Taoist Law

Chapter 20 Pit Your Pit

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PS: Thanks to the unstead of the bird, eating is good, happy, Wander, etc., thank you for your monthly ticket encouragement, thank you for your subscription, the poor is ritual.

Zhao Ranwei won't be stupid to wait for the place, and he left, he immediately took the instrument, and his family's small bamboo box quickly turned into it. He took three days near this nearby, and he had been familiar with the situation in the surrounding Rongyuan. When you find a hidden cave.

The hole in the cave opened within a cliff, it is difficult to find, even if there is a cave in this cliff, you can only squeeze it on the side. When Zhao Ran came in, it was a very innocent law to defense at the hole, so it should be a safe shelter.

Entering the cave, Zhao Ran quickly served a potential pill, and then quietly sat quietly in accordance with Zhu Qi'hu. This set of practice is nothing big on practice, but it is unique to use, and it is easy to learn, just think of a few internal hidden views. For example, Zhao Ran now meditates is a herd boy riding a boar, and it is slowly walking between the clouds.

This set of practice is only three ways to watch, although it is simple, it is very people to learn, because the inner hidden view used for meditation needs to be in the sea, with Master's lead, ordinary mortal can also Think, there is no mission to the diction, even if the monks can't think, in turn, there is no way to don't do it.

Zhao Ran meditated her shepherd bulls, gradually jumped gradually, so he was tone, changed the picture. Thoughts on the stone on the stone. After the difficulty of returning the boring, he again gave the bamboo leaves with the wind map, the whole person's essence will recover the seven seven eight eight.

Zhao Ran took out a wild boar yesterday from the bamboo box, and she recalled the passage of today's fighting law.

He feels that he is still a low, which is still able to fight, but the premise is that he wants to set the French array to complete. Your own law is also a certain threat to the enemy. If you don't have the souvenir of the monk, it will be out of control in a short time, and it is still afraid that you can't run. Of course, it is also necessary to think about a problem, which is the invisible attack for sound waves, it seems that it seems difficult to find a good response.

After careful, Zhao Ran will get up. Received the method of the hole, from another road to a circle, walk back to the land with that.

First, he looked at the stone seam of the distilled surface, tossing, and slamming a yellow back shell. The hard shell on the back is indeed a wings. It is unfortunate that it is called "golden wings", but I don't know why this is insect, so that the monk is hard and half.

Take out a lot of heart pills, put the golden-winged Daren, Zhao Ran's heart, this bug is good, and there is nothing to do, and it is easy to catch up.

Zhao Ran came to the place of the monk. Just see a skewers on the dirt, the blood has been infiltrated, and the earth block is stained. It seems that the monk is not injured. Zhao Ran is quite satisfied with this

Tracking along the blood, through the sparse grove, the blood gradually disappears, Zhao Ran's footsteps slowly. For more than half a month, in order to help Zhao Ran to find a murderous beef insects and mountains, Zhu Qiku detailed guidelines how he should track the slice. These valuable experiences are very useful. Zhao Ran quickly discovered the spider silk horses left by the monk all the way.

Bypassing the reed. Turning through the small hills and wanding two shallow streams. Zhao Ran came to the lawn full of flowers, no one over the lawn, except for the odd blossoms, there is also a buzz of the East Western buzz. Zhao Ran did not invibreate, he entered the eyes and found the same as the same time. These boulders seem to be stacked, but in fact, the flow of the heaven and earth gas machine, Zhao Ran did not have seen this purely boulder constructed method, I didn't understand the efficacy of this boulder, but did not hinder him to observe And analysis, soon found the position of the eye.

Zhao Ran carefully went around the lawn twice, determined that there was no one around, and then started to start.

In general, the way of breaking is usually divided into two kinds. One is to take a brute force, and it is stronger to be strong or the power of the law, and attack the law, with ten times, hundreds of hard work. The gas cycle built by the cooked French array is caused to crash. There is also a method that is clever, starting from the weakness of the array, using the principle of the five elements of gossip, a little abutment, and finally the gas machine built by the final law.

The former needs strong cultivation and strength, belonging to physical activity; the latter needs to understand and skilled the method of labeling, which belongs to technology. No matter which kind, you have nothing to do with Zhao Ran, but Zhao Ran can take the third road, observed by the heave gas circulator circulatory structure constructed in the array, determine the position of the eye, directly destroyed or excraced, equivalent to direct Targe.

Zhao Ran has not killed the sky after entering the state, but it is equivalent to a large cheat, he has flowed through the gas plane traction of the boulder method, soon found this gas flow. The central center of the fair - a no-eyeless daisy.

Zhao Ruzi looked at the daisy, couldn't help but laugh, this daisy and true blends are very similar, don't pay attention to it, I can't see it, I don't know what material is used.

Going directly to dig the fake daisy and definitely, it is not good, and the line in any array is under the protection of the big array. Zhao Ran first took out his own set of envelopes, with the "Twelve Money Dart" techniques, put jade print, wooden ruler, cinnabar and water-bearing chain to the four important rendezvous nodes in the gas machine circulating structure constructed by the boulder. At this moment, this move immediately triggered the boulder law, the boulder on the lawn began to tremble with the stones, followed by the boulder, flying around the air. If someone is trapped at the moment, I am afraid it will not be very wonderful.

Although the boulder is triggered, Zhao Rui is obvious, but it is clearly seen that there is very jealousy, completely unforgettable. He took the opportunity to play the gold sword, and he did not hinder the fake daisy daisy. As the eye was broken, the boulder honest and flying, and the boulder was declared.

Zhao Ran stepped on the lawn and rushed to one of the largest boulders. When he was ahead, he had found that this boulder is half a half, and the long boulder is always in the earth, and there is no moving in the soil, and the huge stone that is flourishing is significantly different.

Sure enough, the boulder was dug a pit, and a blanket was paved in the pit, and the bamboo tube, wooden bowl and other lives were trembled, and there was another Buddhist scripture. Zhao Ran down to the pit, picking up the Buddhist scriptures, I saw the two lines of words, and the Chinese characters were "Ashu", and there is a party to see, but they must be the name of Sanskrit.

Zhao Ran is very intertwelled, and I am so busy. Open the first page, I saw that the above dense Ma Ma is a scripture. Every line of Chinese characters are the original comparison between Sanskrit, and the line and the line use a small number of ignorance. The top right of the leaves is the first to look, and it is written "Zhang Yichang Ming Bodhisattva".

Here is a long time, Zhao Ran intends to bring the scribes back to the next, and when you are going to pick up, the eyes are writing a few small words written on the top of the page. These small characters in the stains are very new, it seems to have just written, and it is clear, written: Congratulations to the brothers!

Zhao Ran, immediately responded immediately, this so-called "Zhu Xiong" is himself!

Zhao Ran immediately wanted to pick up, but it has come, I saw a big net from the sky, and he was in the pit. He reached out and went to the big net, but no matter how it did not take off, it was more tight by the big net, and it was not a normal rope network, but a manager that was refined.

Look at the top of the right front, a piece of turf is opened, and there is still a big pit in the mud, and I stand up and stand in the pit. I don't care about the face of the face, and I laughed: " All ghosts, spare you, have a ghost, you have to drink Buddha's foot! "(Untrained) (this article is started)

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