Taoist Law

Chapter 21 Changming Bodhisattva

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PS: Thanks to the reward of the unmanned bird, I also thank the Taoists' monthly tickets to encourage. In addition, some improvements made by the friends, the poor Taoist will pay attention to improvement in the future chapters. Thank you for your friends!

Zhao Ranyi appeared in the monk, and his heart is not good, and he hates his own paralysis. But when it is not regret, he is not completely tightened, nor will it take the net rope, and take a hand to take the compass in his arms. The cavity drums: "all parties Parking, in place, urgent ascending - "

At this time, Zhao Ran is fortunate, it is to break the boulder's abroad, and the set of blades did not come up. The golden sword is inserted after the lanter, jade, cinnabar, water-bead chain and wooden ruler four-piece instruments are truck in the heavens and gas machines running, just through the gaseous flow to start A brand new law.

But although the law is started, the effect is not the best. The boulder stack, the soil layer is deep, and the flowers and shrubs are large. If Zhao Ran is array, he will definitely choose the jade printed master of the earth property, or the wooden property of the wood attribute is also a matrix master. Considering, this can fully mobilize the natural potential of the surrounding world, maximize the power of improvement.

It is now a master of the master, which is a gold sword. This makes Zhao Ran regret.

The monk will be trapped in the net, nor will it delay the work, flying out the wooden fish after the neck, and smashed the past. When the wooden fish will be in the body, Zhao Ran's law has been launched. When he is, the boulder flew up in the top, just in the wood fish, and eliminated the danger.

At this moment, the thoughts of the two people in the start of the start, Zhao Ran said if it is regretted. Then the monk is shocked. One of the montephic lines, otherwise it will not be a giant line, so when the wooden fish is blocked by the boulder, he immediately responded, and the other party launched the law.

The problem is. He can't understand it, when is this Taoist who plays a fight!

After Zhao Ran, he had witnessed it under the grass skin. Of course, he couldn't see the high doorway and the like. He believed that Zhao Ran was very low, but he was very low in the array. The Taoist, that is, what people said. He believes that the other party can quickly crack your own "giant stone" array. It is because it is very thorough about this method of understanding - of course, there is also a factor that you don't have your own burst.

Ok, when I don't think about this problem, I have been launched because of Zhao Ru.

The boulder was surrounded by monk, and began to smash him. Just a boulder falling on the head, the other boulder hit the hit. The monk is full of pointed sites.

The body is vacated, it is fun to pass this stone, and then "the" call "is broken, and the back of his back.

The monk jumped up, Into left and right, I kept swearing over the boulder over the four sides, so that the stones in the impact were not fast, and there was no worr between it.

When I was shocked in the array, Zhao Ran was not good. The big network has been completely tightened, killing in him, in addition to a few fingers, can also move. The body's limbs are all lost. The key is that the dead woodfish is still staring at Zhao Ran's head, and the moment is not stopped.

Zhao Ran's control of the compass, mobilizing the boulder, hitting the taps and stones, and a piece of stone shock.

In addition to resisting the wooden fish, Zhao Ran also has to attack monk. Unfortunately, this temporary cloth is not a horses that are printed, and when the stone is controlled. It seems that it is very synchronized and unable to form a chain block. It is also constant of fatal threats.

The monk is naturally unwilling to be in the middle, after a few hours, his amount has been seen, so tossing, even if it is not killed by the stone, he is not tired. After a while, after this time, he slowly joined the route and doorway of a little stone, and the mobility of the heart was three times. The body jumped into the left, just jumped to a neutral file, then step down one turn, Avoid the lateral flying stone, one-handed, overhaul.

When you fall, the monk is just stepped on a stone, it is enough to force it, and the body will pull again. It has three feet high, and the robes are in the wind, and they are generally thrown away.

Seeing that it is necessary to jump out, and still can't help but get big, but at this time, a long vine suddenly slammed from the ground, and the blink of an eye is in the right foot of the monk, and he is tough Back.

The monk "", I fell into the lawn. I fell into the mud. The vine was also also made of countless flowers, and the messy fell on the back of the monk, thickly covered a layer.

Zhao Ran's approach, even if it is rush, it is not easy to get out.

The monk is anger, the mouth is spent, and the wooden fish fly up, no longer squatting. Zhao Ranang made tone, followed by secret. The wooden fish fixed the position above, and the wooden fish was out, started to knock the fish mouth, a burst of "empty empty" voice spit out of the fish mouth, pulling Zhao Ranqi.

Zhao Ranqiang is inadvertent, suppressed in his own vomiting, and the control is to continue to attack monk. However, the sound of the woodfish "empty" is really bored, and it is a few times to feel the heart to jump out of the chest. Zhao Ran's control is increasingly incompatible.

The monk this Buddha is called "Changming Bodhisattva", is the first curse in the "Ashu" discovered in the pit, and the curse hooks, the more you are, the more you have a bad heart. The deeper the shock, the end is very small. It is a pity that I still have a shallow, and I have to go all out. If I can't lose weight, I still need to disaggregate, otherwise Zhao Ran is worth a big loss.

The two people have a stalemate situation, and Zhao Ran is slammed by the wooden fish. It can't fully urge the law to attack the enemy; and the monk is tired, can't concentrate on curse. It is the time to discover the time of the "empty" curse of the woodfish, and the boulder hit the strikes. This stalemate, the sky is very fast.

Time is long, Zhao Ran keeps the body to the limits of the body.

Zhao Ranxin is getting bigger and bigger, increasingly hard to curb, spit blood foam from time to time. There are several blood roses, straight throat, the heart at the chest is still in the top, just like jump from the throat.

The monk is equally miserable. He was hit by the stone, and he had a dark blue, and the left foot is awkward. It is like a steamed bun. The two shoulders are also splitting the meat, so I hurt the bones.

There was a return of the monk, and stopped "Changming Bodhisattva". He returned to the wood fish. He was grasped in the time of the heartbeat. Come, hurting the mouth and mouth, blood drops.

Of course, Zhao Ran did not eat any good fruit, was hit by the wooden fish in the arm, and half of the body was numb. If it is not Zhaoran manipulates the law, struggling to roll up a bauble, and it is afraid that this arm will be abolished.

After the respective returns, the two did not dare to take risks again, and the monk avoided the attack of the French, and the "Changming Bodhisattva" was dressed, concentration and shocking Zhao Ruzhen; Zhaoran While calming the heart, mobilize the attack and attack monk.

At this moment, the two understand that this fight will see who is more tough, who is more tenacious, who can bite to the end, who is the winner.

When the fight is not allowed, Zhao Ran seems to have no movement in the woods outside the lawn, and it is not from autonomous feelings. His location is not good, being smoked in the pit, can't see the scene in the woods. Want to take a closer look, the wooden fish hung on the top of the head, the more it quickly, the intensive "empty" fon suddenly let him turn around, can't help but vomit, and force the upper body and no power I went in pit.

Zhao Ran spit, the troubles of the chest are slightly sufficient, but the restlessness in the heart is more and more strong, anxious, can not help but break the big scream: "Bull, don't knock your broken fish, there is something in the left forest eccentric?"

History coughing and laughing two: "Haha, cough, cough, surname, smell, you can't help it? Don't want to be deceived, unless you ..." The laughter suddenly stopped, tone suddenly Pull up three points, exclaimed: "Niu nose, stop behind, don't toss stones!" (Untrained) (this article is started)

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