Taoist Law

Chapter 119 Crazy Award

After Zhao Ran explained, everyone asked if all the lists were preserved. In the face of Zhao Ran, it was big.

In fact, Li Da Yin and a few brothers, including Zeze, all plan to burn this pile of paper, because it is too much, a winter season is completed, the order is full of a house, they It is believed that it is all over the lottery, there is nothing to use, ready to make a room to meet the arrival of the Spring season, and finally these lists are still reserved under the strong intervention of Zhaoran.

Zhao Ran now adds two people to the sheep grass, one is to develop the paper paper that can carry big information, and the other is to automatically receive the fly character from the cabinet to the cabinet to save more. More manpower, further reduce lottery issuance costs.

These two R & D projects have higher demand for rune structure and combination principles. It has exceeded the ability of the Yuecus Mountain, which has basically settled in Junshan, and will practice the cause of Guo Zhizhen. Two projects are interested, so they have a team to develop together.

In these years, Guo Zhizhen has been in the cultivation of the spirit of the grass, and he has made a solid foundation for the future development of the Junshan Pharmaceutical, which includes the three pharmacies, namely Xiaojun Mountain Pharmacy. Yamuan and Lizhou Hydraulic Village Pharmacy, the top two were mainly fascinated by spiritual medicine, and then a large scale planted ordinary herbs.

The planting of the medicinal material is a long-term investment return process. Guo Zhiyu has paid for nearly ten years, and it is more than a bit compared with the day. He and the partner of the palace fairy were very fit, a natural instinct, one is an experienced theoretical master, and cooperates together.

Today, the ordinary pharmacies in Hhymodi Village have been stabilized to Huimin Jiji Tang for several years, Xiajunshan's demonstration grass is increasingly full of Zongsheng Pavilion, and Dajun Mountain Pharmacy is also growing.

After moving Lao Guojia's Laozi Shanzhuang, after the Jindun Mountain, the three pharmacies have seen the children's brothers, so Guo Zhiyu has been idle for a while, and has invested in the research and development of two projects. His cultivation is very high, and the ability to solve the problem is strong. After joining these two projects of the Sheep Mountain, I want to come to the progress.

After understanding the function of the lottery instrument, everyone starts to discuss how to find this surname Lingtai Mountain Taoist, Zhao Ran because there is a previous year's experience, so it is presented that the last name of the purchase lottery person is first screening it, but this The program was hidden by the nose of the San Niang: "I have heard of the book of Zhao Shi's business, but it is very admired, but it is not a special premium in checking the case. How do this thief dare to sign with a real name? I miss it. Do things. "

Wei Chaozong, Wujia and Ding Wei nodded, and thought it was not only a waste of time, but also possible to lead the suspect. But let them provide the idea of ​​finding, they can't take a better way.

Oriental Gifts know that the consequences of searching for a young woman, there is a relatively long search method, but he does not have a full grasp, and it does not guarantee that this time will be the same as the last time, so it has been compromised, that is, the key storage and Universally spread. Focus on the search for the lottery release point, the rest of the issuance point is taken into account by one person.

Zhao Ran wants to try it with a preferred Dafa, but the big ban did not give the opportunity to start, indicating how to search, he itself is not hesitant.

Because the lottery fair cabinet is in the Yuan Fuqiang Xiangfuguan, in order to prevent leak, it can only be searched by Zhao Ran himself.

Zhao Ran got the Zikinshan, I saw the Li Da hidden shortage of Li Da, who hosted the Xiangfuguan Daily affairs, Peng Yunyi asked: "Affiliated to come to the abbot, the ninth lottery sales of the spring season, thirty-one thousand nine Thousands of two, the first prize pool has accumulated more than 70,000, we are preparing to contact the Zhuo Teng Wing, ask them to open the sky-covered should pass. "

Zhao Ruyi Head: "Hard Pen Master.

The seventh phase of the ball lottery is practiced, and there is no day prize. Therefore, from the eighth phase, the issue has increased to 250,000, and the current period is more than 300,000 views, quite crazy.

Peng Yunyi sighed: "Say really Zhao Fangzhang, such a high bonus, more than 70,000, even I can't help but I want to buy."

Zhao Rong said: "You can control your hand, we all swear to the Dazu, signing the military order, everyone's name has already announced the world, out of the problem, no one is there is no shady, the world will think there is a shady It is impossible to keep your head. Not only you, you have to remind you of the Xianglu Xuan, let everyone quantity, the head is important or silver is important. "

Peng Yun wing: "Do not worry, everyone understand. Nowadays are crazy, one is seven million, the people are staring at the world, do not dare."

Zhao Ran nod to encourage, ask: "What about your brother?"

"The brother went to the river, saying, to understand the land price of the surrounding ... I heard that the ground recently doubled, and I don't know why ..."

Zhao Ran and Li Da Yin's calculation, the Tiantian Yangtze River Bridge built in planning, two sides need to land on eight hundred acres, based on the beach, one month ago, the total price of these land is about six thousand two up, now doubled Only one million two thousand are still not enough. There is only six thousand two silver sons in the middle difference, absolutely unable to mobilize the enthusiasm of the party.

Their plan is to buy according to the original price of eight to ten times, and I plan to send out of about 50,000, so that the bridge will build the bridge to form a lot of attention, all parties cooperate. After all, it is necessary to repair such a bridge, which is a bit shocking, and the resistance in front is inevitably.

Zhao Ran said Li Dawei or very told, he did not make a clear requirement, he would keep the mouth as a bottle, even the most pro-brother did not tell. Since Li Dawei is not convenient to jump out, then he will help it, and you will be able to help the boom, and it is also a person who gave the incense burner.

"If you have time, you can let the family go to the waterfront to buy a few acres."

"What are you doing those places? Now it is doubled, can you still rise?"

Zhao Ran smiled and was unsatisfactory.

"Right, Qingyun Hall, Middle Sinus Mishi, come to the sky, I plan to go to the city outside the city, the abbot is scheduled to stay?"

"Hold the moon mountain."

. Wonderful book house

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