Taoist Law

Chapter 100 Jiajing's 28th Year

Chen Tianshi said: "How can I not look heavy? If it is a big credibility, I have a lot of emotions in Sichuan, and I have a lot of people, and the people's livelihood, improve the credit, drought and save the people, and listen to the three houses. And merits. "

Zhao Ran slightly smashed and humble.

Chen Tianshi continued: "Especially credit, the efforts to do, when it is eye-catching, this few years, the Tria Hall of the True Hall, the Kyushu Pavilion, Song Tianshi and Zhou real people praise the skills of Song Chan, one I have just war for many years, the people's livelihood is withered, and the credits between the six years have hundreds of thousands of people from hundreds of thousands of people. From the top ten of the top ten, it is really amazing. Oh , Yes, Song Chan is afraid that it is necessary to exceed Zhangzhou this year, and jump in the eighth. "

Zhao Ran is more concerned about this problem, and immediately pursue: "The twenty-eighth year of credit is thinned?"

Chen Tianshi smiled and said: "It's a few days. Last year, Song Chan broke 5 million, 568 million. The whole Sichuan nine thousand."

Jiajing 28 years is a large-scale promotion monk for one year, and in Sichuan, this is a more standardized place, and the credit is worth a large-scale growth. I believe in Jiajing for thirty years. Growth will slowly stabilize. The growth of Song Fun, it should be due to the continuation of drought relief, which has not fulfilled the "old stole".

Chen Tianshi continued to announce good news, last year, the entire credit value of Da Ming has reached 1.4 billion, and the situation is very satisfactory. However, it also mixes some problems, simply, is relative to the growth of the country, Nanzhi, Henan, Zhejiang's growth is relatively slow, although it is more than the past, but does not reach the ideal results.

Chen Tiansheng did not conceal: "Although Nanzhi has increased by two million, there is still no breakfast, and now there is still a seventh in the 13th province. If there is still no improvement, it will be more than Sichuan next year. The reason why this happens, there is no statement, and it has been related to the ruling of the governor of the DPRK.

Hearing here, Zhao Ran can't help but doubt your own ears, is it wrong? Chen Tiansheng, you actually have a big direct heritage, and it doesn't cover it at all.

"... The final number has not yet come yet, but the result will not change, these days, I have been anxious for this matter, very uneasy. I may not know, last year, I was in the real teacher last year. When I am boasting the hikou to the real men, I have to ensure that the total amount of the world has increased by five percent. I have done it last year. This year, even the goal of next year, I am estimated that the problem is not big, but to ensure continuing It's hard to grow continuously ... "

Zhao Ran plus a sentence: "Chen Tianshi is so bluntly, growing per year, and the initial few years may be easy, but the more difficult it is."

Chen Tianshi said: "Of course, it is impossible to grow forever. It has grown for more than ten years, reaching more than 2.2 billion, and it is estimated that it is also very difficult to grow in a continuous growth of ten years. To do this. It is necessary to solve the problem of Nanzhi, the number of people in Nanzhi, the number of people, one thousand six million, and the total credit line is in the seventh. It is not too commensurate. Question, let's find a good way to promote it to Zhejiang and Henan, I believe that it is inevitable to complete this goal. After ten years, Daming's credit value reached more than twenty billion. Therefore, when the big hidden said I want to ask you to do the Safety's abstament, I have passed again, I feel a good suggestion, so please come over today, just want to listen to your thoughts. "

Zhao Rui asked after thinking about the way: "So, is also politics to heaven, actually only ten years?"

Chen Tianshi nodded: "It is ten years, ten years later, it should be able to see if the Queen's authority is effective for the Taoist flying."

"Can you see ten years?"

"This is my teacher's original words, and it is also commitment to the big monk! So I hope that I can help me with this decade.

Zhao Ran shook his head and laughed: "I actually pinned the hope of the big Tianshi in me? Chen Tianshi is too obvious to me."

Chen Tianshi said: "If you want to be self-satisfaction, you have this talent ... We can start with the Tianfu, if you find a good way to grow up in Nanzhi, I will find a good way of the Nanzhi's credit strength, I will say that Sim Haoyunqing, Let their Maoshan will let the abbot of Wenchang, and promote this road in Henan, Zhejiang. "

Zhao Ran is so silent, Chen Tianshi is no longer a lot, and he is repeatedly weighing Zhao Ran.

I don't know how long it takes, Zhao Rong said: "I have always had a negligence in my heart, please ask Chen Tianshi to solve."

"you said."

"I know that Shao Da Tianshi has made a prominent contribution to Taoist, but she still believes that this is not good reason to change the world. This change, the result can be expected, in case the people have floating, the world is chaotic, it is not deprecated. I originally intention? When I wanted to reaffe it, I was difficult. I would like to take the liberty. If I don't say anything, I don't say it to the world? Why can this resolution, the truth hall can be forced? Small road fear I also hope that Chen Tianshi pointed to it. "

Chen Tianshi thought about it and asked: "What do you think about today's credit value? Do you think enough?"

Zhao Rong said: "Yuanji Tianshi has been in the same way, the battle is correct, if you really reach 2 billion credit values ​​every year, I can guarantee one in the 12th to 15 years. The propriety monk, without having to be in the same 20th to 30 years. In this way, it is basically able to provide enough credit for all the big monks who have a complete concession, everyone is worry-free! So, In the case of the small road, it really doesn't agree with another change, because this road is clear, and the other road is unknown. "

Chen Tianshi sinks into a moment, asked: "If you don't know how many monks have Da Ming in 18 years?"

Zhao Ran, he has never been verified for this number, but does not hinder his flying costs: "It should be 100,000? Hey, Jin Dan's longer life is slightly longer, maybe it is 120,000? "

Chen Tianshi gave an accurate number: "more than 3 million, of which the housekeeper is more than 300,000, the division, the family is 100,000. It is more than 1.25,000 more than 1.00 years ago. Time, the number of monks has increased by three thousand. So, I can't know, how much is the doctor in Jiajing? "


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