Taoist Law

Chapter 19 bald and cattle nose

PS: Thanks to the song of the sea, wear the cat grandfather to wear shoes, and wish the proud Year of the Year!

Another: I went to the shelves today, I also ask the friends to comply, give a first order ~

Zhao Ran and monk have soared in the sun, they are far away from each other, and there are no representations, just like two wooden piles without life. As a Taoist who is not rooted, Zhao Ran can rely on his own fault, but he does not dare to act rashly. He is afraid of a small action that he will random, will cause each other's attack. And before the formation of the France, as long as the opposite is the monk, I am afraid I have to be buried here.

Calm, calm, Zhao Ran continued to repeat this word in his heart, forced himself, keep smiling on his face, but the robe behind him has been soaked by sweat.

I don't know how long, I suddenly slammed the pinched on my fingers, let this bug diamond into the gap under the stone, and then two hands slowly together, and the sound: "Amitabha, poor opinion. "

Zhao Ran slowly moved the first gift: "There is no quantity of Tianzun, the poor pass the monk." When the head was bent over a step, the widespreaded pool shielded before, Yu Yin quietly slipped. This is certainly not the best first choice, but in front of you, you can set it up.

The monk smiled: "The scenery here is excellent, today is beautiful, it is a rare journey, the road is also to visit the mountains. So, it is the same as the poor."

This is telling me, don't you want to fight with me? Don't he come out, I don't have a bone, is there a mana?

While guess. Zhao Ran laughed: "It is, you see this far away ..." The left finger pointed to the Daxue Mountain in the distance, "" Take this day, it is like it ... "The right hand throws the gold sword, mouth Continue to cram: "It is a good time to enjoy. Unfortunately, there is no wine ..." Both hands, cinnabar and water-block chains fly out, "can't be happy."

I don't move my hand in a while, first put the fracture.

The monk smiled: "It is exactly, but unfortunately ... haha ​​... Yes, the road is long. You just seem to drop the object on the ground, or don't I help the way?"

Zhao Ran also hit a haha, said: "There is nothing else, the poor road does not leave the god dropped the object, let the big monk smile. The object can't run. It will not be late."

The monk heard the words, and he sat with a moment. Suddenly the face was a bitter. This gold-winged big is a good medicine, just have already caught it. Unfortunately, he did not take it, he ran it. After a while, the teacher came,

I don't know how to punish it. "

Zhao Ran first was shocked. I couldn't help but laughed, this is a heart-fashioned laugh.

If this monk is really left, will he tell yourself? Obviously, this monk is obviously in intimidation, and is doing the things that Zhao Ran often doing often. I need to be intimidated in a customary path that I have no rootless bones. Of course, it doesn't matter, what is explained. Description Opposite this and can't see your own chance, and I don't dare to shoot myself.

Zhao Ran once asked Zhu Qi to ask this question. Zhu Qiku describes him about how to judge the strength of the opponent.

According to Zhu Qiu, the road judges that a person can become a practice in practice, just look at his root bone and qualifications, the Buddha is also a corresponding statement, which is also awareness - actually is almost a matter. Of course, there are also a little difference, such as the demand for root bones and qualifications, and the demands of the Buddha are lower. For ordinary people, the threshold of the cultural Buddha is much lower than the trim.

If you want to see if there is any root and qualifications, or there is no understanding, it is required to have inner view, and you can see all the changes in your own body.

In terms of Taoist, it is equivalent to completing the steps of training, which is also entered into the three products. The door is called the yellow crown; in the Buddha's family, it is equivalent to the first world eye, and the results of the name of the colors. The fate is smart and thinking, it enters the second world influence in the second world, and begins to practice the ribbon and the wisdom and the bad look and the wisdom, and the Buddha is called the sand.

However, Zhu Qiuntu emphasized that this judgment is accurate, but also to see the cultivation of monks, the higher the realm, the more accurate judgment.

Between the monks and monks, I want to judge the realm of the other party, it is not so easy, unless your opponent's realm is large, it is difficult to make a clear judgment. Even if it is roughly judged that the level of the other party is the realm, it is impossible to rely on this judgment to cast, because the realm is the basis for measuring the strength of the fight, but does not fully represent the strength of the opponent. There are still many other factors that need to be considered, such as the practice of cultivation, such as the power of the legs, such as the skills and experience of the fight, etc., the physical condition, the body conditions, etc., or even luck It is also very important.

Therefore, Zhao Ran quickly made a preliminary judgment on this monk in front of him: Since the other party does not understand himself, it means that the top is a monk that opens the eye of the eye, and it is absolutely not able to achieve the influence.

Zhao Ran himself has no way, but it is a considerable point of use of Zhu Qi'hu for more than half a month. His way his array has reached a pretty skilled. Although the cloth array is sufficient, he is at a very high level at the beginning of the understanding of the array. And these days have killed many mountain demon monsters, and they also show that he has initially have the ability to fight with people.

Zhao Ran has a certain experience and skill of the enemy, but can this experience and skills be won when he is in front of his life? In this regard, Zhao Ran did not dare to determine. However, this does not hinder his thoughts that have been eager to try, the first time and people can do life and death, you can encounter a repair should be lower, and it seems to have some fear of the monk. Is this not going to give yourself a brush experience value? Is good opportunity?

There is no nutritious nonsense, and the more the topic is, the more it is, and it is beginning to involve the world's great potential. Monk said that he has just entered the Buddha's door, and the dispute between the Buddhist Taoism, and the War of Mingxia is happening, there is no interest. He believes that the practice of practice should focus on itself, should not take care of those messy idle.

Zhao Ran agrees with this, he expressed his uninterect understanding with the difference between the strong tone to the Buddhist Tao, expressed deep regrets for the suffering caused by the war. He believes that a person's life is limited, and the road to practice is unlimited. All energy should be put into practice, and go to the practice of Changsheng or free from reincarnation, this is the right way to go.

The more people are more speculative, even with each other, some practice and experience, actually have a feeling that can't meet soon. If you have no fidelity, you have something to do, you may have to worship your child as a brother.

But life is almost part of, and I have to go. He said that he wants to go to see Master. Otherwise, Master is looking for it, I am afraid I will misunderstand, so the end of the event is not beautiful.

Zhao Ran is sorry, and it will be lost.

On the occasion, Zhao Ran took out the paper in the bamboo box, and left the monk with each other, so that he would board the meeting in the future.

The monk is all the hands and ten: "Zhu Dao brother, less than three May, late year is half a year, Xiao Yan must see the brother in Huayun."

Zhao Ruiji is a gift: "Yu Yuan brother, today, don't know where the sun can meet again, up to one, the brother does not come to Huayun Hall, I will go to the Dali Temple to seek brothers."

"Zhu Dao brother treasures."

"Zuo Yuan Dynasty brothers Zhen."

I feel back in two steps, turn around ...

A yellow light consciously flew out of the neck neck, in the air, rush straight to Zhao and then hit, but it is a bowl of big wooden fish.

Almost at the same time, Zhao Ran's abdominal cavity has a speech: "Within the three worlds, only the only respect, the body has Jin Guang, the body is ignorant, and the law is in a hurry -" The law is started, and the jade is in Zhaoran Following a golden light, blocking the tapped woodfish, while the southern vortexed flow of the naked eye, wrapped in a long time.

The wooden fish is blocked by jade, in the air, the raft has raised the fish mouth, and the sound of "empty empty", this voice actually has the effect of disturbing the heart, Zhao Ran only feels faster and faster, almost break A chest. He is trying to gather spirit, manipulate the compass, traction, and three inch gold swords, and brush the illustrated bald head.

A mouth vomiting blood, a head broken blood, Zhao Ran squatted, thinking of screaming, two people played together, it is difficult to divide.

When Zhao Ran also looked in, I feel far away from the forest, leaving only a sentence to swear: "The name of the cow nose, you are waiting, the Buddha is not finished with you!"

Zhao Ran smiled: "Bald is far away, Daoyi is waiting for you here, there is this income to die!" (Untrained) (the first year of this article)

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