Taoist Law

Chapter 102, Shao Yuanjie's attitude

Chen Shan Road he left, said: "The disciples have seen the side today and Zhao Ziran, and he feels that he is very eye on the top three."

"What do he want?"

"There is no mention of the top three palace, but it shows the attitude. He said that the credit is the heart, he has to rectify. The three palace doing things these years, there are very few people who are illusory It used to be an empress of empowerment, so this is a lot of tolerance, and there are also disciples that have passed. Nowadays, the big government has been set, the disciples think about it is time to rectify ... "

"Do you want to say the show? The things we have never agreed."

"Yes, the teacher is impatched. The disciple believes that this thing is afraid that it should be, the empress of the empress, since it is necessary to restore the rules of the emperor, the rules of the emperor have not allowed time. I want to come, I just have to make some meticulous, The real teacher has not been big by the resolution. When the resolution passed, the emperor's practice will slowly disclose it, and it will be successful. "

"For so many years, you have worked hard."

"This is a big event to change the world. It is a teacher's big merit. Not only is the teacher is expected to fly, and countless the same way can benefit this. If the disciple is tired, no longer understand the people, and will be willing."

Shao Yuanzhen looked at Chen Shan, who was full of face, silent, and slowed down.

I got the first Ken, the Shanyu, who came out of the Sanyao Palace, playing the flyer: "Is there something, where?"

"It is in the Rotle Shan to discuss my family this year's Tao Palace and the court abbot. How to dare to move Chen Tianshi to move, I will go to Yuanfu Palace to meet."

"Then come to Qixia Mountain."

Hiwu Hou said left and right: "You can also discuss, I have to rush to Qixia Mountain, don't arrest, I have to pay back the candidate, don't tell me, immediately fly the Ling Market Pavilion is."

Shui Yunshan got up: "Father, I will stay with you."

Water Town Hou thought about it, said: "It is good."

Father, two people, take the flight law, go to the capital.

After Zhang Yuanji, the relationship between the general view and the hall has suddenly been closely close, but all the orders, all the family immediately follow the implementation, do not dare to discount, not only the drama is busy. It is the case that all the people in the world are in this case, and the top three palaces are even more.

Compared with Most Pavilion, I didn't come from a ruthless monk, but the top three palace was extremely enthusiastic, perhaps because there was no hope for the avenue, so the monks of the three palaces were very enthusiastic about the fame and fortune. So this year's 16 abbots, the proportion of the applicant and the job has reached nearly four to one. It is very gratified to the Zhu Xiang, which is in charge of the Tiandong Palace, but the rest is slightly worried, and more is more Careful.

This negotiation is negotiable to the night, and finally screened a preliminary list of twenty people.

Zhu Xiang saw the told to take a break, open the temple door, let everyone breathe. The so-called penetrating gas, but it is a saying that it is to calm for everyone, re-want to think, in order to eventually produce a list.

The Temple of Tiangong is De Wang Zhu Zaudu, the big serves Gong Kepei, Lantian Yuxi, in addition, there is a Zhu Long, the Lingji Palace is the palace hospital to make the blue road, the big wedding Hu Da Shun, the Tongling Palace is the Palace Institute to make the palace, the big supply . The above people, etc., in addition to Zhu Lun, the monks of the refining tutor, which can be described as medium in the three palace.

Zhu Xian saw out of the temple, tricking to Zhu Long, Zhu Lun, and two people strolled in the outside. On the side of the move, Zhu Xiang saw asked: "It is also fortitended four people, the Langji Palace, the spring breeze and watching the cloud, I am afraid that I can't get a countertop."

Zhu Longxi said: "If you don't think it is really difficult, if you don't have it, you will not die on the day."

Zhu Xiangnou nodded: "You are comfortable, now I am using people, I can't be too cold. This year, this year's abbes will agree, you can promise them, from the Langji Palace ... "Donned, added:" But you have to take off the robe ... "

Zhu Lun smiled: "This is easy,

I am talking about it, there is a chairman of the palace to tell, saying that it is to visit the Dragon Pavilion, the old water town, who has come to visit, and have a tea. Zhu Xian saw busy Zhu Long to go back to tell, let everyone wait for a while.

In the middle of the year, Zhu Xiang saw two sentences with Water Town Hou Han, asked: "What is the bigger to tell?"

Water Town Hou said: "Nowadays, the situation is not used for a few years, the emperor's power can be exhausted, and the poor road is congratulated here."

Zhu Xiang saw gratitude: "It is reluctant to be the master of Da Tian, ​​depending on Chen Tianshi, depending on the strong and old, this morality, I am, I will never forget."

The water town laughed and said: "Since it is very big, the three provinces have been attributed to the emperor, and there will be a new weather. In the past, some practices are not for it, and now I can consider consideration to abolish and change. "

Zhu Xiangshou asked: "The elders means ..."

"So, there are some things in the three palaces in the first two years. Something is not very suitable. For example, there is a thing of the outstanding joy, about this matter, the Sanqing Pavilion and the East Pavilion have been investigating, when we believe in three There is no such thing as this kind of collections, so we have worked down for Qi Wang, but today's situation has changed, I am afraid that I will continue to stop the investigation of the two homes, but I've been detrimental, it seems that the three palace is really doing this. The so-called clearer is self-cleaning, since the two pavilions do not believe, let them check, Chen Tianshi and I believe that the upper three palace is innocent, right? "


"There is still a rumor in the outside, saying that the emperor is practicing, and it is used to practice the law of the Red Lead, he said, what is the thing? OK, Chen Tianshi and I also don't believe that the emperor will practice this method, do you say right? "

"This one……"

Zhu Xiang see is very doubtful, and the heart says what ghosts are you doing? The opening of the show is to give the emperor to practice the law of the Red Lead, and practice this method is to cover the emperor's negative repair, how can I let go of the Empress Pavilion and Sanqing Court? At that time, the emperor was founded to practice, who is looking for? Furthermore, this is not that Chen Tianshi passes through your Hou Hou's hand by Chen Tianshi. I'm clear now?

On the occasion of the face, I saw that the water hi smiled and lost a man. Zhu Xiang saw a look, Suddenly Daxi: "Thank you Chen Tianshi, thank you very old! Just, can this offer to pass?"


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