Taoist Law

Chapter 98 Case Notice

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It has been over three full days, the fourth day of the first month, and then only received the teacher Zhao and Xu Jiang Tenghe real flying character, two characters at the same time to fly away. The teacher said, so he promised to listen to a real person, a real person but Xu said it agreed in principle Zhao Ran Xuantan Palace as abbot, he agreed to the pleasure of seeing CHEN Shan Road.

Not long after, a trip to the East ceremony in person to hold on Villa, and Zhao Ran serious Toru talk about that.

The Oriental Gifts seem to be tired. After seeing Zhao Ran, sit down and closed his eyes and hit it for a while to speak: "Recently, it is very stressed, and it is more tired, and it is a bit tired."

Zhao Ran knows that he is tired, it is certainly not a tiredness of the body, but the reason for the heart, so he said: "The ceremony should give himself a fake, take a long time, ten days and a half months, maybe it can be slow come."

The East laughed, said: "Do not worry, not too big, when the Dragon House in the West, I don't come over? When this case is checked, I will take a delay. practice up on homework, "and shook his head:." in fact, this problem does not exist, you said that sentence is very good, one thousand road, I choose one, which is perhaps my word, otherwise it will not retreat two years, two border Crack it, perhaps at this point, we are actually taking the same road. "

Zhao Ran said: "No matter how tired, or to do any work to do, I took the brothers to go back in St. Museum, experience the washing pavilion building our concept."

Oriental Gift Nice: "I heard the name of the washing pavilion. I must go. The words come true, what you said, Wu Tianshi, Li Tianshi, Zhao Zhen people agree, let me come over, tell the brother, don't have too much More concern, this is a signal, the teacher will do something, don't think too much, don't think too much, don't ask for your go of attention, according to your method to do your abbot, only so, we can see what the other party wants to do what . "

Zhao Ruosong said: "I really afraid that everyone is misunderstood, I want to invest to the other party, the meaning of the supra, that is, the meaning of listening, if everyone does not agree, then I will not go, if everyone thinks can try it, then I Just go. I still have a word. If I really take this firm, don't take long after I do, what extent, as long as I think it can continue again, then I will never hesitate to quit. "

Oriental Gifts: "Don't worry, you are worried that you have this idea. When you go, you will be bored, but it is better to go. Wu Tianshi let me bring you a sentence, 'Everyone believes you'. Of course, what can not do the abbot, but also the result of a conversation you and Joe Chan Road, this requires you to hold their own. Fearless Wu said, if you have any questions, you can contact him at any time fly character, or promise a real person, it does not matter . "

After saying this, the Oriental Gifts reported the results of the trial, the spring breeze and Guan Yun have never heard of what Lingtai Mountain, nor to know the monk of the surname, the matter of the year, they are to listen to the order of blue As for the origins of green hill fox spirit they do not know, but they say, they are responsible for Lantian. But they listen Lantian mentioned a surname Gu, called 'Gudao You', perhaps this is the ancient monks 'Gudao You'. "

Zhao Ran said: "I am afraid that the same person is guilty of the key ...... Dongji Court tracing and Gudao You will not have this contact?"

"This is not known, we certainly hope to have contacts, and more hope that two people are the same person, but there is no evidence. The Empress Pavilion has begun to find a way to find the clues in the portrait, but there is a certain difficulty, because it cannot be portraits made public only in private to find. "

"That, Lantian jade ......"

"I can't arrest. So far, I have not involved in any case, I am also the big dedication of the three-palace refining troops, there is no reason to arrest. And I don't dare to recruit him to inquire, otherwise There will be a message to defend. "

Zhao Ran is some disappointment: "It is not a way to find someone.

Oriental Rate: "We have been self-handling, but they have never seen this situation. Two soft bones are arguing, but they are not to recruit them to the reasons why they go to the house. It seems that it seems to be really unknown. Love. But if they are really coincidental, I misunderstand, saying that it is very incredible, and it is impossible to convince. "

Zhao Ran thought about it and asked: "I have always had a problem. How did the Empress Pavilion find key suspects?"

Oriental Rate: "They are not willing to reveal."

"When did you still disclose it?"

"It is understood. In my experience, most of them are dark piles. The two pictures of the previous destruction should be the news from this dark pile, but more deeper news, this dark pile knows There will be a lot, the clues given are rare, so there will be this situation now. "

"What should we do now?"

"We have negotiated, decided to change the strategy. I used to grab time. Now I seem to have limited spring breeze and watch cloud, so I decide to drag the drag, hit the snake, see if the other party has any reaction, some people will not I have an emergency. "

"Not afraid that the three palaces forced people?"

"There is Meng Yanzhen case, you can complete the spring breeze and watching the clouds and the survey of the year and a half, they don't want to do it."

Sometimes playing the snacks is not the best, because it is equal to it, but sometimes there is no way, it is equivalent to entering a psychological war. If the other party is indifferent, there is no move in the roots, and the Sanqing Pavilion and the Empress Pavilion can be failed in this psychological war. Try to find a key to the key to the key.

Zhao Ran silently took a moment, suddenly asked: "I really want to know, our two pavilions are so focused on the show, it is complete because of this matter violates the door commandment, the world righteous, or the purpose is to turn over three Palace? First, I don't have a sense of syndrome, I don't oppose the top three palaces who take the Tibetan sarina, I just want to know everyone's ideas. If I really make the abbot of the Dichitan Palace, How to do next steps will be more targeted. "

The Oriental Gift is nodded, and the feelings are serious and said: "... still remember the last time, the emperor may be practicing?"

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