Taoist Law

Chapter 99

In the past few days, Zhao Ran passed that the emperor may be practiced. In fact, I want to think that it is normal. Since the emperor wants to restore the power, how can it be practiced?

Only listening to the Oriental Gifts: "The reason why it hits the show, it is because the show may directly refer to this. Wu Tianshi and Li Tianshi have seen the emperor, but did not find his strange. Two Tianshui Doubt, the emperor refines the red-and-lead form in yin and yang. "

"It turns out this ..."

Yin and Yadong Treatment is the general name of housing, this surgery is a common practice between double monk, and there are many controversies in the Dow. Some of some of the whole Qi Qing monks who hold the critics try to oppose this kind of road, the so-called "avenue is clear, there is a state", but in fact the double monk exercise can promote the joint improvement, this There are many examples.

There are many kinds of authenticity of authenticity, including multiplication, the truth, Qiankun Guan Tianfa, the opening method, etc. However, anything will be in a hurry. In the same way, there is a lot of demon tampering practice in the Wei and Jin Dynasties, creating a lot of gas, such as leading method.

Yinjiayang is "Shun Xiandan Lead", Yang Cai Yin is "Reverse Red Lead", no matter which kind of mining, it belongs to one-way collection, no communication, no trick, damage to others, short-term seeming to refine Extremely fast, long, then damaged, fifty, flying to the flying robbery is to be condemned. Therefore, after the Taoist is fighting in the Central Plains, this radical fitness method gradually touched.

Whether it is a smooth white lead or reversing red lead, there is a very prominent feature, which will make a very subtle mask, which is almost unable to detect, so Wu Tiansheng and Li Tianshi doubizes, Xiuyi The existence is to make the emperor to make red lead and cover the facts of his practice.

The Door does not allow the emperor to practice, if the guess can be confirmed, this is the key to preventing the Imperial power to further expand.

Since it comes to here, Zhao Ran will inform the Oriental ceremony from other news he heard from Yu Wangfu, including Feng Bao's suspicion of cultivating people in the palace, including the rumors of Jingwang may be orthodontic.

After exchange of the information with the Oriental Gift, Zhao Ran used a half-day time to care about the idea, and then Fei Fei Ri Weiyin: "When can I visit the Yuan Fukong?"


This is Zhao Ran, I came to Yuanfu Palace. When I came, his identity is still a monolith. Now, it is a visit to the emperor.

The carriage drove on the mountain road of Zikinshan, turned two bends, and there was a palace of the red wall in front of him. Here is the Yuanfu Palace that is constructed in the Three palace. There are Shao Yuanjie, which is sitting here, Tao Zhongwen, now is Chen Shan. As a properly suitable shot of the three palaces, it is actually within the capital of the capital, and it is a busy place in the Tianfu, one of the busiest places.

Outside the gong gate, there are many monks, the monk, the Lingji Palace, Xingling Palace, and the DPRK, and even a lot of Taoist Taoist Taoist, the scatter is waiting here, and prepare for the Yuanfu Palace, report , The approves that these matters are usually treated by some of the rural Fuji, and important things will be reported to Li Da. When you have been waiting, the crowd gradually gathered, and it was placed into a long dragon with nearly 100 people.

When it is talking about, I will see the side door of Yuan Fu Palace open, and the people waiting for the dress, waiting to call. But I saw more than ten Yuan Fuqi's rush, and I went out of the queue out of the outside, and cleared the position in front of the palace.

What big is this big person visiting the Yuanfu Palace? Everyone talked about guess.

Sure enough, eight Taoist fish came out, these were not a common path, but the Yuan Fu Palace monk, or a brother of Li Dadi, or his disciple. In the push door, Yuan Fuqong is moving slowly!

This is a bit surprised, Yuanfu Palace opens the door, I am afraid that I have never heard of it for a few years.

I saw that the Yuan Fu Guofeng Hospital made Li Dawei to the door, the whole robe, looking forward to the mountain road.

Not much time, the mountain road turned and drove to a carriage, and the car was steadily stopped in front of the door, the car curtain is on, walking down a Taoist, is not a big year, it seems to be general, there is no surprise I don't know how to get a grand courtesy of Yuanfu.

This squid turned his head to sweeping a group of people waiting, and immediately understood it.

"This seems to be the bay of the Liyuan."

"Li Shen made the opening? What kind of person? I also regret!"

"The brother does not know? Li Shen makes the practice of the contest, this person is an important scene, I have seen him in the game with the Liyuan, the Liyuan made him extremely relying on him, almost hearing."

"That is not a curtain, afraid of a first-class person ..."

"You are all craps, what kind of scene military division? This is the master of the master, called Zhao Ziran!"

"It turns out, no wonder it ..."

"I can't look at the eyes, and I have a feeling of qi, I'm too arrogant.

"Which master do you say?"

"Taoist friends don't know why? This is a lonely! You don't never read the book does not read the notes?" Master, Trial Sword, three provinces, four refining teachers! "

"Ah, I know, the brother of the big brother, I want to be extraordinary, no wonder Yuan Fuji is so grand ..."

"Hey, but it is a lot of light. If I have such a master, I don't see it than him."

"Don't be lycen, the teacher is good, this is the chamber, what is it uncomfortable? In addition to the master, he still has a brother is Sichuan. We are still pragmatic, think about how to find a chance to make a chance. valid reason."

"Sichuan is ? Is it a summary of" Junshan Notes "?"

"Is there a second summary?"

"It's really awesome!"

Zhao Ran, which triggered the discussion, did not expect to be such a squat, Tong Da Hiwang: "Li Deputy Print this is grilled in the fire."

Li Da Hai smiled: "It is good to get together, and my teacher is waiting, please."

Tall Ziyu Temple, Zhao Ran picks up, entered the hall, saw Chen Shan Dao, who was sitting on the high platform, Chen Tianshi reached out: "If you can't sit on it."

Zhao Ran's sixth order, looked at the six-royal statues of the people from the top, as well as the five old positions, group of groups, worshiped three worship, and Chen Tianshi, who took the oblique, hugged, sitting opposite him At the office, Li Da Yin Station came to Chen Tianshi.

"It is also here in seven years ago. I saw it in the first time. Although you are different, but the talents, the doorship, the doorship, to Daming, left a deep impression, , let him invite you to stay again, want to see you again, talk about it, but unfortunately, it is rushing to the southwest, for the southwest, this side dragged to the seven years later. "

Zhao Ran sat slightly on the futon: "Can Chen Tiansheng value, is my luck."


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