Taoist Law

Chapter 118 Hobbies

In Daming, a high-end Yangzhou slim horse, the redemption of the redemption is just five hundred to eight hundred and two, the top of the top will sell thousands of two, as for selling two thousand, three thousand two, basically belonging to the phenomenon corner Among them, it is certainly doped with various stories and is independent of the actual price.

Therefore, a show can sell such a high price, enough Zhao Ran Xiao Xiao.

G / D Charient: "The buyer comes from the sea, the island owner, the scattered is decentralized, and it is a broad, such as this listening to the wind, in less than half a year in Jiangnan, has already spent 6,000 and two silver. Listening the people Said, five years ago, the surname once came out of a best, after being bought by the Ling Lianwood, the Wutong Taoist, his news knows late, otherwise it will have to join the competition. Main still a show The woman is taught very well, depending on it ... "

Wei San Niang frowning: "Okay, don't say that these Wu Qi eight worse things, say the case."

The guard laughed and continued to analyze the case.

Lingtai Hill people should know with Lantian jade, grabbed Lantian jade, can ask this person more detailed from his mouth, but it is a pity that the sequence of arrested can't make mistakes, if it is just a Blue Tian Jade to drink tea If you are afraid, you can really only drink tea.

The most important thing is how to find this Lingtai Mountain. It is unfortunately, the Beishan Square, who is originally in the east is the closest place, but unfortunately destroyed by the spring breeze and watching cloud, now has been over for more than three months, there is almost the value of the kneel than zero .

Of course, the Eastern Pavilion still arranges people to continue to focus, although hope is embarrassing, but in the case of Ling Taishan people. Moreover, the Eastern Pavilion also falsified a "ghost" resuspending in the door, and he expects "new customers" to send the door. Unfortunately, it has not encountered one, which also explains that the Lingtai Mountain is very big. The base exposure may already be found.

To this end, the gas and angerous Wei San Niang will enter the lunar spring breeze and watch the clouds in three different sins, with the hate in the flat chest, and these two people are old, and they are true.

Although the clues of the Beishan Square were interrupted, Wujia and Ding Wei were extremely keen to interrogate a very interesting clue. This Lingtai Hill Taoist is likely to be a gambler of a hobby. On the only three meetings of the Law Taoist and Lingtai Mountain, the other party talked about the bet.

The first time was five before, the other party talked about the dispute between Sanqing Pavilion to sit in the truth, and the truth is to gamble with him, what exactly Yunnan is still in Shaanxi, the Ning real people can succeed, and the results Three hundred and two silver lost.

The second time was three years ago, the other party talked about the results of the four-story division of the master of the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred The war is full, he took three hundred and two to the other party bet, but there is no time to pay attention, because of this, he has an accidental opportunity to fight and have a stronger, and then play hands.

When I listened to the wind, I didn't understand the matter. He didn't understand it so far. He said that the two masters said it was enough, immediately arouse a few "Xia Shao" inexplicable anger, and the most What he can't understand is that the three "Xia Shao" is clearly the repair of the yellow crown, and it is still not afraid of death after you are bright. "Today, I have a long time." ", It is simply like a deep hatred and hate. The result of the fighting law is of course seriously injured on the spot, and the listening winds are also sent to the East Pavilion, falling in Wujia and Ding.

The third time was that in December last year, the Lingtai Mountain Tao took two disciples asked him to eat a meal in a restaurant, the seats, and talked about the lakes of the special practice. Listening to the style of the style does not pay attention to the treasure lottery ticket, he also listens to the taste of Jinjin, which is more known to the young hunting of each pool and the sect.

The East Pavilion asked the look of the two disciples, but listening to the wind could not describe and describe, and his impression is very vague, and can only use "extremely ordinary" four words.

Therefore, the goal of the Oriental Gifts and Wei Dynasty will move to the practice lottery. According to the confession of the people, the Lingtai Mountain people buy lottery tickets, he hopes Zhao Ran to provide the lottery network of the entire capital, intend to strengthen people, in the next The sale of lottery tickets.

Zhao Ran asked: "How many people are you ready?"

The Wei Dynasty: "It can be disputed now, more than 20 people, these more than 20 people are the good hands that the east is in Zhili, Zhejiang, Jiangxi Province can dispatch, and repair it from the Huang Crown to the teacher. The most important thing is to fully trust, and the East Pavilion will know the goal they have to arrest before the action, there is no possibility of leaking messages. In addition, Dongfang Gifts also touched five Sanqingge Xitang backbone, Thirty people.

This case is the first case of the Eastern Pest Social Office for many years, which cannot be lost.

But this is some people, still have some stretches, so the meaning of the Oriental Gifts, I want to let Zhao Ran, Luo Ziqing also join in, but also want a definite lottery release point directory.

"Stiring, the practice of the ball lottery is gone, but we all know that you are in the back, it is hard to find a list of release points, which is completely confession. No omission. "

Zhao Ran has no problem, there is a detailed directory in his pitch, and then there is even a list of marked Beijing map, and the layout of the release point is also divided into the principle of his proposal, including: maximum Overlay principles, facilitating the principle of purchase, cost savings. According to this layout, the entire capital has 53 to sell, and the previous period has reached two thousand two thousand two, which is one tenth of the world.

Everyone is happy, starting to study this drawings, research to study, always feel that someone is difficult to focus on two points. It is difficult to quite difficult, Zhao Ran proposed to reduce the range: "Since this person is like a lottery, then go to check the lottery."

So I introduced you to the quotation statistics mechanism of the practice of lottery tickets. It focuses on the lottery wooden and wooden cabinets specialized in the research and development of Da Junshan. Among them, the wooden book is used to collect lottery, send it to the person in charge of the lottery distribution film area of ​​each province, person in charge After receiving, enter the list of large wooden cabinets, set the symbols in the wooden cabinet to make a conversion statistics and screening.

After listening, everyone suddenly, G / Dynasty: "No wonder lottery tickets can be sent every seven days ... every week, and soon will be able to redeem, it is here."

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