Taoist Law

Chapter 120 Screening

The name of the practice ball is co-organized in Yuanfu Palace and Qingyun Hall. He is still doing things in Xianglun Hall in Xianglun Hall, and after Zezhongze returns to Sichuan. Sulvely came over, but because of various trivial affairs delays until today.

Because I received a lot of midnovation, I learned about her itinerary, Zhao Ran has already prepared her place in the moon. Today, the young generation of Qingyun Hall is almost divided into the eyebrows, Yan Zhongze and the . Chinese, a ** teacher, a golden Dan Master, the rise is very strong, should be a top gap column of the next generation, no Doubt, with their two, will build a long champion in Qingyunguan.

Zhao Ran asked Peng Yunyi: "Is there a vacant? I have to check some information."

"The last phase came out, these two days were in use, I accompanied by the side."

This is a small courtyard of the incense burner, or is called the clip, clamped in the front and rear colleges, only two rooms, originally the warehouse of Yuanfu Palace, now set up lottery rulers and information, Hosting from Li Dawei, I asked Zhao Yuan Shuai's statue to suppress the fortune, and shake it into the incense burner.

Peng Yunyi accompanied Zhao Ran to here, two worthwhile Yuanfu Palace Yu Shi, "Zhao Fang, Peng Shushang."

Zhao Ran let Peng Yunyi are busy with him, one person goes, first in the next wall of the lotion to the lottery big lottery bottom, then start the gathering.

There are too many orders. Zhao Ran has used almost half of the time to put into the input of the big cabinet, then take a flawless screening, which is in accordance with the condition of the search, which is in accordance with The listening to the wind is summarized, including the "Gu", "Turning Tianfu Lottery", "Hundreds of Spring Festival", "Ten Note".

No need to say, no need to check if the Tianfu is buying, the winter season and the spring game have bought this condition because there is no meaning in the spring of this spring, it is equally meaningless, and ten note is Basic conditions, otherwise the gambler image does not meet the listeners.

It is not difficult to construct the screening conditions, and the principles are actually similar to refining characters, but simplify most of the steps, which are equivalent to completion of a compliment that has been refined, and therefore, it is not completed.

Put this screening method into the input port, flashed a white light in the fault, there is a slight shock, which is a lottery number in the copy-screening, and it is also the case where the winner is, which is output today. It is the screening result.

A blank paper is confidently numbly, and it is the second, third. Three blank sheets, Luo list sixteen eligible people, each of which is a lot of lottery numbers, but also the location of the purchase.

Zhao Ran went to see, the first one is Gu Peiyuan, and I bought it. I have been buying the fourth phase of this spring season. I have not been recorded after the fourth phase, because the introduction of the "Pushing ball lottery purchase limit" Regulations, clearly restrict the players and organizing committees to buy lottery tickets in the final stage.

However, he immediately saw a "Lingshan Gongzhong" behind the name "Lingshan Gao Yuan", although I don't know why, I don't have to know why, because the lottery purchase record is purchased behind the name. It shows that from the fifth phase of the Spring season, the number of purchases doubled.

Zhao Ran shook his head, this is no way, when I commeminated the opinion on the day, he has joined the "straight relative" in the draft, and expressed as "parents, wife and children", but the brothers, the same door, etc. The law plus it, I really want to put it, there will be a phenomenon of participating in a disaster, which can't do it.

For example, before the eyes, Gu Lizhong is afraid that it is a brother of Gu Yuyuan?

Look down, the rest of these names don't know. But it doesn't matter, give this list to the Oriental Gifts and Wei Dynasty.

There are still six days from the next phase, they have a lot of time to study list, don't worry too much.

Zhao Ran reintens the bottom and put it back, put the gathering in the gongtan to put it down (gathering a value of dozens of silver, you can use a season, you can't waste it), out of the yard.

Just went to the door of Xiangfa, Peng Yunyi has been waiting here, to Zhao Rong: "Total abbot, my teacher heard the parters, rushing."

Zhao Ruyi Head: "Well, let's wait for him to the door."

Peng Yunyi stood with him for a while, looking for a topic: "This spring season is also very successful, especially the people, the focus on the practice ball competition is extremely high, and there are some lottery specialty in the first two days. Send a embroidered red satin line, please turn to the abbot to express their respect and gratitude of the opponents. "

"What words?"

"The lawn does not say that the god is expected, the ball is self-cultivated. Heads: the color is coming. This Jinlian is in the back hall, I went to take the abbot ..."

"Who wrote it?"

"A leader named is not flat, there are seven or eight people in the back, remember to have Zhao Lhan Yu, Huang Yu, Zhou Yuhang, Xie Yu fog, Lanchuan ..."

"Gu Kechuan? Gu, ancient?" If it is Gu, why didn't you find it? "

"Gu Xin, how? Abbacity know?"

Zhao Rei nodded: "This is not flat, the children of Lingshan Mo, once is the first day of our first phase of the ball, these lottery people are also very interesting ..."

Peng Yunyi suddenly: "The abbot said, I remembered, last year, this is also a few journals in this year ... I will give Jinlian to the abbot."

Peng Yun went back and went back and took the banner. In front of Zhao Ran, Zhao Ran smiled and meditated the topic of the top the question, to Peng Yun wing: "The lottery is still very much, and a bitter heart .... .. "Then I bet my gaze on the name of the money, one with a sweeping, I saw" Lanchuan ".

Zhao Ran shed a moment, and the name of Lu Xue was inspired him. It was preparing to return to go back, and the surname is ancient, Qing, and the sound of the same audience are also added to the search. I saw the rush of Li Dawei.

"I heard that I am here, I will come over. Is there a time now? My teacher wants to have passed."

"Lao Li is so windy, is there any urgent matter?"

"Walk away, I said, the teacher just came back from Lushan."

PS: Today, the final day of the team event, reminding the friends, don't forget to kill more beasts, don't forget to receive the mission reward.

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