, which was blocked by Zhu Qiqi, which is already old and old, and Chang Wan Zhen Han has been completed.

He and those young monks were Dear Zhu Qiqi, and immediately came to Zhu Qiqiu, and the first road: "The poor pass has seen Qi Gu."

Zhu Qiqi is lazy, and raised his hand: "Why do you know how to give this set of binders, or you know it, but in addition to the name of Chuyang City, it is still a day. The blood of the family, there is such a layer of identity, even if the people of the Dao Dynasty, I have to see the face to show respect.

Yuan Yangbin smiled, and looked at Zhaoran immediately followed by Zhao Qiqi, could not help but. Zhao Ran wearing a system of rhymes of Ten Ten-way Jungle Temple, and the cuffs embroidered, showing that he is subject to the identity of the sideline. Such a "custom" followed by Zhu Qixi, and it seems to be close to Zhu Qiqi very intimate, and he can't see how it should be given.

Zhu Qiqi is said: "Yuan Lao, this is my younger brother Zhao Zengran, um, it is the Jingtang of the Qi Qiyuan in the door of the door, don't say so much, give me a quiet place, what to get a quiet place The trivial matters such as the meeting are all free, what is going on looking for my big brother, and I don't care. "

This doesn't introduce it, it is okay, one introduces the Yuan Yang Bin completely confused, and I don't know when Zhu Jiahuang is coming out again. It is said to be a room. How to surname Zhao? And this innocent is to run to the Ease of the House. When the Taoist Taoist, Xuanyuan Guan also does not know, even more than Xizhenwu Palace. I want to think about it, Yuan Yang Bin has to smile and nodded and then took a few people to Guancheng.

Little Ye Xueguan has already been crowded. In addition to a large number of increasing garrison, there are many transshipment, plus the doors and distribution of tens of thousands of people around, and various places and so on. If you want to find a place to be a place. However, it is no longer possible to lack the place where Zhu Qiugu has a few of them. Yuanyang Bin hosted a small court to resettle Zhu Qi'hu and others.

The old and fourth brothers of the old and four brothers were pleased to go to the banquet, only Zhu Qihu and Zhao Ran were resting in the hospital. When they arrived at night, the two brothers came to come. After that, the child is looking for Zhu Qiuntu to talk about it for a while, Zhu Qiuntu came to Zhao Ran.

Zhao Ranzheng is going to take the bed to rest, and the trousers have been taken over. When Zhu Qiugu pushed the door, the door latch behind the door was broken. Falling on the ground, I was shocked, and I said that this is the Lord. If you don't knock on the door, don't you know that men and women do?

Zhao Ran flew like a pants, busy, busy, did not overlap, and laughed: "Sister, I don't know that it is," I really glow, that ... I lost it. "

Zhu Qiqi is sitting in front of the table, and the oil lamp on the table is light, and the sureness Zhao Ran has already wore the trousers. I didn't have a ugly under the lamp. However, he is estimated that there is no light, but it can't hold anything in front of this high person. But since this cheap sister doesn't care, what is your grandfather?

He quickly saw it in the room, asked for a cup while looking at the cup: "What do you drink? Sister, what do you drink? Wait until I look for it ... I have n'thing in this house ..."

Zhu Qiqiyi hooks: "Don't be busy, come over with you. Master brought you Song Dan, because you pulled Master's tiger skin to Zhang Yang?"

Zhao Ran is very unwilling to think: "I didn't think so, just ... people are in the rivers and lakes, they can't help but you, you know."

Zhu Qiqi couldn't help but smile, said: "I don't blame you, you know, haha. Well, Master and Four Diens want to stay in Ye Xueguan a few days, he is originally letting you go on the Mountain Mountain , But because I am, this is free, you can stay here ... "

Zhao Ranxi said: "Is it? Oh, there is a sister cover, it is really happy."

Zhu Qiqi squatted with his head and Zhao Ran: "Do you want to stay here?"

Zhao Ran is extremely firm, and it should be said: "Where is it not important? The key is that it is better with your sister!" Can you take a risk on the battle, naturally it is the best, and Zhu Qiuru should take, Zhao Ran Counting, as long as you have a small task, contact your little life, the work is stable. Thinking of this, Zhao Ran can't help but feel emotion, it's really good to do things, otherwise you will be exhausted! From now on, the grandfather pulls the tiger skin, but it can be much more.

I am looking for the future, I'm listening to Zhu Qiqi: "Well, your child also has a little conscience, then rest in this day, raise the spirit, tomorrow, I will go to the big vision. I heard that There is a lot of Buddha's demon, just take you to see the insights, but also practice your ability to cause you. "

Zhao Ran listened, Zhang Dao is a half-day can't come.

PS: The child is ill, today did not fly into Kunming, yesterday, he was tossing at night, it seems that this year is going to Beijing New Year. After a day, I just changed it, I found out that there were people malicious black books in the comment area. To be honest, this is the first page of the first page of the first page. The first page of the black book has been soaring that the small saying is, the small road has his own word, never enroll anything, and the book's book has not been tempered. It's entirely because I love the code word to stick to the present. Several black book comments are placed on the page for an afternoon, which greatly affects the rise of the collection. The trades must have been deleted. However, the trail is also very touched. The Taoist friends who like this book will be refuted after the black book comment, and the trail is stunned to this. Unfortunately, when deleting, several friends' comments were automatically deleted, and the trails did not go, and apologized to several Taoists.

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