Taoist Law

Chapter 106 Gu the old

Gu Hao headed nodded, in order to encourage, do not ask: "Let's go to Mochi Lake Tour, and analyze tomorrow's battles. Do you go with us?"

"You and go, I have something wrong, I will come later."

Gu Yao headed to a pub outside the game, came to a room under his three-day bag, looking at the satellites hidden at the threshold, found everything, so that you pushed, silently sat at the table waiting.

After a time, he waited for someone to wait, a total of four monks, leading is a teacher, and three are all Jin Dan. The four people are ordinary, belonging to those who are not particularly familiar, it is difficult to recall.

Don't look at the ordinary, the ability is not ordinary. They all cultivate 20 years of death, personally tune the practice, personally prepare the combination of the combination, so that he is a three-year-old four-like tapping of one day. When the assassination, the battle force was extremely powerful, and he killed a lotteryman in five years ago. No one knows, and the name of the refiningant is still on the list of the Eastern Pavilion. wait for news.

Such a set of lineups, assassing a successful teacher, is simple and easy!

However, it seems that it is easy to say, but today, it has failed. When I saw the look of these people, I knew the result.

"Sit. What is going on?"

The leader is sitting on: "People have not come, I don't know where."

Gu Hao is a bit surprised: "I saw him back."

"I don't know, I have never seen people. I didn't see him in the past. I didn't know where it was temporarily. I still took another road back to the moon mountain, just followed the next time same."

"No, this time, this time, he can't enter the Wuyi Lane, but this time, it is three days, and he will go back every time. ... will you expose? "

"There is no exposure, didn't wait until he, we immediately changed the place, but also agreed to settle up, waiting for so long, and did not see some signs of him to come back."

"That is what he is temporarily escaped?"

"should be."

Gu Hao's thinking, said: "Nothing, next time I said, you hurry back."

Lead teacher said: "Teacher, really kill him?"

Question: "What do you mean?"

"Two mistakes, whether he said, is he suffering from the people who care about it? I heard that he can predict the drought, can pray for rain and snow ..."

Gu's old man did not have a good air: "What is it? I tell you that he predicts the drought, it is the number of plummes that Longyang Zu Master, he is a life for three years! If you really have a look, you can get the life? Rain and snow is not what he prayed. It is a hassle! He has repeatedly said that it is privately, otherwise, why didn't you hear him to pray again? Why didn't you see him? You don't know. Photographing me, you are all journals, what can I believe, what can't be believed, there is a most basic judgment! "

The teacher slowly nodded, and the other three brothers took a tone: "Teacher said, we are more common."

Gu Hao has some pain: "I said that I still have to remind you to keep in mind a pile, our teacher is working hard, and it is now destroyed once! Zhao Ziran, Wei Chaozong, Oriental Gifts, And even Qiu Yunqing, Zhuo Yunfeng, this one is all of me, etc., remove these people, not necessarily saving the show, but there may be turning, Qiu Yunqing and Zhuoyong do not say, but other The three must be killed as soon as Zhao Ziran is a top priority! I judge him that he may be bad, so it is too cautious. It is too cautious. I can't get started soon. "

After some training, Gu's old man commanded to gather here to abandon, re-looking for another inn.

On the occasion of the respective, several disciples have asked: "Teacher,

Gu the old road: "I bought it, panic! Waiting for you to go to you. I will say it again, buy a lottery is to sign, you don't want to buy it privately."

Several disciples agreed, so they came to each other, and they went to the side of Mo Qi Lake. I took a moment along the coast. I saw the paintings of the people of inequalities.

After boarding the painting, he immediately joined the fierce debate and proposed his forecast for tomorrow's war.

It has to be admitted that this small circle is quite accurate on the prediction level of the practice of the Taoist game, basically can rely on the purchase of lottery to support himself, and there is a relatively comfortable life, thereby visible to the high prize rate.

At this point in the first day of the next day, I got a full proof. The five people added a total of 1,000 note, each consuming silver twenty two, the winning rate is generally more than five, which is not fulfilled 20%.

The total one hundred and fifty seven seven seven seven seven, including nothing, and more than twenty or fifth, only one person lost five.

If the small scales such as this are, if the first phase can earn a ten or two, twenty two, one year is five, six hundred or two or even seven, eight hundred two, which is enough to ensure that their great practice is life. What's more, it also contains the opportunity of the Chinese Award, and it is really a pleasant.

After the redemption, everyone exchanges the experience. There are two are the frequent visits of the Beijing gaming square. They all said that since playing lottery tickets, they will not enter the gambling work, not only from the spirit of mentality, but also support.

Gu Hao, also smiled: "The old man has been gamble before, and there is no number of silver. Don't look at the lottery is just a small money, but it is a simple to have a simple to the gambling. This is a profound, it is a lot of life. Do not let, the old man also gambled. Wait a lot of drilling, plus a little good luck, one note is a hundred times more than the gambling work! "

Several people talk about the lottery tickets from this period, but did not bring good news, it is medium, but it is not a day prize, nor is the land prize, Xuan Award, but a prize. .

After this year's competition is changed to the top of the top of the top, there are more than one, and the combination number is increased from the twelve groups to the fifteen groups. The difficulty has increased, but the award has also added a prize, located in the people award Before, after this issue, you can redeem one or two six money.

The Yu Award means that the fifteen events guess four games, and then some people disappointed: "After the Zhao Fungi, the general consultant is also organized, buy a lottery ticket is not as good as Laozi, Bai Laozi followed him, What the hell!"

It is unhappy: "I am very happy, just in the middle of the prostitute, explaining that there is no shady contest, for my lottery, there is nothing more important than a benign contest."

Gu Yao Hehe said: "It is good to be in one or two six money. In fact, think carefully, really have to be in the day prize, how much can you divide? I heard that people buy this year will be more, assume the colorful pool of the award Growth to 20,000 silver, but how much can you get? Yesterday, the light is you present, but more than one hundred people bought this note, you and I am not there, how long does this news? How many people Will I heard this note? So even if there is a day prize, it is also the most water in history, there is no dozens of two silver. "

When a few people think, I am happy, Gu Yao said again: "Xiao Mo said it is good, for letting us, there is no shady is the most important, and I want to give birth to the gambling, why do you lose your home? That is true? Black! Unfortunately, the old man didn't ponder it at the time ... I thought, let's think of a way, write a joy, what is it is good, send it to the incense burner, to Zhao Fangzhang, Liyuan makes them Said that our enthusiasm is, but also for the competition, you will do our best! "

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