Taoist Law

Chapter 101 Starting

Chen Tianshi told him: "Thirteenth Million, six years, increase 3,000, top 100 years!"

Then, Chen Tianshi has reached out three fingers: "The next summary monks are in next year, how much it is still unknown, but when the resolution of the real teacher in the beginning of last year, the Totor Hall has given a Clear numbers, they have issued two thousand three hundred and sixty-seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seventeen, successful, and successful noodles. Two thousand people, that is, this growth rate is also accelerating, and the equipment is expected that the number of monks in the next six years is likely to reach 5,000 people! It may be in 120 years. In the future, the number of monks will double, even to 300,000! "

Zhao Ran fell into the meditation, and 1.3 billion yuan of credit value corresponds to 130,000 monks. There is already a problem, then the 2005 billion privilege value corresponds to 300,000 monks, how will it be? I don't dare to think! One hundred and twenty years later, can the credit value increase to 3 billion? Zhao Ran feels that it is difficult to ...

If the population increases the credibility ... He shakes his head, how many people in explosion, means that the same proportion is increased, which is not a solution.

Chen Tianshi said again: "According to this speed, after 120 years later, how many of the big monks will I do? This is very good, very strong, but if you are fortunate to live, you will face it. A harsh problem, who is flying? Who is waiting? "

Li Dawei also heard the news for the first time, and Zhao Ran face, I couldn't help but inserted a sentence: "Don't say that it is not enough."

Chen Tianshi said: "No matter what," "appears, after all, it is a great merit to the whole door, giving countless people who have no hope for the hope, we cannot abolish this, so can only Accept this fact and then find ways to solve. "

Chen Tianshi is "Zhengbians" source of the insider, these words are both truth, and comfort Zhao Ran.

Zhao Ran's mouth is jealous, I can't find it for a while. He told this today. Why did the results of the real teacher in the beginning of last year? It is one of the initial values ​​that contribute to this result. It is from Xixia. Bring back the practice, and I also put forward the recommendations of the monks into the ten-party jungle, which made the current major change have been implemented.

He is difficult to put forward a suggestion that he can't convince himself: "Can you minimize the issue of ? For example, set one ... threshold ..."

Chen Tianshi said: "Last year, the real man has rejected a proposal. The Kyushu Pavilion should be proposed, and the number of orthodontic dones should be controlled within 500, this proposal is vetoed by the vote, because it is difficult to implement it. I really arrived at your loved ones and friends, can you bear to refuse to refuse to break his hopes? Don't you have to get rid of it last year, I have to take the three people to be successful ... I really can't refuse, where One is a big hidden nephew. "

Zhao Ran thought, I have to admit that it is a Zongsheng Pavilion, I am afraid it is not a problem, but who stops him, who is anxious. The practice of successfully embarrassed with Zhengbang Dan, more than Chen Shan Road.

Chen Tianshi said again: "Since I said here, I can tell the same, I have passed another resolution on the same day."

Zhao Ran looked up and waited for this resolution, he had already hidden.

Chen Tianshi slowly said: "This is an alternative. If this change does not play, ten years later, the general view will begin to slowly prepare, first, the Bao Bao Pavilion, Then the three clear cabinets, the East Pavilion, and finally the Raytar Pavilion ... Waiting for my big Mingle, there are many monks,

This is a very heavy topic. Zhao Ran did not dare to answer, and he couldn't answer.

Finally, Chen Tianshi said: "So, the problem is here, we need to find a way to solve it, since there is no better way, why don't you try my teacher?"

Zhao Rong said: "The matter is here, more than one, I can try it again, but I don't dare to guarantee that I will have to reverse the fault. After all, when the emperor returned to the emperor, the influence of our Taoist people will inevitably Down. In addition, the people's livelihood in Nanzhi is not highlighted, and the living standards of the people are very high. I want to further improve, the difficulty is more difficult ... This is completely different from among Song Guo, I hope that Chen Tianshi understands. "

Chen Tianshi nodded: "I certainly understand, and I can clearly tell you, if I can't improve, I can recognize the current situation, I can recognize that my most worry is actually the impact and decrease of the future in the coming years. However, I can promise, my heart is soaked, what is the requirement can be mentioned. "

Zhao Ran Shen said: "The essence of credit is actually the people of the people, the means of vying for the people, nothing more than just one anti. Positive, multi-coated, more people's livelihood development; anti-person, the fight will lose people. I am. I hope that the three martial arts give me more about tolerance in this area. Since the demand goal is to make fun, we will see the result of the end of the year. "

Chen Tianshi scored a moment, agreed: "If the requirements are required, I agree, but please pay attention to it, don't take the initiative to interfere with the Tianfu, the county county, especially in tax, I can't use people. Go to the cross. "Also said:" If you have a big hidden, you are aware that today I said is a top secret, and I can't reveal. "

The two neitched Qi: "Understand."

When the conversation ended, Zhao Ran said that Chen Tianshi, Chen Tianshi invited Zhao Ran: "Look at this color, this line, it seems that Dan Lans know? Zongsheng Hall is too far, if it is not mind, the day after the day Going to Qixia Mountain, I will be hidden in my three malls. I am relieved, I don't have much monks, I have used the credit quota every year. I have given the three palace, huh, huh. "

The law of Dafa requires seventy-two million, as well as a batch of wedding materials, this is Chen Tianshi gave Zhao Ran's appetizer, Zhao Ran is not well. Leaving Yuan Fukong, Li Dawei sent him to the mountain. After returning, the crowd waiting for the work outside the door began to enter.

Chen Tianshi quietly silently, got up, got up, to Li Daixao: "Hu Qixia, Chen Qixia, you will accompany Zhao Zhao Ran after the day."

Li Da Houji: "The teacher is preparing for Zhao Ziran, is it ready? The disciples have fly Fu Peng Shi, let him preparation."

Chen Tianshi also didn't speak, go straight to Qixia. I got on the Sanyue Palace, came to Meiyuan, see Shao Yuanjie sitting in the plum tree and closing his eyes, and did not dare to disturb, and carefully served.

After a long time, Shao Yuanjie is only blinking: "This plum is easy to learn, it is easy to learn, it is always a little bit, but it is a thousand miles, Zhang Tieguan and Longyangzi are really a god, I can't."

Chen Tianshi smiled: "There is expertise, your way is not his two."

Yunyuan Festival asked: "What is your way back to Mountain?"

Chen Tianshi told: "It came to tell the teacher for the Imzone Palace." The present, will prepare for Zhao Ran to do the Xuanzhan Palace, and give him a grant in the three houses, etc., and then: " This Zhao Ziran, is Song Fang Tianhe Palace Abbest, I am very good, whether in Longanfu or in Song You, I have a sharp increase in my hand, the credibility has greatly improved, Jiuzhou Pavilion Songyang stone is full of praise ... "

Shao Yuanji said: "I know the little guy who came to the mountains in the year, I know."

Chen Tianshi said: "It is this person, the disciples are worried about the relocation of Zhili, dragging our hind legs, so I want to use him."

Shao Yuanji: "You look at it." Top novel mobile station

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