Taoist Law

Chapter 130 Reconstruction

The ban is four-order law, of course, although the level is high, but the effective fee is not high compared to the other four-order effect, so the four hundred and two silver is above, the ban The market is between two or three hundred. The reason is also very simple, one is not difficult, and the other is some chicken ribs.

The reason why the chicken rib is because the fracture is not a combat force, and the opponent can't wait for you to ban. Unless you take the opponent, then give him a place, the ban can play a role. But most of the time, waiting for your opponent, there is no great significance to use the ban, so this kind of fissed range is not large.

Gu Yao did not expect his own ate, when it was a horror, but there was no choice but to sneaked to the bottom of the valley, and he was muddy, and he waited for the other party's judgment.

The big mage is still a refining teacher, or a big refining teacher, she is not clear, but if she is a refining teacher or a big refining teacher, it is impossible to ran to the dark door, and it is more impossible to catch the scene.

In fact, even if it is a Master or a big master, run to do this kind of condictive, but it is a mess, but the certificate is never not believed.

I didn't talk, just nodded, he prayed in his heart, and this little girl in front of him was doubting to other places.

In the , he keryled the money on his hand and asked: "Is this what you confessed?"

Gu Lao He is not allowed to think about it in this regard, so he quickly nodded: "It is my confession, belonging to the truth, no reliance, willing to punish!"

Gu Yaute urged: "The old man pleads, how to do it."

: "Which ancestor?"

"East Sea Fix."

"You have helped the overseas scatter, the most can't, this just two days, I caught sixteen, um, you are the 16th! Which island?"

In the middle of the middle, I saw it on the side of Gu Hao: "Is there a storage device?"

Although I know this is an inevitable ending, but I am still very depressed, I didn't talk.

I don't want to explain him.

I will find it soon, I took a piece of jade from his waist: "Take the jade."

Gu Yao Head helplessly, the creative reached out, and he grabbed his fingers in , with the mana opened the storage jade. After opening, the

When the old man is closed, the scightlement is really planted in the sewer, and the old man is restless!

The first to draw is two roads, and the name written on one is Gu Ke, another is Gk Xue. So I asked: "What is you calling?"

Seeing that I have been returning to my eyes, I'm helping: "You have helped overseas, the head is tailored to the evening, just have shown a surname Shao, playing Shao Da Tianshi's name, the name of the name, actually? Come! You can be fined, get three names come? Which one is true? "

Turning over, turning out again, but Zhang Buy and sells Donghai Shuangyu Island, the signature of Gulk Xue, the price of 176,200, indicating that Shuangyu Island is purchased from the house.

I got an eye, I'm looking at the old man, I'm doing: "Oh, I am quite rich?"

Take care of the old face, such as death, no hair.

continues to check, find out Zhang Jin's book letter, open and look, aiming at the old man, said: "It is a bit conscience. How did this thank I don't send it?"

Gu the old man opened, stared at the muddy hands on the muddy hand, I didn't respond, I didn't respond for a moment, and I tried it in the : Joint, but Zhao Daozhang did not accept, he said our kindness. "

: Since the new rule is promulgated, it is necessary to follow the rules ... "

Let's learn how to make a law-abiding practitioner, take a noddion of the law, indicating that you have failed, pleading sin, and will explain that you are really don't know what Zhao Shizhen Otherwise, how can I violate his request with his own respect for Zhao Shouzhang?

I heard the midnight stretch, and finally: "Well, since I recognize the mistake, I can save, Zhao brother said that the purpose of the command and the law is to punish the former, the doctor will save people. The meaning of the girl," Originally, it is necessary to reconstimate, now it seems that it is not to save, but since the rule is set, it will be in the rules. Nowadays, the Juananyi Palace is in use, this girl is fifteen Daily labor reform, work hard, can you have to work by working hard to learn how to do people? "

When Gu Hou Ton suddenly couldn't help but ecstasy, consciously did not be extremely poetry, escaped in the dead, nodded to nod to: "Old once, oldness!"


Gu Hao is busy: "What to sell? Want to take it!"

Your penalty is buckled, and when it is released. "Said, put Yu Pei also gave his head.

After the interrogation, Zhong branked two servants to send a prisoner who specializes in the monks to read the monks, and then told Zhangshun Office: "Bring the next, the sale of stinky beans."

Zhang Book Office wiped the sweat on the forehead, and the waist came out again.

The book just went out, Luo Ziqing turned in and said: "Yan Sister, I am going to Zikinshan."

: "The brother has worked hard, let's prepare your game. I have a few to dispose of it. After the disposal, I will give the brother, I wish the brothers, I will win the first, get the first. Challenge the qualifications of the grandfather! "

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