Taoist Law

Chapter 115 is centered on Juananyong

Zhang Juzheng was sent to the back of the party in the back of the court, and he went back to look forward to it until Zhao Ran asked: "Uncle is big? Uncle?" He told his head and asked: "What is the abbot? "

"What is going on?"

"This is the mysterious martyr, how is this Master of the county and a child? If you don't see the abbot, you will think that it is wrong place ..."

Zhao Ran shook his head: "You said this, don't you engage in the street and drainage re-repair project? Wang Fuyin attaches great importance to it, strictly stand close attention to the time, unsecure, these two Staying here, they are also very busy, now have not gone home for two days, I see them hard, let Yunshuang Tang have temporarily lost their feet. I didn't think about these two So dedicated, even the cover rolls have moved, and most of the time is staring at the project, it is empty and also disposes a critical government affairs. "

Zhang Juzheng blindled and said: "The next official just saw it, Jiangning County is in the courtyard review case ..."

Zhao Rao said: "The case you said, in fact, it is also related to the project, and the bricks that have just been paved on Wen Deqia last night. It is stolen in this morning, and the Jiangning County bus check is very set. People have caught it, and they are crossing the hall. "

Zhang Ju is listening to it, but understands the understanding, she still feels very incredible. Of course, he has not been entangled in this kind of thing, so he said: "Next ..."

Zhao Ran looked through a plan to do in Shangyuan County, while looking at the side: "Do you meet the difficulties in the practice method?"

Zhang Juzheng, said: "Oh, he has no abbot."

Zhao Ran thought about it, look up: "This, I will pass tomorrow afternoon."

Zhang Junzheng said: "I am here to greener?"

Zhao Rong said: "You don't come, too consume, I will go."

Zhao Ran got up to send Zhang Juan to the party hospital, when passing through Yunshuang Tang, I suddenly saw a group of catching a group of iron chains in a few strong men to drag, leading a few shots: "Captured, caught, It is the Qingliang Mountain Jinshun, the speed report and the county! "

"There is also Zhao Fangzhang, go to the Zhao Fang!"

"Affiliated, the abbot, we caught the thief of stealing bricks!"

Several catching up to Zhao Ran, inviting him to the journey of eight tongues, Zhao Ruitun, was just right to Zhangju: "Uncle, I will not send you."

Zhang Ju is busy: "The abbot is busy."

Just went out, the outside is another group of people to catch fast, Zhang Juzheng just recognized the first person, but the county of Shangyuan County, this king is just a gift: "See the main book."

Zhang Junzheng also ritual: "This is ..."

The county is: "There is something to return to the peak, and the loss is."

Zhang Ju is nod: "You are busy with you."

The county took people rushing into the Dichitan Palace, Zhang Junzheng faintly heard a mouth: "The county is the old man, let you quickly tell the Zhao Fangzhang, the private gambling work is found, the head is big, not good and ... "

The next day, Zhao Ran completed the official handling, and went to the Yu Wangfu, a group of students in the leader of Yu Wang, I have been waiting for a lot of time. Zhao Ran can come once almost a month, every time you can see the new face in the student, there have been more than 30 people.

The same is true today, and he doesn't think it is, it is still divided into two parts, and more than 20 people have begun to be biased, and there is also ten people in slowness. It is still corrective action.

Zhao Ran answered some of the problems in the practice, so that both ended up, looked for a while, nearing two in slow groups, let them go to the express group.

After half an hour, Feng Baoli passed the tea from Zhao Ran, Zhao Ran, and followed him to get into the side of the pool.

Feng Bao low voice: "The abstament let the golden Fang have not found it, but it is said to be called Jinying."

"Jin Ying? Yang Jinying?"

"Yes, it is also the palace of Jiajing three years to choose a show, the same is the capital of the capital, and also surnamed Yang.

Said, Feng Bao took a picture to Zhao Ran: "The abstine is looking, see if this woman is."

Zhao Ran took carefully, but to tell the truth, he didn't see Yang Jinfang, and it was also white, so he said: "I received this picture? What is Yang Jinying?"

Feng Baodao: "It is often in the buddy, but only in the directory, my people inquiry for a few months, only to clearly, the Shangshi Bureau set a court in the Royal Garden, this is called Jinying's It is the tube. This picture is from Wang Ning's personal palace girl. This Wang Ning is from the court, but now it is in favor, and nowadays, it is also born. "

Seeing Zhao Ran unknown, so I explained someone, telling Zhao Ran, one of the Sixth Bureau of the Inner Palace, which is often the same as the palace girl, the official position is from eight products, which is equivalent to overbear Palace girl's leaders.

He also told Zhao Ran, Shang Shangyou, is the place where the six bureau has never hoped to go to the palace, especially if he has heard of the quarter who has heard of the prince, it is even more I thought, therefore, the concealed advice Zhao Ran, if Jin Fang is Jin Ying's words, it is recommended to "not think about it."

Zhao Ran grateful to Feng Bao, and then take the way to Longtanwei to see Zhang Lang.

Zhang Dang held his hand-drawn picture to see a moment, the eye is beads, the more it is full of red, and it is full of red. "Thank you for the abbot ... The end will be almost certain, it is Jin Fang."

Zhao Ran's curious side came with a detailed: "You have to look at it carefully, it has been more than 20 years, and the woman's appearance is very big."

Zhang Dang pointed to the image on the image: "There is a black point here, it is not a pen error, but the portrait of the portrait is deliberate. The appearance is five or six points of Jinfang's look, plus this , undoubtedly. "

Zhao Ran didn't know what to say, accompanied Zhang Dynasty, it took him, and he was heard: "People have heard it, but in the palace, you don't want to figure it, don't lose your mind. I want to think about your old lady, and this brother! "

Zhang Dang sighed and nodded, and he took the empty, there is no extra strength to say a word.

Zhao Ran did not take long after Longtan Wei, and he was taken back by a fly. The fly is from the Oriental Ceremony. When Zhao Ran took the film, I took the film, I really almost took the cloud and spring breeze two thieves. I was behind my mind.

In the end of last year, the two thieves will arrest the case. So far, it has been more than three months, and the two interrogations cannot be made, and they have never been able to break through the key font. The two pavilions thought of many ideas, and they had a lot of means, but they still didn't have any effect. At the end, they simply detained them, and they started to disclose the wind, I hope to play the snake.

Today, I received a fly than that of the East, I was really shocked.

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