Taoist Law

Chapter 127

After seeing the old man, it is still an excuse. The head pointed at him: "The brothers have long stared at you, come back and return to this, don't look for the dark door? I and to you, it is both merchants, you. What about home servants? "

It is noisy, and there are two people, and the servant is loud to this side: "Bang head! Caught two guys!"

Gu Hao's eyes and went, and was arrested by the servant. It is the old and old three. The two were tied by five flowers, and the old dry hook rod was still inserted behind his own neck, don't mention more wolf.

Gu Lao Hexin said that this is not a way, and it is intended to make his boss and the old three three, intend to start, first escape.

But I saw two apprentices shaking him, and I got it back to my mouth. Gu Hao went to them, but saw a man and a woman and two monks were still following. One of them was familiar with the old man, and it was the heart of the dragonfly in the spring of this spring.

Gu Hao Ten's time-hocked, I plan to walk and see it. Luohuai didn't know him, but he is very familiar with Luo Ziqing. He has long known that this is a hard and stubborn from the battle competition participated in Luohuqing.

Luo Liqing still, seeing another female repair, Gu Lao's head is tight, this woman repair is not a person, it is the mother of the Eastern Pavilion, Dynasty

Just listening to Wei San Niang asked: "You are not with Zhao Zhaoran say that I have to have a nine sword to calculate you? I came here today, do you still don't fight?"

Luo Ziqing said: "The brother did not hear it, I am talking about the 19th sword."

Wei San Niang is pleasing: "I really want to teach the teaching! Come, when are you finished?"

Luohuai replied: "Tonight, the net street, the brother, I will help."

Wei San Niang took the way: "How many monks caught? Not enough? Do you also manage you?"

Luo Ziqing said: "The brother said, creating a civilized city, starting from the monk."

The rest of the rejuvenation did not mind, no wonder the two apprentices did not dare to come, let this help, the servant is easy to come and take a five spending!

Of course, he is not afraid of Wei San Niang, nor is it afraid of Luohuaiqing, who knows how many people in the East Pavilion and Sanqing Pavilion? Once you have, he didn't grasp the other side, in case of the fight, you will inevitably, you will be alarming the two pavilions.

So hurry to come on the side, back to Luo Ziqing and Wei San Niang. He didn't know that the other party did not recognize him.

But in any case, don't be noticed is the best.

The boss and the old three were brought to the head of the head. The boss looked at the boss of the dry tube, and I aimed at the old three of the chest to use the muscles. I was slightly asked, I laughed: "Don't say it. One of the people, one is a gap. "Asked him again:" This old man knows not knowing? Is it your guest? "

Gu Yao wants to take them away and immediately left here, and immediately said: "This is my two servants, don't fall into good people ..."

Who knows that the boss and the third seem to have the same channel: "Don't know ..."

I really can't say it, the head and a boy catch a lot of bokey, the team waved: "Take away!"

Gu Hao is a little discouraged. He knew that this "strong kicked" is estimated to fail, and look at Luo Ziqing and Wei San Niang, which is not far away, decided to endure it, wait until you leave this side.

At the same time, the old four who won the old four to the corner, let him not act rashly.

The corner of the street is also a group of servants. It is a big step to come, and the official is walking around and fingers. "Who is the firewood? Let them receive the yard! Don't put it on the street "

This official saw Luo Ziqing, and quickly ran in the past: "Lower official Shangyuan County Liu Renqing, see Luo Dao Chang ... Well, there is this immortal."

Wei San Niang smashed his hand: "Busy you go."

Liu Xianji should: "Yes Yes." Turned back, the team immediately rushed to the waist: "Liu County, how did your elderly come?"

Liu Xian snorted and said: "Old Song, you can take careful point, just received the notice of Shangfeng, Xia Heli heard that this is very appreciated, ready to go to all streets to see tomorrow , You can not be slack, out of the mistake, carefully this skin! "

The squad is connected: "Advise the advice, the brothers can dare to experience the position ... You see, just caught a person, engage in the dark doors ..."

Liu Xianju shook his old man with a look at this side. Civilized city title, Liang County, you, you are explained. "

The Bang Head and the public are guarded, and Liu Xianqian suddenly saw that the clove is careful, and the finger head refers to the past: "Isn't it talk to the old? This month is not allowed? On the street, how do you have it here? "

The place where the old four is relatively dark. When the public service came to see, I found out that the head angered: "Where does the surname can't live in my own home? Laozi helps him! Catch it!"

The servants swarmed, and the old four will fall.

Gu Yao Head's Those who have been stringing into a string with a few servants. Going to the north of the East Wall of the Juan Tan Palace and goes out of the house. Gu Yao looked at the junction that was about to appear in front of him. He looked back to the Luohuqing and female waiter who was thrown into the ground, and said to the three apprentices, ready to turn over the corner.

Seeing that there is no three feet from the street, the front of the catch is holding the rope, and they will take the side door of the palace wall. After entering, it is a hi-yard. It is already all colors in the yard. All hugged along the wall. The junky is stationed in the middle of the six square inspections, and the hands of the iron bars, wooden sticks, waist knives, and tigers.

Picking up the rope on them, in the sky: "Old, go in!" In the catching sauce, Gu Hao and others found a wall of the corner, hug his hands on the head, Face mandrel, butt rush.

The old four just turned his head, and I ate a stick on my ass.

"Kneeliness! Don't go back, then look back, then you!

The old four wanted to attack, and he was glared in his eyes: "To bear it!"

Take care of the old head to the wall, the old four condensed, suddenly a big shock, there was a deep breath on the wall, and the atmosphere was judged, and the one was repaired in Jin Dan.

Master brother murmured: "I don't know how old I have, I can go out, I can go out ..."

The old three light channels: "He is a hawker, I want to come to create a civilized city, there is nothing to do, it should be fine ..."

Just said that there was a snoring, and some people were brought into the yard. I went to see again. I saw a few women who were Yan Yan Yan, the thick makeup, and they followed the old mom, splash peers and so on.

Capture of escort: "I have already got to know, this day is not open, I want to open the card, actually, I am awkward, eat some bitter!" It is also a stick to take this side: "Turn over, Don't look back! "

I am busy back and have a small voice: "The second brother is coming ..."

After the old second, he saw the teacher and the same, and he was busy, and he was busy in one: "Teacher, you come."

Gu Hao wrinkled: "How did you come in?"

The old two cried and said: "Don't mention it, say it is created by creating cities ..."

"What is it with you?"

"Say that I sell the stinky bean is too stinky, affecting the city, broken image ..."

I am talking about it, I'm in the middle of the second and the old two inserted a dark, the woman's face rushed to the thick powder, and the lips were bulld, and after squatting down, the big two sides: "Let's let, Trojan ..."

She looked at the left of the old three, laughing, laughing: "This Lang Jun is a dismisive man, knowing, the slave Xianglian, in the four square bridge, looking back, holding a personal field Go to the blind ... "A smile, the fat powder on the face fell down.

The old three got her, and there was no treatment.

This is still, and then the second is next to her. "Xianglian girl lives in the four-party bridge head? Sequence?"

The woman frowned and covered with his nose: "Is it smelling yourself not dead? Leave a grandmother!"

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