Taoist Law

Chapter 114, 1st

In order to start the first cannon, Zhao Ran will ask the person in charge of all aspects of the Dichitan Square, once again confirmed the responsibility of the parties in the process. Of course, Wang Zongyi is still happy with full enthusiasm. The county of the two counties in Jiangning is equally enthusiastic, and all personally arrive.

Wang Zongyi is serious and solemnly stated that the street renovation project is the most important affairs of Beijing, the court, "Huangcheng inside and outside", there is a lot of payment and report, Duanmen, court, the people all parties Pay attention, must not be delayed, otherwise it must be investigated the relevant responsible person, who is the tube, and the strict ginseng! If there is a horizontal, it is stopped, and it can't stop it. Speed ​​is reported in this official, this official is disposing!

When the procedure involves the problem of blocking streets, strictly preventing damage, and the county county county is filled with the prostitute.

Leading Care Craftspese is very difficult for the Five-day completion period. He believes that at least ten days can be taken. Single is a broken brick stone, a flat pavement, etc., it takes three five days, Zhao Square's limited time It is too tight.

In this regard, the Shangyuan County Huadi Lu Lu Zi Yu patted his shoulder: "The bigest is not worried, and the Zhao Fengzhang will start less."

Sure enough, this tramith teacher heard Zhao Hui immediately to run a fast-sized notice in the Xuanko Palace, so he followed the official, the Taoist Taoist Taoist Taoist Taoist Palace, just witnessed a "Anlong" in the temple "Soke", on the spot, I invited the five-party five-land and five dragons and the priests of the Division, and they crowded the board in front of the Temple of the Temple. They stunned this traveler.

Seeing this vain, it is still playing out, and the larger is a little worried about falling from a narrow supply table. He greets two hands and moves the table. It will be next to it. Please come to the empty table to stand.

Zhao Ran, who is waving, sword, writing Jin Guangyi, is very funny, and the cold supervisory hospital that is responsible for the responsibility of Leng Kai is coughing. The cold supervisor hospital awakened, greeted Wang Zongyi, who is also looking at the same, the same. Wang Zongyi. Go down to grasp the big master. These people are in this performance, not special cases, although Wang Zongyi, cold Tengxing, etc., at the end of last year, held in the forefront of Wenchang Pavilion, but the race is more important, far away There is no fancy today.

Zhao Ran's nautical bodies were rushing through the flower whistle, please come out, some small gods in the Taoist gods, and he did not pray any needs, so it costs very little, almost no use, but performance The effect is quite good.

In the case of how to scatter as much as possible, I will take the eyeball, Zhao Ran has experienced experience in Longan and Song, in this respect, and the main land of the department is not able to get on him.

At the end of the fast, Zhao Ran asked Wang Zongyi to ban the night, so the servants of Shangyuan County won the night class, from the beginning, put the two heads of the main street, strictly ban the pedestrians, no residents went out.

When the night, the servants held a water fire stick, and their respective probes looked at the top of the brain, but they were limited to the white lines on the ground, and they respect the feelings of the gods. They didn't dare to get it, they can only be widened. Watching a dark street lacquered street by the lights, and the breathing dares to speak.

"Old brother, there is a shadow, what is the fairy?"

"I drop, I am afraid that I am the older."

"How is it possible, will the old monarch going to do this?"

"Do you see if it is a cow? Who is caught in the sky?"

"How do I look like a deer?"

"Hey? Just look at the appearance, how to become an antlers ..."

I don't mention the whispering whispering of the servant, and I don't say countless double hiding in the street and the excitement after the window and the door. The spirit of hard work is working hard.

These spiritual demon is not a spirit of Junshan, in addition to Yuyang, is the Yangzi system. Let them dry, clear the bricks, and the simple work of the ground is okay.

But even if so, I also brought the leader of the leader. In the Junshan Construction Team, this backward molecule is mixed, and the technology is mixed, and the various mistakes of the Hongze Department will not stop. .

"Niu big, you can't do it, turn it off, wasted, shameful waste!"

"Stinky boy, what do you say?"

"No, cattle big brother, I mean, you can't do it, single-angle look at it is gently ... Hey, right, beautiful ..."

"Yan Xiaoxin, don't you help you? Let's take a brick here. How do you run up with wet mud? Look at you, this is not open, oh yeah, this is also very tight .. .... "

"Pig old eight, why are you so stupid? It is still stupid than Junshan's high-yuan handshake ... Well? Say you are not happy? How do you still want to fight? I am afraid of you? Fox Xiaojiu!"

"Yuyang brother, what?"

"Your family is not listening, you look at it."

"Yuyang brother is angry ... Eight brothers hide! Stretch your ears over ..."

Zhao Ran smiled and looked at them, and did not interfere at all, the spirit of the demon has a good way of the demon. He has seen more, and it is not a special. On the side of the project quality, we will ponder, wait until you have stored the road in the capital, and the things that dredge drains are finished. This should be pulled down to engage in a bridge? At that time, the Junshan Department of demon repairs is the main force, so that Hongzha is a demon repair, they must learn faster.

Although this is a handyman, but the rough is not too many technical content, and it is just a main street and two alleys, still in front of the fence. The team, the second day, the householders who heard the news, the craftsmen, and the dry tongue,

From this day, Zhaoran's project will be officially opened. He inspected the project, while urged more brick kilns to open, more coal mine excavation, and let the Ministry of Lime and the rice paste are full of load, while supervising the Hongzhizi Tie Demon from the river . Another more important purpose of the project is to integrate the power around them, create a start-up system from raw materials production, to organize, and then go to the project command. Say straight, he is training in this small project.

At the same time, as the project continued to progress every day, Juananyou gradually became one of the busiest locations in Beijing. Head of Wang Zongyi, including the Ministry of Work, Sanyuan and Jiangning two counties, and the three-way Taoist, all frequently in the Xuanzhan Palace, almost the threshold of the Dichitan Palace.

Zhao Ran after a year, suddenly turned into a busy state, if not Zhang Ju is looking for, he almost forgoting this booth of Yu Wangfu.

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