Taoist Law

Chapter 138 Discrimination Policy

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Zhao Ran's meaning is to make full use of the functions of the Division, register by the monks coming from the sea, and issued documents.

So, what form is used to issue a monk syndrome? How can I send the monk to truly send it to the hand repair? How to ensure that the monk will not discard it after getting your hands?

For the question of Li Da Yin, Zhao Ran gave a clear answer: "Implement discrimination policy."

However, in the registration of the Division, the scriptures of the repair certificate can be used to be dedicated to the Central Plains, the same treatment is as follows:

First, you can participate in the three martial arts, the two of the Zongsheng Hall, and gain a steepler;

Second, it is possible to participate in the purchase and redemption of the ball lottery, no trisss, need to pay two0% of the betting tax at the time of redemption;

Third, you can participate in the competition of the practice of the ball;

Its four, "Junshan Notes", "Imperial City", "Gossip", "Dragon Hill", "Naddan", "Lingbao Xin said", is eligible for the wishes and overseas;

Fifth, there is a qualification for the proxy practice of lottery in wishes and overseas;

Sixth, there is a qualification for new flying characters in wishes and overseas;


"Lao Li, we can charge the medical fee management fee. The repair certificate is changed for one year. It took ten silver children a year. Of course, if any of the scatters wanted to turn for ten years, then pay one hundred and two silver. In the past year, we have a push for a thousand scattered repairs. Our annual management fee can receive 10,000. If it is 10,000 people, we can receive 100,000. "

The so-called discrimination policy is to give the above-mentioned treatment for the scatter of the certification practice, and those who have not been certified, naturally can't get these benefits. Only the difference is reflected, people will take the initiative to apply for the repair fee, and will be willing to pay this management fee.

Li Daishe listened to the treatment of Zhao Ran, nodded after listening to: "Understand, the management fee for more than 100,000 years, this scale is not small, but I thought that if the repair certificate system can be implemented, The benefit is not in the management fee. "

Thinking on a moment, said: "If you want to do this, the Division must have you, the main tube of Jinghui's big refining teacher is to talk about the law, however, she is very small, and can't manage it. Let me go to the teacher, please nominate you to the Division of Division, you and I have two side prints. "

Zhao Ruyi: "It is better to live."

Going back to the Xuanzhan Palace, Zhao Ran saw the latest rummer, the newspaper on the case, and the newspaper in the newspaper, Zhao Ran watched his eyes, It was attracted by an article.

"The housekeeper gives the middle minister Huo Wei; for the people of the people, the way of the country, with the way to count the country, clear the ministers, seeking clearance:

The household, the world is governed. Everything is not suitable, there will be no longer call it. Therefore, there is no way to fade, but the people are responsible for the ministers and the people. Considering the responsibility, and the Jun Dao said, his position was incomvented, or illegal, it made the disaster, and the upper and lower disorders.

Before the person: "The country is used, it is not displayed." Movie is bleed, the world is ruined; the use is insufficient, the disaster shortage is not far away; the man-made is not far away; This is obtained. The household is the same, and the majesty is strong, with the national plan ... "

This is another play of Huo Hao, and the households are still in the book with household money, and the public payment is misappropriated.

Huo Wei's episode did not talk about the mysterious martyrdom should not interfere, but it all knows what the problem pointed out. What he played is the same, but in fact, it is actually the right to make the palace.

At the beginning, Zhao Ran is aware of his own equivalent. He is not only the right, but also to build a civilized city, and prepare for the three major events of the bridge. It will be in essence. The martyrdom hand.

But I want him to admit this, it is absolutely impossible. In the form of a form, he did not take a look at the roots!

Repairing the Beijing road is running through charity. It should also help this good and Shangyuan, Jiangning two counties are assisted for this kind of good, even if they are helped, the Juananyou Palace is also a bit forced, there is no money, No one wants people, but give you overtime, what is the interference?

This is even more such that the registration is purely voluntary, and it is not started to build a bridge.

Therefore, the content of the chapter does not have a direct impact on him, but this matter cannot be regardless of the matter. Although the other party has no way, the person who is moving is the same, and the book is the most important in Beijing. Allies, if Books have been in the same time, or they have been made with gray faces, these measures to him will form an important impact - no one dares to cooperate with him again in the future.

Zhao Ran remembered that the book was paid to Wang Zongyi with a thousand two silver. Although the money was very small, but at this time, it will have less money. The other party is painful, even if only one hundred and two, can achieve the same Effect.

Zhao Ran took out the post, and I plan to give people to the government. Please see how Wang Zongyi will see it. Let's first understand how he received this thousand silver.

Just calling people, the knowledge will come in to tell, saying that the Zhan's house is Zhang Junzhi asked, Zhao Ran let the knowledge will come in.

Seeing the face, Zhao Ran asked: "Uncle is here, is it for Huo Wei?"

Zhang Ju is nod to: "For this reason, this Huo Wei is a madman. It was in hand without self-knowledge, first, Wangfu Yin, now actually burned the fire to Gan Shangshi, really wants to find a mad. Unfortunately, he doesn't know, but it is made by people. "

Zhao Ran asked: "Uncle is going to remind Gan Shangshu, this matter is not very much, the mad dog bites people come and hurt. On the side of Gan Shangshu, what are you preparing? Who are you talking about?"

Zhang Ju Zhengdao: "The person who makes the knife is a river, Yang Yiqing, and Yang Yiqing, the people of Jingwang. Yang Yiqing saw Liang Youyi in the first two days, seeing Wangfu Yin, unhappy. After Yang Yiqing When the main party of the repair book, I got this news, so I will tell Huo Wei, Huo Shu is here. "

Zhao Ran is somewhat amazing: "Uncle, do you listen so clear?"

Zhang Juzheng smiled: "Gan Shiquan let the officials come over, specially informing the abbot, the matter is not a hurry, please wait for the next article."

Zhao Ran has a real understanding: "Do you need me here?"

Zhang Ju Zhengdao: "There are a few articles, you have to send" gossip "," Huangcheng inside and outside ", please abstine to reserve a place."

Zhao Ruyi Head: "Know, rest assured."

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