Taoist Law

Chapter 152 Chemistry

The water fire two did not have a deep reflection, and the Zhao Fei gun "of the Dafa couldn't stop the Dafa". The water trades were seriously injured by Zhao Fei on the spot. The two were in a coma, next to this scene. The fire man is tongue.

Gu Hao's teacher seized this rare opportunity, four episodes finally succumbed, one hit, will be dying in a clear chaos.

Sheng End Ming played the fly character, urged the Xintang Monk, who was surrounded, but there was no feedback from the audio, but there was no more people in the same way.

Even if he is inexplicably, it will be slow, and it is necessary to have a master. It is inevitable to save the old man, and it is difficult to say that today's things is, even if you are awkward today, and you will mention each other. Hengshan and Zhao Fei, the three knives grabbed the water and fire, withdraw from the killing, and took the ball in a busy bus, and several landing failed.

Gu Hao's Teachers and Five people are already the power to exhaust, and all committed, obviously not light.

Zhao Ran did not pursue, the other party also had a thin-ended refining teacher, and it is not necessary to go to the front-border challenge. If you can leave the old man, it is already the best battle.

Zhao Ran once again sent Zhang Fei to the Oriental Ceremony, confirming that they were only three miles, and they can arrive in the moment, so they are not anxious, they are waiting for the Oriental Gifts and Gide. I watched the laws in the field, and I came out.

Gu Yaosheng, I saw Zhao Ran in front of him, and then smiled and shook his head - the front and farther assassinated each other. I didn't see the mother's figure. When I didn't want to see it, it is At the moment, this scenery is really campaign!

Four apprentices also face each other, I don't know how it is good.

Gu Queao sighed and said: "I have never thought of, saving my teacher and fur, actually is the Xuanzhan Palace Zhao Fangzhang, Tianyi ..."

Zhao Ran asked: "As the Lord of Xiuyi, this is the top three palace, why is it in the same room today? It is very curious about the poor road. Please let go of me."

The boss is behind the opening: "Zhao Squash, your old man is a lot, ask us to explain, only to let go of my teacher, all guilty, our brothers, four bear."

Zhao Rong said: "Don't worry, who should do any sin, will be clear and white, water fall." Said, throw a few ropes, throw it.

Gu Yao took a rope, did not dare to be lucky, got up, first tied a few apprentices, and then wrapped his body and flew Zhaoran.

Zhao Ranli wired, Gu Yao head, Zhao Ranz Xu: "This is good, and I learned it again."

During the speech, the Oriental Gifts, Wei Chaozong and Wei San Niang arrived. They got out of their lives at first glance, and asked the two sentences. Zhao Ran only said that the other party two defeats, I got a leak.

The East is pleased with Zhao Ran's shoulder: "If you can't make it, it is not you, this time I take the time for a few months!"

Zhao Ran smiled and took them to the fishing village, and eight Xingling Palace monks bundled with red rope and tied to the rope: "These are all looking at the wind, and I saw it, I saw it. Let's give a gift brother and guardian. "

The Wei Chaozong is very intertwelled, and I have studied some of the past, to Zhao Rong: "It's a good way to do, today is more anxious, there are not many delays, and I will have to take a test."

Zhao Ran smiled: "It is better to be a master, but it is also a master. I don't believe that the brother can look at the rope on him, this is his own tied."

Wei Chaozong turned to study the rope of the old man's apprentice, Dongfang Ring Road: "Let's go to the interrogation to learn, if you haven't exposed? What's the matter, let's contact, you may have a little marking Squiring one or two. "

Zhao Ran promised, sent the Oriental Gifts, and when I was going to return to the mysterious temple, my heart was hesitant. I wonder if I would like to "cleaning the battlefield", so it is preferred to open the Dafa, point some peas.

The result of the point is to go back to the Xuankan Palace. Zhao Ran stepped into a moment, suddenly curious, the heart said that this time does not follow the preferred Dafa, what is the result? I think of it, so I turned back to the just fight, and I sailed it carefully.

Search for a moment, I found some silver tickets scattered in the ruins, about 78,000!

After the silver ticket, it is beautiful, and it is a little annoyed. If you just return to the Xuanko Palace according to the preferred Dafa, what will be the benefit? Do you say that there is more money on the road?


Zhu Long is waiting for the results of the murder of Jiang Xinshazhou. I didn't expect to wait until the Sheng Dynasty. The Sheng Dynasty took a group of residual soldiers. It was a big throne. Inquiry, Sheng End is clear, but only says that it is a surrounding There is between it, Gu Kexue is rescued, but who is saved, how many people have come to the other side, but I don't know.

Then I asked the eight Xingling Palace monks arranged to be in the wind. The Sheng End Ming also said that no one will respond, and Zhu Long recommends going back to find a look, the Sheng End is not dare, he argued: "People must have an accident However, the flyback contact, this has already explained the problem. I can escape from it is not easy. At this time, if you go back to find, there is a sadness of falling. "

Zhu Long, secretly Xiangling palace, a part of waste, from top to bottom! But in my heart, he didn't say a face. He is just a golden monk in Chao Tiande, even if he pays attention to Qi Wang, but it will not come to see the big demon.

Sheng Dynasty urgently took the people to the Xingling Palace, and the seven-star monks had four serious injuries. For the hitter of the Xingling Palace, he went back to see the way to diagnose a few injured.

Zhu Lun has no choice but to the Jiangxinshazhou, this action failed, Gu Kegrach teacher was rescued, and the consequences were quite serious. He didn't know how to face Qi Wang. I want to want to go, or decide the fishing village who takes the risk to fight to see, and then decide the next step.

In the dark, Zhu Long hides the body shape, quietly crossing the river, and carefully close the fishing village of today's fighting law. Although he is a Master of Jin Dan, he has not experienced life and death. It belongs to a fishery monk, which is safe and stable. At this moment, it has been attacked, it has been true, and it is not exempted, and it is not exemption. This feat, when there is an ancient heroes!

He has slowly entered the small fishing village slowly, then ... he saw a person in the ruins, this person is the imperial palace Zhang Zhao Zhaowei.

He saw Zhao Ziran, bending his waist and kept search in the ruins.

This is enough. Gu can enrich the hands of Zhao Ran, learned about this result, Zhu Long did not dare to delay this place, hurriedly rushed back to the Tiantian Palace.

PS: This book is selected from the 19th place, thank you for the efforts of 515 activities, thanks to the special white recommended text, welcome the Taoist friends to give a little bit.

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