Taoist Law

Chapter 126 Civilized City

The capital under the night is still prosperous, and the most lively Qinhuai River is located in the commercial area of ​​the Qinhuai River, and the lights are clear.

Gu Hao's teacher is all kinds of playing, with Qin Huaihe River, just eats night, just walk around the Jishuangfang, and walks around.

Gu Yantou Shang Jia dressed as it; the boss continued to smoke the smoke bag, if they were empty, changed to a place; the old two workers were bounced (there were also many kinds of carapia in his storage), The old three dressed as a leisurely pepper, the chest is shaped, revealing the musculum of the dark oil; the old four continued to dress up, and there was a break in front of it.

Seeing a little bit in the past, when I arrived at night, Juananyian watches began to decrease.

According to the previous consideration, the 3rds of the teacher will take the macrostic way of non-preset place, no preset time.

The so-called not pre-preset place is not in fixed location, and the three people turn around around, from the east to the west, from the south to the north, in short, it is a turn.

The so-called not preset time is always in the Juananyu Square. When will I see the goal, when I am, I have been waiting for a few days.

The so-called mammar is not ambush, no matter who meets the goals, it is shouting, bright identity, and then kill.

Three tubes, do not give the target character Zhao Ran to provide calculus parameters, avoiding the strange phenomenon that has been avoided many times before.

So, the three people continued to wander in the streets of Juananyi, and they walked around. According to the explanation of the old man, even "Where to go" this idea can't be! Only waiting for the whispering sound, everyone will come to one place to kill.

When I took a look at the winning and negative results of tomorrow's last round of war, I kept hesitation, if the winning, I won't go to the prize. If it is successful tonight, is it directly running, or then go after tomorrow? He knows that the reason why he is not hesitant to kill, but it has been a habit of cultivating lottery, but it has a few compulsive shadows, and it is a few awards. Call back will feel uncomfortable.

And pondering, if you haven't returned to the Imitan Palace tonight, do you want to go to Zijin Mountain tomorrow?

The big mage group doesn't have the game, can Luo Ziqing defeated his opponent, get the final competition challenge? He seems to be a second place, not very stable.

Jin Dan Master Group, the self-confident Duanmu Summer is really disappointing, looks at his last name, and even bought many times, he guess it, it is really a waste of wood! Loss of him before the game,

Say what the battle is qualified such as the probe gain, I don't know where to come!

In the Huang Crown group, Yan Jingyi has led the second place to pay four points, one round in advance, the eligibility of the challenge, but it is, the more the results of the game, the more he will say, he will not Save the mana deliberately put water? This is really a flexible problem ...

Walking around, I don't know if I don't know how to go to the East Iow of Juananyi. It is very good to see the main entrance of the Xuankan Palace, and I can see a few streets around them. It is a four-way octave. Intersection.

He pays attention to the old four who begged in the corner. Maybe because of the professional habits, the old four squats is more concealed, and there is a residual wall next to it. The two paired the eyes, and Gu's head and the corner of the old man also founded the steps in front of the house, sit down and rest.

The street angle turned a more than a more than a singer, and the "child has arrived, the dryness is dry, carefully the fire column", and the mind is thinking, maybe the surname, Zhao will not appear.

Opposite to the old four of the mystery, just find a tribute to the door of Xuanzhan Gong, the surname, Zhao is not in the Xuanko Palace. But this proposal was taken by Gu's old man, the reason is still the awe of plum blossoms, and when I don't know if I asked, I will be known to Zhao.

Of course, there is also a concern that is unknown to the imitation of the Imitan Palace. There are so many halls in the Taoist Taoist Hall. If it is hiding in a hidden place, it can be troublesome.

On the occasion of being pondered, I saw a few streets that gradually had servic, and the fast class appeared, and there were several exquisite square inspections. These people put several street ports to seize the simple refusal, and then began along the street. Check people.

I looked at the old four to the opposite side, I looked at the old head. Gu Yao shook his head, indicating that he didn't move, a class, and did you want to go? Let's take a look at the situation first.

When the servants cleared the corners, a group of people walked over to the class of Shangyuan County Express.

That takes the head to take care of Gu Yao: "What is it here?"

Gu Yaitou calm the airway: "Laosheng journey to the capital, hovering tired, rest here."

The team is looking at the old man up and down, said: "Tour in the middle of the night? Sitting here? Do you really think that I will believe? To tell your truth!"

Gu the old road: "Oldness is the merchants of Zhejiang, it is indeed visiting the capital, the first time, the direction, huh, the capital is too big ..."

That shift laughed: "Dare to lie it? You can enjoy the capital of the city? You are a young building. Is it a woman?"

Gu Yao nodded and smiled, that meaning, you know.

He wondered that even if it passed, can you know the face of the class? "" Where is it, give me! "

There are two catching roses, and I don't say it to the old man. After the old man went, I wanted to do it, but I still born, one side, I asked: "What is wrong with this master, the small people missed? Remember that the capital has not been resciled for a long time. ... .. "

That takes the head and bruises: "Zhao Fangguan, Zhao Zhao, Zhao Fangzhu, should be a civilized city in Tianfu Baixian, from the beginning of April, start to sweep the black smoker! The notice has already posted in the gate of all the city, all the gates On the "Huangcheng inside and outside" is also published, don't tell me you don't know, even if you don't know, it is late. "

Gu Yao stayed: "Civilized City? What is the relationship with the old age?"

That takes unconscious: "The rules are very clear, open the greenhouse, have been reached a license, but if you visit the Qinglou, visit the kiln, you will be limited to the two sides of the Qinhuai River, want to go to the dark, black kiln, all Sweep! You are like this, I have seen more, I have five people in the people, I actually be full of belly, male and female, with this, the secrets of the mouth? It is still a born! Tour in the middle of the night? Hey, Is it a fool? "

Gu's old man angry: "Why do you say that the old man is waiting for the dark door? Don't bother to spray!"

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