Taoist Law

Chapter 107 Transfer Payment

On the first day of the top ten, Zhao Ran witnessed all fifteen games on the meeting, after reading, Li Da smiled and congratulated him: "The teacher is the first to win, congratulations."

Zhao Ran smiled nodded: "Thank you, I."

The first battle, obviously see Luo Ziqing is not fine. Even if the big monarch mountain Tiantian Tianguo is superior, but he is only practiced for two months, and it is very jealous in skill.

The reason why the competition is better, completely relying on his brute force, will be able to play the sixth of the Qian Yunmen, the first year of the qualifying, and a game, and the light is trimmed by Luo Zhiqing. Causes the warm cheers of the audience.

Other games, Yan Shiyi did not unexpectedly won the first battle, Zhao Ruyi's lottery combination, four guessment has this.

In addition, the Duanmu Summer of the Master Group has also entered the top ten, and he affected to the third of the Zi Xiantun, the third of the qualifying last year. Zhao Ran also pays attention to his participation, before, I have asked Rong Niangfei, and Rong Niang's answer is that he ran to sign up, and he did not mention a family.

Zhao Ran asked her that she didn't come to see my second brother, Rong Niang said that it is really busy now, the four seasons in the position of the 13th provinces of the two Beijing, she has completed ninety-six, she and the security It is really no time to stand in northern part of the South.

At the end of the competition, Li Da woked Zhao Rong: "The participating restrictions mentioned in the event have formed a draft, according to the meaning of the meaning, prepare for the relevant opinions from the beginning of tomorrow, the manuscript has been issued to major journals, expected within one month Summary is back to make changes. "

Zhao Ran nodded, this thing is not a difficult thing, Li Da Yin can complete it, he will make a suggestion. He truly thinks, is a lottery problem that was discussed in late night and Li Daji yesterday.

The latest statistics from the first phase is too big, and the big Li Da Yin is some fear!

Last year, the average release of each issue was as expected to be around 100,000. The exact number was averaged more than 100,000 and more than 100,000, and the first phase of this year, it has increased to 19.8 million Thousands, almost double!

If every period is maintained at this level, the total plate will exceed 8 million!

What is the year in the world? The total number of households came last year, the total number of two thousands of two million (including money grain, etc.), the total number of roads at all levels is four thousand six million (including the Lingling Ming Pharmacist French Bank), plus six Thousands of eight million.

Among them, the households are replenished, and the warehouse is 1,600,000. The total receipt of the hand is the same, the same tens of thousands of million, but the silver only half.

That is to say, the money in the practice of the ball lottery is quite the money in the practice of the sphere.

Zhao Ranzhi Li Wei's face is not natural, comfortable: "I have said that you have said, the people of the people are several times,"

Li Da concealed: "But too much, I am worried that there will be a problem. Is there so much money in the hands of the people?"

Zhao Ranz Xu said: "Lao Li, you have this consciousness, indicating that conscience is still there, haha. So tell you, Daming, its rich is not in the whole people, and in high-income, the monks, the guest room, official , Taoist, luxurious, landlord,, so these lottery tickets, most of them are sold to them. How much is the ordinary people who can afford to buy? Such as farmers, hand artists, wovers, small business hawkers, etc., One money, a lottery ticket, which is equivalent to a family of five five-day spending, so we often heard a village, and several adjacent neighbors will buy a lottery ticket, which is the truth. "

Li Da is listening to Zhao Ran's analysis of lottery purchases. It took out the picture of all walks of life, while carefully thinking, he kept nodded.

Zhao Run: "Daming is six hundred years, Guotai people, far more advanced, this is the result of Daomen domain suppression of the world's gas transport, it is a fortunate, but we can not know the problem.

If Li Da Yin is thinking: "Therefore, we have some part of the total of this lottery ticket to the overall situation, in fact, from these rich houses to receive the bank?"

Zhao Ran's head: "It's this truth, the essence of our release of lottery tickets, in fact, using these rich silver, set a redistributed cake, more silver. You just said that you can reach 800,000 a year. I am worried that it is more than 5 million, but half of it will return to the color pool. At the same time, we will pay a total of one hundred and six hundred thousand. They are required to use them in charity, and there are still forty thousand to enter the charity gold. Such allocation methods are a changeable transfer payment, and the final meaning of our lottery ticket is reflected here. "

Li Dawei suddenly: "It turns out that we are actually robbery. Hey, this feeling is actually good."

Zhao Ran laughed: "You have to say this is right, but we only have to achieve the first half, that is, the robbery, but can be poor, but it is still unknown."

Li Daimi pinched his fist, evil: "Go back, I will go to Gangshu, he wants to use this silver to be used in people's livelihood, I have not finished with him! There is also a total ... Well, the time still let me Teacher has to ask ... "

Zhao Ran hugged, to Li Da, "If Lao Li can make the summary and household money to people's livelihood, thank you in the middle of the world!"

Li Da Yin is busy to stand up: "What is this, let's rest assured, I want to think."

I thought about it again: "I still think that a money is too high."

Staying: "Two purposes, one is to raise the entry threshold for ordinary people, do not let them buy life expenses, and save our own costs, if they let go, our total amount will inevitably rise However, the cost will also increase significantly. As for how much it is, it is necessary to count a marginal curve ... "

Li Da Yin has some hair: "What curve do you say? I only have heard of a woman's curve, I haven't heard of what ... curve."

Zhao Ran put his hand: "Forget it, look back and ponder. If Lao Li felt too high, you can try a five-point silver first."

Li Da frankly scratched: "I think about it again ... If I am, I am so busy. I am now busy ... Yes, plus the remaining winter season, now there is more than 40,000 charity gold, and now It will increase 10,000 every seventh day. This money is still not used. How do you see how you should get it? Just now, you said to transfer payment, pay attention to people's livelihood, is this silver send it to those poor? Well, By the way, after you take any of the mystery of the palace, you can send it by your name, and you will make your strength. "

Zhao Ran said: "Lao Li has this heart, I am grateful, but this silver is waiting for a few days, so it is directly, not on the way."

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