Taoist Law

Chapter 129 forbidden

Gu Yaitou was returned to the hospital. His four disciples have also entered the inner hospital, except for the old four, everyone is refreshing.

The brothers and brothers complained to the old four: "You are stupid, this silver is not willing to pay? When we go out, what should I do if you throw this alone?"

"Just, the brother, I just listened to a mouth, it seems that the new regulations are detention on the 15th. If it is arranged in the county, I can come out, but if I can't do it, what should I do? Can be hidden, do you come? Or let the teacher take us to rob you? "

The old four definitely demon: "My identity of my brother is a beggar beggars along the street. Where can I get the silver? I took the silver out, or did it?"

The old three sighs: "Who said that there is no money? It is rich in oil!"

Old four: "That is a head ..."

Those of the masters were squatting in this side of the wall, whispering, asked several servants to sway from time to time, laughing in them. Smiling, they returned with the same smile; they were enthusiastic, they also responded; they were laughed, they were inexplicably facing each other; smirk, they went back ...

The colors in the jackets are waiting for, from time to time, someone came in, from time to time, someone took it away, wait until the sky is bright, still did not let them go away.

A few such brothers who returned to the old head had to be indifferent, and the silver sent tens or two, and should not have no good results. It is said that the monk's monk is still rough, as a routine lamp, at this time, it is not possible to change it.

Everyone is only worried, it is the old four of the silver.

Sure enough, when I got a dawn, I had a servant and owed it, and I was in the old four butt: "Let's go!"

The old four came out, followed by servants, and disappeared outside the door.

The boss saw the servant who had just received his silver, asked: "This brother, how do you plan to punish him?"

"Who is punished?"

"If you want to eat, just kneel around us."

"Oh, you said he, take away, go to the waterfront."

"Go to the waterfront? What?"

"No money to pay,

Of course, it is a sand! you guys......"

"I have already paid, just over."

"Is it? Hey ..."

The "people committed" in the jackets are similar, and Zhang Book Office and several servants are discussing together: "The remaining there are oil and water, the most money is the surname, selling stinky bean, the money Amotherly, how can you make money? How can you make money? Let my family will put a try ... "

Several sergeants have interface: "But don't know how to do, I have said that my brothers have hintted many times, and I have never seen them to react."

Zhang Book Office thought, said: "Bring it over, give him a chance, see him know that it is not known, if you still hide, let me wait for the law!"

All the people barely hit: "Both Zhang Book Office is the master!"

It's hard to rest, a long-legged female repair, I will go, ask: "Zhang Book Office, are you committed there? I check it, see if there is any concealing of it."

Zhang Book Office got up and got up with the public, and the eyes were low, and the eyes were sneaked to repair the thighs in the flower skirt, and they couldn't help but manage the mouth.

"There are still few people in the outside, there is no disposal, and you have given it to Master?"

Yan Zhongze asked: "What is the matter?" After the case, the first page made her a big frown, and he said: "Then the old age is also ... The Master is insightful, this old thing is?" "

Zhang Book Office refers to the outer juncture: "I will accompany the mage."

Gu Hao, who was in the corner, finally once again entered the hospital. In fact, he couldn't stand in the middle of the night. I wanted to escape, but I didn't leave God and saw it outside the door. Lu Lu Qingqing, and the Wei San Niang, who still followed Luo Zhi, can only give up the integration of escape, continue to wait patiently, so he was again summoned.

I entered the house, I saw a woman with a high body, and I took a few fruit in front of the case.

Gu Hao's head is suspicious, the exercise is circulated, the induction is inspected, and it is a monk!

Although I didn't have an extension, I didn't know how this woman repair was repaired, but he still felt the rightness of the other party, confirming the monk undoubtedly, and immediately vigilant.

Despite our best to hold the breath, as long as this woman repair is checked, I can also see my monk identity.

As long as this female repair is suspicious, I am going to take my hand. With the opposite look and age, we should not be too high, you must win, but you can't be entangled in this, so you must be ignorant, try to kill!

But seeing the female repair and still in a honey peach in his hand, while eating it: "Zhang Book Office, this peach is Qing Yunshan specialty, do you want to come?"

Zhang Book has a full face and laughs: "The Master is the spirit, where is the official of this blessing ..."

The woman's impatient twisted her head, and hit the old man and greeted: "What to do, hurry, turn the procedure!"

It seems that this female repair is here, is it a normal program? Gu Lao Songsheng, I quickly rushed to: "Yes ..."

I saw that the female repair will throw it in the bamboo paper on the ground to the ground, take the towel to wipe the hand, then take out sheet of paper, and didn't see what it is clear for a while, it seems to be written A few numbers, an estimated is what she said?

Just listening to this woman: "What is it? Hurry over, close, edit it." Said, palm, the palm of the palm came to the forehead of the old man.

Gu Hao did not understand what the situation was, and it was afraid of refused and caused another change, it was heard, and the paper was posted on the amount.

This post should not be tight, and the face of the old man immediately changed, and exclaimed to this woman: "Do you want to do it?"

Female repaired: "The Tang Monk is actually a hungry ghost. When I arrived at the point of the dark doors, I no wonder Zhao brother wants to create a civilized city, do not transform you, this is the wind?"

Gu Yao Heiqi wants to shoot, but the whole gas sea is like a transparent cover, how can you notify it.

He immediately understood that this is the banned ban. The ban on the forehead is reached, the fingertips touch the tips, but is bounced by the paper, just like the fish in the water, slippery the past, and there is no effort.

The mana was blocked, and where did he have this book?

In fact, Therefore, the ,,, , ,,,, This also shows how important is in practice in practice.

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