Taoist Law

Chapter 132 Dali Temple Shaoqing

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Gu Hao's mentoring five people hit the creation of a civilized city muzzle, inexplicably beware of a pot, which belongs to a small probability event, but the initiator is unless.

The black black and evils carried out for two consecutive nights, rectify the city's wind market special action, single is the upper day of Beijing, Jiangning second county sweeps 12 of the black and evil gangs in the capital, twenty-nine, penalties, punishment More than 1,800 people are more than 500 people, detained in the 15th, including the nineteen people, greatly shocked the illegal parties, and the capital of the capital is new, winning the enthusiastic of the people. Advance and consistent praise.

Not to mention the vigorous vigilance of civilized city evaluation, Single said Zhao Zhao, who was created in a civilized city, and Gu Yao was in the prisoner, when he was fat, he was practicing the VIP seats in Purple Mountain. .

During the final round of the final round of the Spring Ten Top Ten, the Luo Ziqing played a very shocking level, and the tricks of the opponent were shocked. No leakage, set off the crazy shouting of the audience, atmosphere Reach the climax.

In the next Jin Dan Master Group, Duanmu Summer encountered Gu Yai, and was taken three points in his opponent. Zhao Ran did not force it. He only glanced at him. Gu Yaoyuan, with this victory, finally jumped his head name, on the top of the group, this is the first time in the entire spring season, but it is the most important ending, thus got the main Du Xing Di. Challenge qualifications. Such a success, it is deduced to see him.

When I was defeated, I took a big red satin from the arms, and the satin was embroidered with the golden silk wire with the golden silk. Friends of Junshan. Gu Yuyuan put the satin on the body, run along the game, the satin hunting in the wind, like a blooming fire cloud.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Ran almost couldn't help it.

The Ministry of Practice, Zi Tianfu Yin Wangzong Yi sits in Zhao Ran and several seats. He got up and moved to this, laughed to Li Da Yin and others laughed and changed the seat. He followed it behind him. The court of the court.

"Zhao Fangzhang, this is the Dali Temple Shaoqing Zheng."

"Don't dare, the official Dali Temple Zheng Bengong, see the abbot."

Dali Temple Shaoqing is from the four products. It is the Dali Temkey, the grade is not high, but the authority is heavy, and it is a reviewer of major cases. And the last Dali Temple Lian has remained the old returned home in the end of last year, so that Zheng Bengong actually hosted a thing of the Dali Temple.

Zhao Ran smiled and greeted: "Zheng people please sit, Zheng Direous also loves to see the ball?"

Zheng Benguan's head: "Lower officer, there is something to help the abbot."

"If you ask for two words, you can't dare, Zheng Direous but say, say it, say it."

"Hengxiang's first day, it is necessary to take the ground of the waterfront of Pukou, about 35 and two silver an acre, the next official is not small, these two years, the bones are not better than the past, and they are looking to the waterfront. In the three rooms of the grass, there is a stay in the leisure time, and you will have a rest. I want to ask the abbot to help, calculate, I don't know if Feng Shui is still? "

Hengxiang is the industry of Zhang Shangshu, the Ministry of Military, mainly is to run the business of Shanxi. The land of Pukou City is to learn new purchase after the news. It is not two months old. Is this anxious?

Zhao Ran is a little disappointed, if Zhang Shangshu can take it, Zhao We can guarantee that the price of at least sixty-two per mu is returned, and Zhang Shangshu earns a pot full of money, and also tighters Zhang Shangshu tightly The bridge is a firm support for this credit engineering. Just now, people just want to fish.

Think about Zheng this public, if it is really for buying a silver, it can use other ways. For example, Wang Fuyin can answer his question, there is no need to run to "help", it is close to people.

So Zhao Ran quickly reacted, people came to sell themselves,

So Zhao Ran got up and gave Zheng Bengong: "Thank you, the support of the adults, the poor pass must be built, so that the Jiangnan North has no communication!"

Zheng Bengong is busy: "When you don't have to abject this, this is a good thing to benefit the country. The next official is a hands up. The only problem is to hopes that the situation is in the bridge."

Zhao Ran immediately committed: "I will not be able to act without unauthorized, this, please feel relieved."

Zheng Ben's head: "This is good! As for the injury dragon, when it is not really, the abbot can let go."

Zhao Rong said: "I have to rely on Zhujun!"

Building a Tianfu Yangtze River Bridge, the biggest resistance is two questions, one is "Labor Tracing Fortune" said that the second is "there is a hurt", this is the reason why Zhao Ran is desperate to join all parties, as long as the people agree Any questions will not be a problem.

After Zheng Ben's public announcement, he began to enter the topic: "Since the abbot, it is created in a civilized city in Tianshu County. In just a few days, the re-examination case of Dali Temple has been turned out of sixteen pieces, including seven iron cards, such as mountains, already determined It can be closed. My Dali Temple collections are playing championships, and Beijing next year's Beijing can be loose. "

Zhao Ruzhen's first: "Then, congratulate Zheng Direous."

Zheng Baogong said: "Lower officer, actually I want to ask the abbot, and I also ask for my Dali Temple. Does the abbot have been considered, throughout the Nanzhi to carry out civilized city creation evaluation? If it is not good to open, Lower officer to find the criminal department Fang Shangshu! "

In the 13th province of the two Beijing, Nanzhi and Bei Li are not set up three minutes, and the corresponding staff of the states directly from six jurisdictions and is called Zhili. Zhao Ran is now the abstament of the Xuan Tan Palace. It corresponds to the Tianfu, if he does heaven the Wenchang, there is no corresponding embassy to deal, or through the Dao Tao Palace to dock the business, or must Directly deal with six.

Although Daming has set a governor in some provinces, but at the moment, the author of the governor is not a top right away from the world. It is a true "patrol" really "touch", in the business, or three divisions. For example, it is quite awkward. This firm is quite embarrassing, and the card is between He Tianfu and six, in fact, it is not allowed.

In Zheng Baogong, the biggest benefit of creation of civilized cities is to eradicate a group of black and evil forces. Therefore, it has been a number of deposits for many years. Therefore, it is necessary to go to Zhao Ran, to go to the Criminal Department to find a book, in Nanzhi The 18 states have implemented the evaluation of civilized cities.

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