Taoist Law

Chapter 103

https: // Look at Zhu Xiang see some people who don't dare to confuse, Water Township Hou: "How do you not believe? When Chen Tianshi said that the three provinces have returned to the court, do you not believe in? The result? Listed to the proposal Yes, the emoticon practice is just a tail, think about the way, can always pass. "

Zhu Xiang see questions: "When is this, when will this, when will this be submitted to the real master?"

Water Town Hou: "When did the rumors of the top three palace, when this proposal is submitted to the real master."

Zhu Xiang nodded: "I understand."

After sending the water town, Zhu Xiang saw back to re-discuss, and made a briefing of the water town to the three-palace.

De Wang Zhu Zaiji is like a joy: "Your Majesty can be practiced, I can practice the big light!"

Lantian jade point is great: "This is good governance, I said that I said that the show of the show is hurting. It is not correct." Suddenly caused countless white eyes.

The blue road and Hu Daishun of the Lingji Palace are also congratulated to Zhu Xiang and Zhu Zai. It is not very good to use the Linggong section and the bright face.

Sheng Daomao: "Reverse the law of red lead, although it is mainly to cover the repair, but its improvement to the root bone is excellent. It can be seen from the progress of your Majesty. If you give up, it is a pity."

Hu Daishun laughed: "It is your own home. The woman of Xiuyi first sent to Xie Ning Palace Anton, and then sent the hood. Half of you was intercepted by you. The grand offer is so many years, but now it is still excusable."

Sad Road is reveutation: "What is happy for many years? It's just a non-righteous language! On the day, the princes are in a seat, and the show will enter the palace, and the Xieling Palace is tuned. How to say this is the wind today? Don't forget the day East At the extreme, the San Qingge came to search, I said the huge risk of the Tongling Palace? Li said, let's have a lot of prudent, why bother to forced evil? This trial does have a good auxiliary The effect can be repaired. "

Zhu Xing saw the way: "Don't argue, you are all self-owned, don't pinch your head together, but noisy, how can you become a big thing? This is not a discussion, the water is old, you must abolish the show , Otherwise, this is not allowed to report the real teacher. He said that there is also reasonable. The Xingling Palace is not willing to have a way. As for the benefits of these practice, the past two years, then say it after the granules. "

Sheng End is not a way: "I don't know what Chen Tianshi thought, even if I have to abolish, I have to come slowly. I have to withdraw, I have not prepared. I will say that Zhao Ziran once visited Yuanfu Palace, now Loak, this year's He Tianfu abbot will be made by Zhao Qiran, I am afraid this idea is this. Chen Tianshi is now a little thoughts, no longer replying before ... "

Duan Duan used to stop the Sheng Dynasty, to Zhu Xiang, said: "Everything is complied with the order. The show in the Xingling Palace, we will leave, but the first tail, the personnel resettlement take time."

Zhu Xiangnou nodded: "The period of March, all traces must be cleaned, including the province's existed show! Strive to share the rumors of the show in half a year, then I will report Chen Tianshi, please ask him in the real manner This point is proposed. "

After completion, everyone scattered, Zhu Long came to his student after he met, and went to his study. He was first worship: "Congratulations!"

Zhu Xianwei said: "Stay it quickly, if you have you, you have today! Let's not say the guest's words, today's things, when Zhao Zengran, he is going to be the tructone of the palace."

Zhu Longxi nodded: "Liyuan has made it reported that the Yuanquan Wanning Pavilion, I heard that Sima Tianshi is still very dissatisfied, and the special trip is going to find Chen Tianshi, and Chen Tianshi persuaded."

Zhu Xian saw Shen Song: "This is a proficiency, the benefit, he is most acceptable, such as the stone in the water, the biggest change, if there is no him, and wait until today, this stone, this stone Too big, it is difficult to control, and if you don't pay attention, you will smash your feet.

Zhu Long understood, he took advantage: "Minister thought that the gravel."

Zhu Xiang saw it: "I am afraid of broken stones, I can't find jade ..."

Zhu Long said: "Reassure in the Hall, this jade is in the stone, and when the day, the day will find very carefully, at least Ye Yunxuan's jade, must be in him."

Zhu Xiang saw a long time, and the tone was too tone: "It is always difficult to take hands. After all, the people have sent people to the umbrella. It is good to be Daming, but Jun can't use it, every thought, this, quiet, last night, last night Reread "Zheng Feng", Qing Qingzi's words, wind around ... "

"The temple is in the heart, such as the ancient Shengjun, Weichen worship."

"Don't say, alone, the people who covet big treasure!"

"Yes, but the world should be the temple ..."

"Don't say anything, let's talk about it."

"Yes ... In short, this jade is serious, and it is the world, but it is time when it is, it is time to collect it, and there is no unachable."

"This person is prestige, and the game is very wide, it is terrible to vibrate the world."

"The Hall is really concerned about Shao Da Tianshi asked sin? In fact, in the eyes of micro-ministers, it is worthless. Today's situation, not only Shao Da Tianshi, Chen Tianshi, the whole door must rely on my house, a Zhao Ziran compare with my home, Heavy, is this not a clear? Moreover, don't have to do it yourself, the Xingling Palace is not to have to give the show? I will find the ability to learn, tell him about this, as for how to dispose, let him pay by him, etc. No don't do it. "

"Gu Kechuan? He has not been heard, you forgot Wei Zhi Zhen Shengfai Four-story people? The road to the building is very evil."

Zhu Long smiled: "Although he is not affected, Gu Ke learn is not a general refining teacher, and Zhao Ziran is not an ordinary building disciple. Gu Kechuan is not general, saying is his power, Zhao Ziran It is his weakness. His skills do not come from the building, he always said that the avenue is thousands. He takes him. As for where, the temple is well known, How to fight, by the emperor, I can know the ni. In the sixteen year, I did two fighting laws, one wins Long Hu Mountain Wang Mesen, Er winning the market, Du Xingquan, and all according to the blast. Especially into Huang After the crown, I have never been a battle, Wang Shou Yun, Spring Breeze, and Yun and others to challenge many times, he or the demon is shot, never dare to meet. Such people, killing is like a confusing. "

Zhu Xian sighed and said: "It is still not appropriate. After all, it is my seven sister's brother. After killing, how to keep her?"

Zhu Long is positive, "His Royal Highness, China Heavy Tight? Family is heavy? Tianzhifu, this is unpredictable, it is my Zhu Jiaxiang, and the suture door is like tired eggs, the emperor is vibrating, will be added! Zhao Ziran There must be two or after it, I have a three, I will have three deals in the future, I can fight against the Taoist, even if Shao Da Tianshi is until, I am afraid that I will not have my home! That's Can you have a good job in the world, and let the people can't hung in the world. "

Zhu Xiang saw solemnly, and worship Zhu Lun: "Long Yun is really my family!"

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