Taoist Law

Chapter 139

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The toilet of the two heads of the Juananyi Street finally built, the day of completion, the east of the public toilet gateway took a simple bamboo shed, the bamboo shed, the brilliance, the brocilt, Shangyuan County Lu Ziyu and Liang Youzhen looked away, Before the bamboo shed and respectful.

The nineteen special labor brigade monks, hundreds of Xuanko family gathered outside the toilet, waiting for the upcoming ribbon-cutting ceremony.

Liang Youyi has once again around the public toilet, and it has been transferred to the bamboo shed. I have been organized, I have been organized. I don't know how many times. I have answered the couplets on the bamboo gate, and I shake it. Shaking his head, sighing the Lu Zi Yu sitting on a straw stool: "The content is an appropriate, but the rhyme is always not very worn, but the time is too tight, it is easy to say fine, and it is a pity."

Lu Zhuyu took the beans and threw the side of the mouth and smiled. "Liang Da is still worried, take pictures, enough, and then say that Zhao Fangzi doesn't pay attention to this."

Liang You was shaking his head: "Zhao Hui is a big talents, poetry singing the world, I am afraid that he doesn't want to read ... There is also this word, and there are too many staying up late, always write a rhyme, I hope that the abbot does not joke. "

After a while, I asked: "Is Peng Fangtu really come?"

Lu Zhao is noddate: "Peng Fang is in the practice of the ball competition, you know, Peng President, on the weekdays, even if I have rare, he has already shown it in advance, this time no The appearance. "

When these two chats, the special labor brigade, the young fourteen monarch couldn't stand the breath, and he said: "It was originally unpleasant in three or two days. The more I said that I am not allowed to pull today. The more I want to pull, I have a lot of money! Old ancient, you are anxious? "

Gu Hao turned a white eye: "If you want to eat a stick, you will try it. Don't believe it, how much will you pull?"

The fourteen monarch made a cold, and it seems that the urgent point is scared to have a lot.

He is just right, but the third disciple of the old man can't help but hold it. "The 14th is correct, the teacher, I want to be convenient ..."

Gu's old man whisper: "Be careful, don't blow the paper, the head is pressed down, and what is the side? Give it to me!"

Yang Xiangjin, who was appointed as the Special Labor Brigade, came to one person to stand in front of him, and bounced back on the whiteboard after neck: "Xiao Shao, do you have a diaper?"

Shao Yuxing was scared to face: "Yang He, really not bad, from the beginning, it will be repeatedly reminded that it is not allowed to sprite, and it has been reminded that it is nothing. It is nothing to say, this is true. Can't help but ... "

Yang Xianjin pops out the whiteboard: "Live!"

Shao Yanxun is moving two steps, Yang first turned and retired, and I didn't know where to come out of a barrel of water, I was written in front of Shao Wei, the whiteboard behind the neck wrote: "Drink Light!"

Looking at Yang's first cuffs slowly reached a wooden stick, Shao Yuxing swallowed the mouth, and lifted the wooden bucket and started to the mouth.

, ... ...

Yang Xianjin continued to write on the whiteboard behind his neck: "From Yesterday, you will take you, let you still have a latch, it is to launch the public toilet, it is that you built this public toilet, Zhao Hashi said. ..... "

(The last line disappears, the next line appears): "You are the creator of urban civilization, you will be the first user of this public toilet, now the urine is finished, how to urinate for a while, is not an important part .. .... "

(Continue to wrap): "Looking up, listen to me, don't look at it."

Seeing that everyone still does not focus on their own whiteboard, Yang's advanced small wooden stick explores from the sleeves, knocking the whiteboard hard ...

The fourteen monarch closed his eyes, forced himself, did not see Shao Wei, drinking water, not listening to Shaoji, drizzling,

This sound is like a command, opened the gate of the 14th monarch, and a warmth rushed down on the pants tube. He had a burst of embarrassment: "Oh ..."

At the same time, it is the old man, boss, old second, old three ...

Yang first grabbed his eyes, Russia, and the urgent and corrupt copy of the small wooden stick, he was a mad, the whiteboard flying after the neck flying the subtitles: "Rebubilize, replenish the water ..."

When Zhao Ran arrived, the drumming sound suddenly sounded, he was very helpless, but he had to take advantage of the tippiens, he was directed by Lu Zhun and Liang You, first looked at the wooden shed, and shaking his head and shaking the brain. Fan: "Take the intestines, the smoke, Tong Hao grain round, horizontal batch: Tiandao cycle." Then the praise of "praise" is really wonderful. "

After reading the wooden shed, I went in to see the toilet. After reading the toilet, I came out to the question: civilized public toilet.

After the topic is over, there should be two sentences in the request of the masses, and it is necessary to say that it is hoped that the people of Juananyi will be in the public toilet, and the excrement is also poured into the tunnel, and the help of managing the public toilet must The key shot created by the Civilized City of Shangyuan County is to do the sanitation workers who are beneficial to the people, and do not make a good manure cloud cloud.

After that, I walked into the bamboo shed in the blow to sing, and Lu Zhun, Liang You, will cut the satin of the red flower into four pieces - a lot of women see this scene is the eyelids, secret road "Working".

After the scrissal is completed, it is the link to the public toilet, so Yang first took the lead, and he took the public toilet to the macro to the toilet and put it in the water.

Liang Youzhen smiled and served Zhao Ran, witness the entire process of public toilet.

Zhao Ran looked at a row and stood in the unesthesis, and the forehead on the forehead, and each of them was neatly pressed into the nose. It wrote a string of numbers above. Laugh, it's hard to hold back.


On the two days, Zhao Ran has been paying attention to the reactions of the various parties after the test, and overall looks, it is stable, and the people are full of sympathy, how to solve the problem of rivers. He gradually started from the street lane.

The capital of the capital is very good, especially this kind of thing about itself, the people who take the initiative, such as the river, in the guidance of "Huangcheng,", and offer a decision-making article If the snow is sent to the Journal Editorial Department.

The editorial department will pick or merge, which will bring all kinds of opinions. Of course, agree or biased the bridge, which will account for half. The article of other neutral opinions accounts for three, the remaining five-fifth First, it will also be approved by the opposition bridge.

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