Taoist Law

Chapter 131

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At the Tianfu, a civilized city evaluation activity was carried out, and these days committed a lot of people, especially in the black and evil, with this Dongfeng, cracked a lot of black and evil gangs, sweeping out a lot of happiness, won the capital The consistency of the people is good.

Among them, there are many scattered repairs. This is the most amazing thing. The key for these scattered things is not much smaller than that of the ground, which proves that it is a hundred, shape color (here ).

It is precisely because the first case of the discharmatic Jin Shilun was arrested, reminded Zhaoran, so he dispatched a lot of monks in the creation of civilized cities, which guarantees the calm of the city.

I caught so many people, the county of Shangyuan County and Jiangning County has already stuffed people, and the two rows are the same, so the scatter is transferred to the prison of the Xuanzhan Palace.

In order to ensure that the person is sufficient, Zhao Ran is issued, and the Junshan Department of demon repairs will be all adjusted to the Beijing listening. Today, there are two spiritual demon gatherings. One is to hold the moon mountain, the other is the Xuan Tang Palace. .

The spirit of the moon is mainly engaged in the Junshan system. This is the main force of Zhao Ran's massive project, led by the leader, the Ma Wangye.

The spiritual demon in the Xuankan palace is mainly Hongzi, this series of spiritual feature is to understand the rules, long, easy to commit, and it is found that it is very cute. Therefore, Zhao Ran gave them another task, in addition to helping the construction, it is the town of Xuanko Palace during the day, and the tube is taking the tube.

The monk of the wall that is in the wall, coming from Hongzhu's demon repair, and where they live, it is the square. It is a six open iron fence, and this side of the north is in the north. It lives in the Lingyang, Duck Xiansi and Fox Xiaojiu.

Gu Yao was invited into the cell. This is true, and it is true to him. One of them is also touched, the silver, the small voice: "Your old silver is not dare, you receive "

After entering, I saw two other prisoners in the prison, and the two men were also prohibited, and there was a ink on the blank, one wrote "14", a "fifteen".

The three faces looked at it. It took the first to open the "fourteen" words: "Two please, since the same prison room, in the future, I don't see you, I don't have to make a hand. Who listened, Whoever is first, there is a point. Now it is banned, and it doesn't matter if it is, I will have a trial, and I will rank. How? "

The opposite side did not talk, "14" said: "Then when you agree. First report, the next 14th monarch, yes, the fourteen ..." Take the prohibited ban on the phone, Proud: "This number is in the next special, the same is the same as this name! How?" See that the two did not take care of him, still not discouraged: "In the next Fujian Monk, now in Donghai Ling to the island for guests, Huang Crown for six years , Two? "

Gu Yao He still didn't care, he didn't take care of him, and his eyes wanted to know how many disciples were in the end.

On the 14th, the fourteenth monarch did not send, but it took the whiteboard from the neck, it wrote a big name "Yang First". The 14th monarch just want to be angry. Suddenly I think of what, angry is turned to change Smile, I respect the waist, and the other side of the opposite to the position that is always sitting.

On the side, I was glad: "The original senior is a big famous fallen island Yang Daoti, the big name is like a thunder, today can have to see, when it is a fortunate!"

There are many islands in the East Sea, the number of monks, the relationship between the island owner and the monk is a quite loose affiliation, or the relationship between the alliance.

For example, near the sea island Linghauan Island, the island owner is the League of Lingqi Island, and the monks in the island will come to the way, it is not ruined. If you want to live on the island, it is based on the good or bad.

Whether it is tenant or a guest, it is necessary to accept the dispatch when necessary, and when the island is infringed, it is obliged to gather on the island owner. When the Islander wants to go, can only recruit and not forced.

Relatively, the tenant is relatively free. If you want to change a place, pat the ass to leave, it is a bit of trouble, you need to complete the contract or reach the agreed year.

Yang Dao is a hole in a hole in Lad Island, and the lache is an island of the southeast coast. The island is listening to the wind and the people, and the relationship between tenants and allies.

The reason why 14th monarch is so respectful, the fact is because this is too capable, and the whole East China Sea is famous for the good fight, the strength of the fight is strong, and the people listening to the island must be strong. Listening to the wind people a few times, listening to the wind, people have helpless.

But this is also quite quirky, it is not going to go on the lazer. When he listens to the people's hand-held house, he will follow the response. When you encounter a tricky mission, he is willing to stand up. I don't know how many big island owners want to pull him, but they all touch the wall. It can be said to the lahelia.

I don't know how he fell into the prison of the Juan Tan Palace, and it is really puzzled. So the 14th monarch is careful to ask: "What is Yang Ye?"

Yang Dao people continue to pop up the whiteboard behind the neck, and three words above: "To save people."

The fourteen monarch is very surprised. Thoughts have wanted to see what organs hidden in the neck, but they were taken by Yang Dao people, so she didn't dare to make it. "Yang Ye said how Save you here? Is it sneaked into a prison? Do you want to save anyone? Under the next or you can help, you will only take it away when you travel. "

Yang Dao people came back and fly back on the whiteboard. The three words written in first, have been erased, and the new line is changed. However, the three words just now are Lishu, and this word is turned into a small . The fourteen monarch does not understand, and the eyes are carefully identified.

At this time, Gu's old man has been coming back, and I can't help but translate. "He said that he couldn't find a place last night, and found a wall corner, just pulled a bubble, was caught. "

The 14th monarch stayed, asked: "Higher people don't have lost?"

Yang Dao people then popped up the whiteboard: "A man and a woman, then find them in the account!" This time became more difficult to identify the big.

After the translation of the old man, it was also very curious. If you come over and reach yourself, you will explore the neck of Yang Dao people. "The old man saw a lot of scales in your East China Sea, but never seen you so weird ... What kind of thing? Is there a change font? "

Yang Dao people brought the body, and jumped out of the whiteboard: "The old man is rude, playing!" This is an extremely recognized library body.

Gu the old head and laughing, just wants to give it, then I remembered it, I posted a ban on my brain. The so-called fist is afraid, since he can't run the practice, he is the opponent of the seventy-year-old old man. He is a black man, and when you look at the fist of hard Bangbang, you will be on the nose. The face is getting unbearable.

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